Calypso Gateway
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Monria Beginner's Flow: Genesis > Crystalline Cavern > Calypso Gateway > Monria Hub
Calypso Gateway[edit]
Calypso Gateway is the beginners main tutorial area for new players of Planet Calypso, ROCKtropia and Monria. The area is accessed by leaving Crystalline Cavern. From Calypso Gateway Planet Calypso and ROCKtropia players proceed to Camp Icarus, Monria players proceed to Monria Hub.
General notes: 1. The images in this guide will probably not show the visuals you experience because these are depending on graphics setting and time of arrival (there's time of day lighting) 2. The guide is following the experience of a Planet Calypso player, there might be minor differences for ROCKtropia and Monria players. 3. MindArk is constantly reviewing the area and applying minor improvements
How to get to Calypso Gateway[edit]
You can enter Calypso Gateway by leaving the Crystalline Cavern. You are not supposed to go back to the Crystalline Cavern, so you might want to make sure you have finished the Target Practise mission there.
Old player wanting to go through the gateway mission chain? Start there: Crystalline Cavern for old players
Arrival at Calypso Gateway[edit]
You arrive at Calypso Gateway approximately at Position (66680, 71404, 878). You can check your position by pressing P. When arriving at Calypso Gateway you should have a mission called "Find Mr Yoshida", check the mission section further below.
Calypso Gateway Missions Walkthrough[edit]
On Calypso Gateway you can go through a set of story-driven tutorial missions which give you a first overview of the game's features and functionality as well as award you a number of items and skills. It is highly recommended to do these missions but there is also the option to bypass the tutorial which is not recommended, not at last because you are not supposed to get back to Calypso Gateway.
These are the 18 missions:
- Find Mr Yoshida
- Report To Jimmy
- Limited Connectivity
- Pest Eradication
- Power Struggle
- A Message From Yoshida
- Unfinished Business
- Analyzing The Sample
- Fuel My Fire
- Another Message From Yoshida
- Prospective Prospector
- Rifles, Assemble
- Shooting Star
- Inspect-A-Gadget
- That Others May Live
- The Grand Finale
- Hangar Hangout
- A New Beginning
Read also:
Find Mr Yoshida[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Find Mr Yoshida
"Find Mr Yoshida" is the first mission after your arrival on Calypso Gateway and it's a very simple one. You just need to walk a few steps from your point of a arrival towards Mr Yoshida and the mission is done.
Report To Jimmy[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Report To Jimmy
It is not recommended to skip the whole tutorial described on this page and proceed to Camp Icarus, but at this point you have the option.
The mission in the Quest/Mission Log
Jimmy is just about ~40m away. He should have a target marker indicating the distance. Also his position appears as a waypoint on the Radar and the Map (press M to open/close the map).
Limited Connectivity[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Limited Connectivity
Pest Eradication[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Pest Eradication The introductionary dialogue to this mission is to be found at the end of the preceding mission "Limited Connectivity".
The mission is started as soon as completing the preceding "Limited Connectivity", NPC Jimmy at (66732, 71382, 876). The objective is to kill 3 Pygmy Chompers
For killing creatures you can switch between two modes by pressing space:
- "Aim mode": aim at creature the with crosshairs, click left mouse-button to shoot
- "Cursor mode": press left mouse button on a creature and drag the health bar, left-click the health bar to shootTo loot a dead creature in "Aim mode" double-click the carcass or in "Cursor mode", right-click the health bar and choose "Loot" from the dropdown menu, you either get a "no loot" message in the chat or a loot window
Jimmy is still located at the exit of Genesis Alpha Station, just as at the start of the mission
Power Struggle[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Power Struggle
Vehicle How-to
The fuel (Oil) can be found in the inventory i) under the "Mined Resources" tab.The mission gets completed (rewarded with Electonics skills) and the dialogue for the next mission "A Message From Yoshida" starts
A Message From Yoshida[edit]
Mission page: Mission:A Message From Yoshida
As soon as you approach Paul the mission gets completed (reward: Vivo Explorer (L)) and the dialogue for the next mission "Unfinished Business" starts
Unfinished Business[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Unfinished Business
The drill rig can be found at Lake Phrys at Position ~(67500, 71145, 733)
The mission gets completed (reward: Skill:First Aid Skill) and the dialogue for the next mission "To Camp Amundsen" starts
To Camp Amundsen[edit]
Mission page: Mission:To Camp Amundsen
The recipient of the sample is to be found at Position ~(68035, 71272, 683)
The mission gets completed (reward:
Athletics) and the dialogue for the next mission "Analyzing the sample" starts
Analyzing The Sample[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Analyzing The Sample
Economy Intro 1
How to use the Trade Terminal (TT)Economy Intro 3
What are PED?Economy Intro 4
How do you get PED? (see also: Depositing money into Entropia Universe and About Making Money in Entropia UniverseYou receive 2 Hides and the actual mission starts, objective: Purchase 100 Synthetic Mind Essence
The next Trade Terminal is located at Position ~(68019, 71201, 683)
Lauren Lord can be found at Position ~(78034 71280, 683), a soon as you approach her a dialogue starts, click through the dialogue
Fuel My Fire[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Fuel My Fire
The Oil Field is located at Position ~(67962, 71028, 722)
The Oil Field has 3 claim rods, operate (right-click -> "Operate" OR double-click) one after another to extract Crude Oil
The extracted oil will be shown in a Loot Window, the progress in the mission objective is tracked in the Quest/Mission Log: "Oil Barrels Extracted: (X/10)
Another Message From Yoshida[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Another Message From Yoshida
The supply is located further down the road leaving Camp Amundsen at Position ~(68767, 71043, 657)
Retriev the mining equipment by operating each piece:
-Genesis Star Rookie Finder (L)
-Genesis Star Rookie Extractor (L)
-Survey ProbesAs soon as you have all equipment the mission gets completed (reward:
Geology) and the dialogue for the next mission "Prospective Prospector" starts
Prospective Prospector[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Prospective Prospector
The Help Terminal right in front of the pod contains a brief Mining Tutorial, you can read it there or on the following 10 images, alternatively everything is explained again after the next 10 images (a detailed mining guide can be found there: Mining guide
To equip the finder open the Inventory (i), click the "Tools" tab (5th from above), right-click the Genesis Star Rookie Finder (L), choose "Equip" from the drop-down
The equiped finder is displayed in the Status panel and its interface is displayed too, at this point it is recommended to search for Energy Matter only - to do so activatt only the middle of the 3 buttons
Move ~50m away from the pod, operate the finder (=dropping a Survey Probe) by double-clicking the Health bar in the status panel
Moving ~50m before dropping the next probe increases the chance to find resources - in any case after you've dropped 5 probes a the objecive gets completed, a message pops up and the next objective is activated: "Travel to Scott's Ridge"
Pass through the rock formation known as "The Twins"
As soon as you approach Scott's Ridge the objective gets completed and the next "Talk to Rusty" gets activated
Rusty can be found at Position ~(67607, 69952, 734) at Scott's Ridge
The mission gets completed (reward:
Geology), click through the dialogue, and the next mission "Rifles, Assemble!" starts
Rifles, Assemble[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Rifles, Assemble
Amir is to be found at Position ~(67608, 69950, 738) on the tower at Scott's Ridge
A Help Terminal containing a brief construction tutorial can be found just down the stairs
Three "Genesis Star Battle Rifles" will be displayed in a Loot window, next objective: "Deliver The Rifles To Amir"
The mission gets completed (reward:
Laser Weaponry Technology), and the dialogue continues with the next mission "Shooting Star"
Shooting Star[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Shooting Star
You receive a Slidek P30 (L) grenade launcher, 2k Explosive Projectiles (ammunition) and a nw objective: "Search for traces of the missing shuttle craft"
The shuttle craft is located at Postion ~(67501, 70346, 678), the "Starfinder Crash Site"
As soon as you approach the shuttle craft the misson gets completed (reward:
Support Weapon Systems skill) and the dialogue for the next mission "Inspect-A-Gadget" starts
Mission page: Mission:Inspect-A-Gadget
As soon as you operate the recorder the mission gets completed (reward:
Courage) and the dialogue for the next mission "That others may live" starts
That Others May Live[edit]
Mission page: Mission:That Others May Live
The crew member is located in an area called Jotun Falls
The approximate Position of the crew member is (66962, 70893, 723), as soon as you approach there's a new objective: "Investigate The Device"
The device is a "Communicator" next to the crew member, as soon as you operate it the mission gets completed (reward
Anatomy skill) and the dialogue for the next mission "The Grande Finale" starts
The Grand Finale[edit]
Mission page: Mission:The Grand Finale
Hangar Hangout[edit]
Mission page: Mission:Hangar Hangout
A New Beginning[edit]
Mission page: Mission:A New Beginning
Please note: By finishing this mission you will leave Calypso Gateway and you are not supposed to come back. Please make sure you don't leave items in your Calypso Gateway storage and you have your vehicle in your inventory. Also you might want to explore Calypso Gateway a little bit more before leaving. As a player of Monria you leave Calypso Gateway to Monria Hub, only Calypso and ROCKtropia players leave to Camp Icarus.
Doesn't take you to directly to Port Atlantis (PA) but to Camp Icarus (CI) south-east of PA.
What to do after Calypso Gateway[edit]
Planet Calypso players[edit]
For Calypso players the next stop after Calypso Gateway is Camp Icarus. There are a few new missions available at and around Camp Icarus, as well as some other interesting activities and locations. Also Camp Icarus is quite populated with other beginners and veteran players as well. You might want to proceed doing the missions and explore the environment.
ROCKtropia players[edit]
Just as for Calypso players for ROCKtropia players the next stop after Calypso Gateway is Camp Icarus as well. You might want to enjoy what Camp Icarus has to offer (see above) or visit the Sky lounge in Port Atlantis and taking advantage of the free trip to ROCKtropia.
Monria players[edit]
For Monria players the next stop after Calypso Gateway is Monria Hub. There are a few new missions available at Monria, as well as interesting locations to explore.
Calypso Gateway maps and locations[edit]
Genesis Alpha Station[edit]
Lake Phrys[edit]
Camp Amundsen[edit]
The supply pod[edit]
The Twins[edit]
Scott's Ridge[edit]
Starfinder Crash Site[edit]
Jotun Falls[edit]
Robot Structure[edit]
Spaceport Helios[edit]
Funny but not recommended to do:
Original press release[edit]
Gothenburg, Sweden - Planet Calypso AB, developer and publisher of Planet Calypso, sci-fi MMO based in the Entropia Universe, announced today that new players now have easier access to the game. Calypso's improved Gateway gives beginning colonists a dedicated location in which to start out, get missions and learn about the gameplay and economics of the game in a safe environment.
Planet Calypso is known for its real-cash economy, sci-fi backstory, lush visuals and a very steep learning curve. Enter Calypso Gateway, the innovative starting point for newcomers. With this new update, the area now features a simpler linear layout. It also contains significantly more information about the gameplay of Planet Calypso and Entropia Universe. The "New Colonist Experience" even includes free items and skills to get new players going with weapons, ammo, armor and even a vehicle.
The Calypso Gateway is on its own island allowing players a safe place to get to know the planet and Entropia Universe. It is the first point-of-contact with the game, after the avatar creation process. Calypso Gateway features unique introductory missions to orient new players and make sure they have vital equipment. Newcomers will be able to engage in hunting, mining and crafting, using the equipment given. The tutorial-like mission structure allows players to learn about Calypso, the Real Cash Economy model and the way the basic features work.
Planet Calypso is the oldest of the planets in the Entropia Universe, with over one million registered accounts and over $400 million USD per year in user-to-user transactions. As part of the largest real economy game in the world players have the ability to participate in a science-fiction MMO where they have no monthly costs. Instead players have the ability to deposit real funds for their adventures on Calypso, or withdraw funds at any time for use in the real world. Planet Calypso is a free download available at the game's official website at
About Planet Calypso AB Planet Calypso AB develops and markets Planet Calypso, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the Entropia Platform, and is part of the Entropia Universe. Set in a distant future, the planet Calypso is home to an expanding human colony engaged with the natural and economic elements of establishing their new civilization.
For more information on Planet Calypso AB (PCAB) and Planet Calypso please contact us at the numbers below or go to our website at
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
- Calypso Gateway (Forum section on
- Calypso Gateway (Old) - first version of the area before it was completely redesigned in VU ???