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Late October 2002
"We released a patch in late October, version 3.9. This was a stability and bug fix patch mostly. For those new users out there who aren.t familiar with its contents, the most significant changes are listed below:
- A new avatar creation screen (new look required, but you get to keep your skills/ inventory).
- Infamous "deadshell" bug is fixed.
- Quickkey update - if you choose a function key that is not assigned, your currently equipped tool/weapon is unequipped.
- All newly arrived colonists will have the same brand of clothes.
- The item positions in the inventory are saved and not rearranged every time an item is moved/merged/split.
- New special effects involving death and revival.
- More sounds all over the board.
- Balancing done in the hunting, mining and crafting sections.
- Enhanced blueprint books.
- New Request Interface added.
- Updated Trade Terminal and Shops stock.
- More items added to the world.
- Improved support for some older video cards.
- Many creatures now carry more items and less actual money.
- The creatures of Calypso have moved around.
- Enhanced PvP Chat added.
- The Crafting process has been tweaked."
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