Item:Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg

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EBN: Status Update from Treasure Island

08 March 2013

Jermaine: “You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

Tonight’s top story:

“The federal empire - omniscient, omnipresent, benevolent and just sustainer and protector of mankind“.

But first, we’ll take you to Treasure Island Castle, where our reporter, CJ Weave, has an update on the effort to hatch the Egg. CJ?”

CJ: Thanks, Jermaine. Charles Marvin and his team have started the procedure that they say will finally reveal the contents of the fabled Egg. The team of scientists says-

Brigadier General Yevgeny de Souza: “This is CDF Ground Forces Commander Yevgeny de Souza, transmitting on all frequencies.

Multiple warships of unknown origin have entered Calypso’s atmosphere. The fleet is currently over north-west Amethera, heading south-east at high speed. All civilians are urged to stay calm and keep clear; the CDF will intercept the vessels before they reach any major population centers. End transmission.”

Jermaine: ”Uh... Okay. Back over to CJ. CJ?”

CJ Weave: “Thanks, Jermaine. Like I said, Charles Marvin and his team have initiated the procedure that they say will finally reveal the contents of the Egg. The team of scientists says that the Egg still needs to be incubated a while longer, but it’s merely a question of time before it hatches.

I will be reporting to you from Treasure Island until... until....”

Jermaine: “CJ? What’s all that commotion? Is the Egg hatching?”

CJ Weave: “No, it’s - we’re being attacked! Please, send he-”

Jermaine: “CJ? CJ!

Well, folks, it appears we have lost the feed. Uh... Enjoy these messages from our sponsor, the Genesis Star corporation, while our technicians work on getting the feed back up.”

EBN: Status Update from Treasure Island

EBN: Egg-citing news out of Treasure Island - and that’s no yolk!

08 March 2013

Jermaine the Anchorman: “You’re watching Entropia Breaking News. I’m your host, Jermaine Johansson.

Today’s top story:

A major announcement coming out of Treasure Island. We go now to our reporter, CJ Weave, who is reporting live from Treasure Island Castle. CJ?”

CJ Weave: “Thanks, Jermaine.

'Aaaah, The Egg...' A standing joke among Calypsians, ever since entrepreneur-colonist Zachurm “Deathifier” Emegen bought the petrified ovum for a fantastical amount of PED. Now, scientists say, we might finally get to hear the punchline.

The Egg will hatch - if everything goes as planned, that is.

We are joined now by renowned Xenobiologist Charles Marvin, who is leading the project to hatch the Egg.

“Charles, how exactly do you plan on hatching the Egg?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: “It’s simple, really. The Egg was extracted from the carcass of the Atrox Queen - it was never brought to term. We intend to ‘tell’ the Egg that it’s time to hatch, by subjecting it to a cocktail of hormones... Atrox and otherwise.”

CJ Weave: “What exactly do you hope to accomplish by hatching the Egg?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: “Knowledge. The Egg is a xenobiological anomaly. It will remain a missing link in our understanding of this world we call Calypso until it hatches.

And who knows what we could learn from whatever hides within the egg?”

CJ Weave: “Charles, it’s an Atrox Queen egg; would it not be safe to assume that it contains an atrox?”

Xenobiologist Charles Marvin: Well... Uhm... Good point. Hmm... It’s actually a green Atrox Queen egg, so...”

CJ Weave: Thank you, professor. For EBN News, I’m CJ Weave. Back to you at the station.

Jermaine: “Well, there you have it, folks. A new chapter in Calypso’s history, or the world’s most expensive omelet? I personally can’t wait to find out. Stay tuned.”

EBN: Egg-citing news out of Treasure Island - and that’s no yolk!

Event: Recovering the Unique Green Atrox Egg from the Maffoid

29 July 2010

"For over a month The Egg has sat in a dark shed out in the middle of the frozen wastes of western Amethera, its position having been pinpointed by a number of adventurous colonists.

It is now time to recover The Egg so that it can begin its journey back to Treasure Island.

This requires the Maffoid threat in the area to be temporarily neutralised.

Three separate hour-long assaults will be launched on the 1st of August, their targets being the Maffoid Leadership Caste that resides in OLA-33.

These assaults will be organised through the Calypso Event System, and entry is free.

Calypso Colonists are invited to join in one or more of the assaults. The three people who collect the most loot from fallen Maffoid in each assault will each be rewarded with 175 PED for their efforts.

Colonists who wish to participate yet do not wish to engage the Maffoid directly are invited to scout for those fighting and discuss strategies for returning The Egg to Treasure Island. The results of these strategy discussions will help determine the path The Egg takes on its way home.

If you wish to participate please register at the OLA-33 control tower, located here: 21700, 43250

The nearest teleporter is located on OLA-34 at: 23000, 44200

To avoid last minute complications please register in advance.

The times of the assaults are below and I look forward to seeing you there :) - Deathifier

Assault One: Australian
Entropia Time (UTC) – 10:30am
SA/NT - 8pm
WA - 6:30pm
New Zealand - 10:30pm

Assault Two: European
Entropia Time (UTC) – 7:30pm (19:30)
France/Germany – 9:30pm
Sweden - 9:30pm

Assault Three: American
Entropia Time (UTC) – 2:30am (2nd August)
Pacific Time – 7:30pm (1st August)
Mountain Time – 8:30pm
Central Time – 9:30pm
Eastern Time – 10:30pm"


Competition: Where did my Egg go!?

17 May 2010

"My Egg is missing!

It is believed that last Friday someone or something swapped out The Egg for a fake and took off with the real one.

I only learned about the theft when I arrived at the Australia vs. Italy match on Sunday and a fellow team member, Addz, informed me that my pretty Green Atrox Egg has been replaced by a rather small imitation decorative egg.

Worst of all this imitation egg isn’t even the right colour!

By now whoever or whatever has taken The Egg could be anywhere on Calypso.

Thus I require assistance from the community in locating my Egg and finding out who or what is responsible for taking it. The thieves will then be dealt with appropriately [IMG]

I am offering a 50 PED reward for information on, and visual confirmation of, the location of my Egg.

The first person to post visual confirmation (a screenshot) of The Egg in this thread will receive a 50 PED reward.

NOTE: This offer is also on another community forum and a single avatar may receive at most one reward (i.e. if you post in this and the other forum thread you will only win once).

IMPORTANT: The screenshot of The Egg must clearly show your avatar name and the current date and time in the chat window. You may obscure other details such as the balance of your PED card and the other content in your chat window.

CLUES: At present the only clue available is that whoever or whatever stole The Egg has likely gotten tired of carrying it around (The Egg is rather heavy after all) and has put it down somewhere.

Further clues may become available after I review security footage from the suspected time of theft and debrief my lazy egg guards.

In the meantime please help find my Egg!

Update: You are encouraged to post that you've found the egg even if others have already found it, I'd like overwhelming evidence of the eggs location!

- Deathifier"


Visual update:Ahhh the... Decorative!? Egg

31 March 2010

"A few weeks ago I noticed something unusual when searching for an item in storage.

The Unique Green Atrox egg which I had previously placed, very carefully, in storage to keep it safe looked different – it was smaller, with a very detailed image replacing its previous simple egg image that it has had since being discovered years ago.

A detailed examination revealed that the egg is now contained in a decorative enclosure.

Most interestingly it appears that the enclosure has some sort of shielding system integrated into it. Whether this is to protect the egg from accidental damage, or to protect us from the egg, is not immediately obvious.

For now I have placed the egg in the courtyard of my mansion, near Treasure Island’s central teleporter, as a safety measure – I do not know what the quality, or purpose, of the eggs new shielding system is and I’d rather it be out in the open if it was to catastrophically fail.

Other than its new decorative look there have been no other observed changes even with the recent re-appearance of unusual Atrox species.

I’m fairly confident that those didn’t come from the egg as there was no mini-Atrox running around storage trying to bite my arm off when I took the egg out

Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg 2010.jpg

The mansion remains publically accessible and visitors to the island are more than welcome to take a look at the eggs fancy new enclosure

If you don't want to trek all the way over to my house you can take a look at the pic on my website.

Enjoy, Deathifier"


Egg bought by Deathifier

06 February 2010

"To the great surprise of the Calypso community I bid on and won the Unique Green Atrox Egg that Neverdie placed on auction recently, paying 696969 PED for it.

I have watched with interest the comments surrounding the auction, the speculation afterwards, and the press releases from Neverdie and First Planet Company (FPC).

Whilst disbelief that I would buy a seemingly useless egg for such a large amount of PED is understandable, the transaction is legitimate – I won the auction, I now own the egg and Neverdie now has a large pile of PED.

Claims that the transaction was just a publicity stunt, that I received part of the purchase price back, or that the transaction included some share of Neverdie’s companies, are all false.

I also do not know what will hatch out of it, and neither does Neverdie.

I do, however, believe that whatever hatches will be unique and interesting, and unique is a valuable label to have in a virtual world whose lifespan will be measured in decades :)

I also believe that FPC has had an “egg plan” for quite some time now and that the effort required to produce VU10 delayed its implementation. With VU10 done I believe that they may now have time to complete their plan, and I purchased the egg hoping that whatever happens to it will happen this year or early next year.

It was nice to learn what Neverdie will be using the money for – for him the egg has hatched into a tidy profit with which he will fund his next big hit on the dance music scene, “One More Crazy Summer” by Cheri Moon.

I wish Neverdie and Cheri all the best with their endeavours, they sound like a lot of fun :)

For us on Calypso the egg remains shrouded in mystery, waiting silently for whatever trigger will hatch it.

See you around Calypso! - Deathifier"


Unique Virtual Egg Sold For Over $69,000 USD

05 February 2010

Goteborg, Sweden - February 5, 2010 - First Planet Company, developer and publisher of the largest real money Massively Multiplayer Online Game, announced today the sale of a legendary Virtual Egg for a n a stunning $69,696.00 USD. This comes on the heels of the Crystal Palace Station’s recent sale for a record-breaking $330,000.00 USD.

Jon "NEVERDIE" Jacobs held a public auction Sunday , inside Planet Calypso, and sold the Virtual Egg to David Storey aka Deathifier. Deathifier owns "Treasure Island" in the game, a t ax generating Virtual World Destination . NEVERDIE purchased the Virtual Egg for $10,000 USD in 2006 from a gamer who c ompleted a unique q uest. The Final Chapter in the Egg’s History has yet to be written as thousand s of players speculate what will actually hatch from the it and if it will be worth the e xtraordinary price tag.

Deathifier purchased "Treasure Island" with hunting and mineral Rights in 2004 for $27,500 USD and reportedly earned his investment back within the year. NEVERDIE mortgaged his home in Miami in 2005 to purchase an Asteroid for $100,000 USD. NEVERDIE turned the Asteroid into a NightClub dubbed Club NEVERDIE, which is now valued at over $1 million USD . NEVERDIE and Deathifier have both been featured in the Guinness B ook of World Records for their a stounding Virtual Transactions.

"The s ale of the Atrox Queen Egg is another example of the incredibly unique world and economy we offer in our game. While you don’t need thousands of dollars, or even tens of dollars to play Planet Calypso, it’s sales like these that truly separate our virtual world from any other on the planet," said Marco Behrmann, CEO of First Planet Company. "We are introducing a new quest system soon and the epic price tag of this Egg, which was a quest treasure itself, will energize a new generation of virtual pioneers looking to make their mark."

First Planet Company is the developer and publisher of Planet Calypso, the largest real economy Massively Multiplayer Online Game in the world. Players have the ability to participate in a unique virtual world where they only pay for the game when they play. Its innovative real money economy uses a virtual currency which has a fixed exchange rate with the US dollar. This allows players to deposit and withdraw real funds for their adventures on Calypso or in the real world. It is also the first MMORPG to use CryTek’s stunning CryENGINE 2 for amazing graphics and physics. Planet Calypso is the oldest planet in the Entropia Universe and is free to download.

Planet Calypso is a free download available at the game’s website, About First Planet Company

First Planet Company AB is a subsidiary of the MindArk Group. First Planet Company AB develops and markets Planet Calypso, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) based on the Entropia Platform , and is part of the Entropia Universe . Set in a distant future, the planet Calypso is home to an expanding human colony struggling with the natural and economic elements involved in establishing their new civilization.

For more information on First Planet Company (FPC) and Planet Calypso please contact us at the numbers above or go to our website at

Unique Virtual Egg Sold For Over $69,000 USD

Competition:What is in the Egg?

30 October 2009

"In July 2006 I acquired the fabled Unique Green Egg of the Legendary Atrox Queen. Tens of Thousands of Avatars form all over the world had hunted for the Egg over the course of a few months and when it was finally found, no one seemed to know what to do with it. Sensing a mythological opportunity I paid 100,000 PED ($10,000 USD Cash) for this mysterious Virtual Treasure...

To Everyone's Amazement, this vibrating Egg confounded expctations by not hatching and as the months and Years passed, speculation gave way to disbelief and finally to Mythology...

Even an Expression was born that has found it's way into the Virtual pop culture lexicon

"Ahh the Egg....."

Which can be roughly translated as "I wish I knew, but even if I did I wouldn't be able to tell you, so i will just blow smoke up your ass instead"

Hints and Clues, portends and Omens have been interpreted by many and thier is reason to believe the great Mystery of the Egg may soon be revealed..

There have been a Million Guesses as to what might hatch and to celebrate the Closing of one Chapter virtual world history and the start of another Era, I would like to invite anyone to post thier guess in this Thread...

No Editing of guesses will be permitted so please take your time before you post. Also only one guess per person...

When the mustery of the Egg is Finally Revealed, the guess that comes closest will be rewarded with 5000 PED ($500) in the Event that two or more guesses are very close an open Polll will be held to determine the Winner by Vote...."


Aaahh, the egg!


EBN: Orbital Omelet

25 Jul 2006

News of Tzest0s's discovery of the Atrox Egg on a slain Feffoid Warlord has finally reached EBN headquarters. In an effort to find out what best to do with the egg, EBN once again sought the council of Prof. Nus Magsun, only to find no trace of the Professor anywhere. Friends and colleagues are mystified at the Professor's disappearance and a region-wide search has been initiated around New Oxford, where the Professor is said to have kept an apartment.

In a further bizarre twist, it seems the shrewd Tzest0s harbored the egg in his apartment and storage before finally selling it to night club mogul NeverDie for 100,000 PED. The famed egg now constitutes a kooky sideshow for revelers at NeverDie's astral night spot.

Club NEVERDIE Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg.jpg

With so little information available, and its only possible source missing, we have little idea what to expect from the egg. A Science Team has been dispatched to the Asteroid juke joint to take a small test sample of the egg for further analysis. We all eagerly await their results in the coming weeks and wonder how this egg might affect the course of events on Calypso.

EBN: Orbital Omelet

Egg bought by NEVERDIE

20 July 2006

"Hi Everyone, I'm very pleased to announce that the Unique Atrox Queen Egg has been safely transported to Club NEVERDIE. Despite fears that the Space Flight might cause the egg to hatch. I'm happy to say that it is safe and sound and still Vibrating.

In the interests of public safety I will make sure the egg is under armed guard 24/7.. in the VIP Section of the main Night Club. The area is currently open for public viewing

Lets just hope the Punk Rock Music this weekend doesnt get it too excited"


Discovery of the egg

11 July 2006

On 11 July 2006 "Mc'Lap Tzest0s Alexan'ru" discovered the egg in loot when receiving a 2853 PED HOF from a Feffoid Warlord.

EBN: Holy Hunkies!

07 Jul 2006

EBN have just received the following picture from colonist Marcus Moody from somewhere deep in the outback. Just when we were starting to feel safe, our worst fears seem to have been realised as we see a group of delighted Feffoids dancing around what appears to be the Atrox Queen's Egg!!

Obviously the Feffoids got their hands on the egg while our brave colonists were fighting off the Queen.

Feffoid Gathering Unique Green Atrox Queen Egg.jpg

We always knew the Feffoids weren't our greatest friends, but now we know that they're out to make life as hard as possible for us. Are we going to let the dim witted Feffoids try to raise a new pet? Is there anybody out there ready to find the camp and destroy the egg?

EBN: Holy Hunkies!

EBN: Long Live the Desert Rangers

20 June 2006

Together with colonists from all over Calyspo, the Atrox Queen was found and destroyed by the Desert Rangers. Although heavy casualties were suffered, the hardy colonist band was upbeat as they peppered the beefy brute into oblivion. Paolo made a video of the hunt which is available here.

Mossemeez provided us with an on-the-scene report of the Queens demise, informing us that skinning the monster Queen gave very little hide, as her skin had been too badly damaged during the hunt. She did however manage to chew up a few brave colonists before her death, and gutting the creature later revealed several armor pieces including a rare female Shadow helmet. Several wallets were also found in the Queens stomach, with over 100 PEDs being recovered.

What was not found however, was the egg, and until we know for sure that the egg has been found and destroyed we cannot rest. The egg may be lying out there, incubating under Calypso's sun, getting ready to unleash a new breed of Atrox on Calypso.

EBN: Long Live the Desert Rangers

Atrox Queen takedown

16 June 2006


EBN: Crowning Glory

15 Jun 2006

The continuous appearance of large Atrox herds on the northern plains of Eudoria suggests that the Atrox reproductive cycle is reaching its climax. According to our learned source at the Zoological Institute, we may expect to see hatchlings very soon - a sure sign that the mighty Queen herself is close by and ready to come out and lay her egg.

EBN eagerly awaits the first reports and pictures from the field, and with such large herds of younger and older Atrox hope that Calypso's colonists, old and new, will dust off their Justifiers, take the trail northwards and be part of this adventure.

EBN: Crowning Glory

EBN: The Bitch Is Back

14 Jun 2006

Following last weeks disturbing news of increased Atrox activity in the northern reaches of Eudoria, and reports of commotion from Fort Ithaca as we speak, EBN feel compelled to reveal the second part of our interview with Prof. Nus Magsun. Shedding light on previously unknown behaviors of the Atrox species, the Professor continued:

"We set out to discover what could have lain behind the surprising appearance of these more aggressive strains of Atrox. As we crossed the mountain range east of the Rogue Plains, we caught sight of the mighty Atrox Queen - a monstrous creature, bigger than anything ever seen. Protected by feral Marauders, we observed the Queen laying one huge egg and a clutch of smaller ones around it. These lesser embryos hatched quickly to form a merciless defensive pack around the Queen and her main egg. The large egg was left to incubate under the Calypsian sun, absorbing radiation that would mutate its genome and spawn a more savage breed of Atrox. This level of evolution in just one generation was completely unprecedented."

It would seem that while the Atrox reproductive cycle is several years in length, its results can be devastating for the natural areas it inhabits, restricting access for other animals and colonists alike. We can only hope that our hardiest hunters can pick up a trail on this Queen and her pack, destroy the egg they protect, and spare Calypso and it's colonists from an even deadlier wilderness.

EBN: The Bitch Is Back

EBN: Atrox Alarm

08 Jun 2006

Fort Ithaca is again in the news this week, following the brutal mauling of colonist SirAttack by an Atrox Marauder on the southern outskirts of the settlement last week. With abnormally high pheromone readings reported by Zoological Scouts earlier this year, we asked Professor Nus Magsun from the Zoological Institute if there was any explanation to the sudden appearance of these fierce new beasts.

"The Atrox", explained the Professor "is a truly fascinating animal. While Marauders are a rare sight, I believe they are an excellent indication of the status of the herd's reproductive cycle. Shortly after I arrived on Calypso", he continued "I was lucky enough to be on an expedition in the area just west of where Fort Argus stands today. We had encountered Alphas and Dominants all over the continent for many years, but suddenly we began noticing new larger and more aggressive Atroxes like the Marauders. This was to lead us to one of the greatest discoveries about the Atrox species..."

EBN has contacted all the local authorities on Calypso after this alarming report, and urges all colonists to be on the lookout for these diabolical fore bearers.

EBN: Atrox Alarm

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