No Way Out Maximum Security Prison

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No Way Out Maximum Security Prison (NWOMSP) is a location on ROCKtropia in Entropia Universe that was added with content release ROCKtropia 2.0 in April 2011.

Video trailer[edit]



MissionMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU 
10 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 100 Inmate80 ROCKtropia Coin (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
100 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 2000 Inmate1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~0.5 PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
100 Pound Prison Bench PressHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 1000 Zomhattan St Boys1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~0.25 PED TT)|, 1 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
20 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 200 Inmate160 ROCKtropia Gold Coin (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
30 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 1000 Inmate85 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
300 Pound Prison Bench PressHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 10000 Inmate1 Shotcallers Shank (L) (~73 PED TT)|, 1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~0.5 PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
40 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 2500 Inmate1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~1 PED TT)|, 1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~0.5 PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
50 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 3500 Inmate100 Rocktropia Rollies (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
60 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 4000 Inmate300 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
80 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 2500 Inmate25 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)|, Rolled Smokes Blueprint(L) (~1 PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
90 Pound Dumbell WorkoutHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 10000 Inmate1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~1 PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
Prison Curl WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????),Kill 100 Prison Guard50 ROCKtropia Coin (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
Punching Bag Workout IHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 1000 Prison Guard1 Rolled Smokes Remix Blueprint(L) (~0.5 PED TT)|, 5 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil
Punching Bag Workout IIHunting(135662, 91211, ?????),Kill 5000 Prison Guard1 Teleman Coin Remix Blueprint (L) (~1 PED TT)|, 4 Prison Hootch (~ PED TT)| |¦class=fa fa-pencil

Total Number: 14

Commentary and walkthrough[edit]

By Paul Crystal.

Part 1 (D-Block mafia member mission)


Part 2 (wardens and guards)


Part 3 (Zomhattan & Sissy)


Part 4 (missions)



You have one?






Links, references, contributors, categories, and more[edit]
