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Release Date::2012/05/01
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Official release notes[edit]

Entropia Universe 12.6 Release Notes 01 May 2012

Planet-Specific Patches Integrated minor fixes for planet content into Entropia Universe:

   The Thing
   Next Island

Visit each planet page for more information.

New Planet Released Planet Cyrene is ready to explore.

Space Planet Calypso space stations; Crystal Palace and F.O.M.A, have been moved closer to Planet Calypso Space Station.All Motherships and Privateers have been moved to their nearest space station safe zone.The space server south of Planet Calypso has been removed.

Fixed Issues

   Trade terminals in the Fort Events are now working.
   Players can no longer join other players solo dungeon instances.

Known issues

   Opening item info on the new teleporters on planet Cyrene will cause the game client to crash.

Further information[edit]

Un-noted changes, images of new stuff, etc go here

Wiki documented changes[edit]

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]

  • Previous Version Update:
