World of Firepower 2014

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World of Firepower 2014 banner.jpg

World of Firepower (WoF) is an annual hunting event in Entropia Universe.


Team Forming and Registration[edit]

  • Teams must be approved by Hurrikane according to the Rules.
  • Teams must represent either recognized Earth Nations or the two in-game Nations of Eudoria or Amethera.
  • Teams must elect or decide a Captain.
  • Captains must decide which hunters form the Main Team and which form Support Teams.
  • The Main Team is up to 12 of the best hunters who have registered.
  • The Captain is not obligated to be in the Main Team.
  • Support Teams can be of any size and number, although the Support scores are capped throughout the competition. If no Support can be found then Main Team members can hunt the entire moblist and also claim the Support Variety Bonus. This privilege is instantly revoked if and when a sanctioned Support Team in their name also scores during a match. Variety earned before this happening will be carried over to the actual Support Team.
  • If you can find no-one to help you or members do not turn up on the day, Teams can form and/or hunt as Solo Players. The Team is formed by teaming with a judge and we wish you all the best (Serbia qualified and won a match with one valiant avatar). Solo Player Bonus is 20 points added to every hunt conducted that way.
  • Judges will be present when possible to join Main Teams and remain at the Start/Finish Point, tracking globals as they happen. Support Teams are urged to provide a non-hunting member when possible to do the same, and help ensure accurate scoring.
  • Moblists will be made public at least 7 days before each Stage and each Stage will feature, as always, at least 9 completely different mobs.
  • Start/Finish Points will be announced along with the Moblists. All of each Main Team MUST attend before a match and register or Team with their Judges. A representative of each Support Team is also urged to attend. We ask all members to show up 10-15 minutes early whenever possible to aid in starting matches on time. Some leeway will be exercised in the event of technical problems.

Team Names[edit]

  • Main Teams MUST be named WOF TEAMNAME MAIN .... personalise the last part if you wish.
  • Support Teams MUST be named WOF TEAMNAME SUPPORT .... add numbers etc at the end in the case of multiple teams.
  • We need a uniform method of picking a LOT of valid globals out of the chatter. Teams scoring with incorrect names should be informed their scores will not start to count unless they change them (and any scores made with the wrong name will not be recorded).


  • Points are scored by getting Globals (of any value) on the mobs on the Moblist.
  • Each type or maturity of mob listed scores a different number of points. Point allocation is not as straightforward as stronger = higher (some are more tactically scored), but this is the general theme.
  • Main Team mobs score either 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 or 5 points each.
  • Support Team mobs score either 4, 3, 2 or 1 point(s) each.
  • A Bonus Mob is on each Moblist which can be hunted by both Main and Support although can only be scored on once per Nation per match. The Bonus Mob does NOT count towards the variety Bonus (but does count towards the Sweep). * The Bonus Mob scores 25 points.

Bonus Points are awarded for achievements during each match

  • HoF: If a global is a HoF then that global scores double its usual amount.
  • Susan 113 Bonus: If a global pays 113 PED then that global scores double its usual amount. (In memory of Susan 113 Smith)

Variety, Main and Support

  • The Variety Bonus is an escalating Bonus that applies the number of different types of mob killed (up to a maximum of 4 types for Main and 4 types for Support; Mobs split by maturity alone or Elite and "regular" mobs of the same type count as one type for scoring).
  • For both Main and Support it works like this;
  • Global on one type of mob = no Bonus.
  • Global on two types = 10 Points Bonus.
  • Global on three types = 25 Points Bonus
  • Global on all four = 50 Points Bonus. (Maximum total Bonus 50 Points, no adding of previous totals). So if Main and Support each successfully hunt all four species on their Moblist, the combined Variety Total would be 100 Points.
  • Sweep Bonus; The Sweep is awarded to the Nations who manage to global at least once on all Mob Types and all Maturities, both Main and Support, as well as the Bonus Mob; they need to score a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 25 during the match. This awards 75 Points.
  • ATH: If a Main Team global is an ATH as recognised in-game then the Nation's entire total score (at the end of the hunt) is doubled. If a Support Team global is an ATH then the total Support Score (at the end of the hunt) is doubled.

In Competitive Matches (Any after the Qualifiers)

  • Loot Bonus: Highest combined loot total by a Main Team = 15 Points. If tied, Support totals are added.
  • Short-Straw Bonus (Main and Support): Highest individual loot on both the 5 Point and 1 Point Mobs during a match = 10 Points each. If tied, the loot for the 6, 7 point mobs etc are used to decide.

In Competitive Matches (Group Stages Only)

  • Win Bonus: Winning a match in a Group Stage adds 100 points to that Team's Stage Total.

Trophy Bonus
In some stages (not all), there is the possibility of much larger "event" mobs spawning at or near the hunting grounds. These are not intended to be part of the scoring; this is an ongoing invasion and they are part of it. However, if one were to spawn near a team and attack them, there should be a reward (if it globals)for successfully defending themselves. This Bonus can only be granted ONCE per Nation, per match; any further globals on the same mob score 0. Trophy mobs do not count toward the Sweep or Support Cap and can be won by either Main or Support. Trophy Bonus is 40 Points.

A 113 PED HoF (rare) would score double, then double again. HoFs on the Bonus Mob (not so rare) score 25x2= 50. A HoF on a Trophy Mob would score 80.

Other Features[edit]

Wild Card Mobs
In certain later stages one mob on the list (usually the Bonus Mob) may be listed as aWild Card. What this means is during a competitive match, Teams may global on any unlisted mob for those points. The first team in a match to do so sets the mob for the second team to get. For example, if the 5 point mob is a Wild Card, and Team A global on a Hiryuu (and Hiryuu are not on the Moblist elsewhere), then Hiryuu are the 5 point mob for that match and Team B must hunt them for 5 points too. This will only apply to the two teams in each match. Any team found to be using land area privileges or other methods to prevent an opponent access to the Wild Card selection they designate will be considered to be cheating and forfeit their entire score for that match.

The penalty for not returning to the Start/Finish Point in full has been stopped. Now only the Captain or one of the team need return within a reasonable time (15 minutes max) to hear the scores, although for the spirit of the event it's always nice to see you all back winding each other up about the scores. If no-one returns due to technical problems or other reasons then the team concerned will have to check their scores on the Forum later.

If teams find themselves in PVP areas we ask them to refrain from killing other Teams while they are shooting at mobs, especially larger mobs. The same goes for kill-stealing or TP trapping. Repeated screenshot evidence of such activity may lead to disqualification of individuals or teams from the Tournament.

How a WoF Hunt Works[edit]

  • No match starts until the Head Judge on the day says "GO GO GO."
  • Hunt for 3 hours and watch chat for score updates and time calls from your Judge.
  • Scoring continues until the Head Judge on the day says "STOP" at the Start/Finish Point in local chat. This will be 3 hours from the start. "STOP" is then posted in team chat or by PM as quickly as possible.Any globals that appear after the STOP in local chat at the Start/Finish point will not be recorded. Judges should be able to provide some sort of countdown to this moment depending how fast the globals are coming in.

Support Caps

  • Qualifiers: 100 points
  • Group Stage A: 100 points
  • Group Stage B: 100 points
  • Semi-Finals: 150 points
  • Final: 200 points

These are RAW SCORES and do not include Variety Bonuses or the Bonus Mob score (although HoFs and Susans are included). Trophy Bonuses and Support's part in the Sweep are also not included.

Main Team Hunting Team Sizes

  • Qualifiers: 4 members
  • Group Stage A: 4 members
  • Group Stage B: 4 members
  • Semi-Finals: 5 members
  • Final: 6 members

These are Maximum sizes, team can hunt with less, even 1 player (see Solo Player Bonus above).

Team Changes
Main Team members who have taken part in a WoF 2014 hunt as part of the Main Team cannot join another Nation's Main Team. They are able to Support whoever they like. (This does not apply to members of Main Teams who did not Qualify). Any changes to the Main Team must be applied for at least 6 days before the next hunt, if the new member wishes to hunt as a Main Team member. Within Teams, the Captain has the final word (so elect carefully). Main and Support Teams should be listed prominently in the Team Threads and any changes updated there too.

Support Teams are free to support whoever they choose, with the permission of the Nation concerned. Support Teams can form and join in any match at any time, for any team, but MUST first send a representative to the Judges at the Start/Finish Point to register your participation and validate your team name. If you do not do this your scores will NOT be counted.
Support Teams are encouraged to keep the same names throughout the tournament wherever possible to allow statistical comparisons and score tables to be made (and possibly prizes awarded). Whenever possible, Support Teams should send a non-hunting member to stand with the judges and light up when they score, to assist scoring.

All Teams are encouraged to log EVERY global by means of a screenshot showing date, time, team list and location. In the event of a dispute these are invaluable. No need to post them all, but each team should designate an archivist to keep a file of every score. If the other team has screenshots and you do not, it won't help your argument.

Anything else? Well, keep tuned to PCF for news, instructions, Moblists and Start Points, please maintain your Team Threads (and provide Team Lists), PLEASE respond to Time-Slot requests promptly and recruit recruit recruit.

ALL Teams hunt in each of two Qualifiers, each on a separate weekend with a separate Moblist.

The score from both Qualifiers is combined to give that Nation their Qualifying Total.

Those with the highest Qualifying Totals progress to the Group Stages.

As it stands, there are insufficient teams to hold the full-length tournament but more are expected to sign. The tournament will adjust based on how many attend and teams will be advised of any changes as soon as they are decided.

This year the WoF takes place during a Robot/Mob invasion of considerable scale. The invasion is expected to happen in several places at once; details of spawn locations will be posted when available. Different spawns will contain different maturities of each mob to suit all levels of hunter. The spawns should arrive before, and leave after the weekend of October 18th/19th. DON'T WORRY if not all the mobs are within your capabilities as a team. Worry about the points you CAN score. It's all about the tactics. See below for Time-Slot booking details and more info on how to take part.


As well as the usual Jackets and funky hardware (news to come) awarded to the Winners and Finalists, this year there will be a large incentive for smaller teams who hunt hard and don't give up. At the event's end it will be possible to see which team scored the most points PER PERSON (including Support) in any single hunt after the Qualifiers. This could happen for any team at any time and will carry a substantial prize. The working title for this award is the Calypso Cross. Other prizes along the way are planned to be awarded for the highest number of globals in a Group Stage, and also for the highest single loot. As soon as any of these prizes are fully confirmed I will give more details.


It has been confirmed no Shared Loot mobs will be involved in the moblist.

It has been confirmed that ANY Calypso-based spawn of the mobs listed is suitable for scoring, not just the event spawns. This also applies to later rounds where mobs also found on Land Areas are used. The only difference is that Mobs ONLY found on Land Areas will NOT now be used. Expect private incentives from Land Owners to tempt you to score on their land but the option to hunt un-taxed will always be present.

Expect several of the spawns to require Main and Support to work together.


United Kingdom.gif
Team Great Britain

  1. Elsalvador Microdot Majere
  2. georgie cheese smoker
  3. John Hawk Connor
  4. Joseph Dredge Hogoroth
  5. Lady Nadie Hawke
  6. Lighter LT Thief
  7. Oleg Oleg McMullery (Captain)
  8. Richard Dirk Tomlin
  9. Slapnuts Slapnuts Smith
  10. tommy smokeymac galtress
  11. Uniqu3 Uniqu3 Hunter
  12. Zyloc Zyloc Mist

Germany.gif Austria.gif Switzerland.gif

  1. MH Grave Digger
  2. Richman Richman Killer
  3. Tina abuyin Walther
  4. Maren Kleene Scharf (Co-Captain)
  5. Shawn Thark Columbo
  6. Florian Vlooe Fischer
  7. Kindradim KC Crux
  8. Joe Mr- Joey Force
  9. Mandred Maverick Torgridson
  10. Phoenix Inkster Maxwell
  11. Hank McHammer Hammer
  12. Parlog Parlog Gothakaur (Captain)

Team France

  1. Player 01
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

Team Australia

  1. Durakk Durakk Jung
  2. Keira Gypsy Croft
  3. Kikki KJ Jikki
  4. Major Gravity Force
  5. Max Marmac Power
  6. Max Power Voltage
  7. Michael Browny Davill

Team Sweden

  1. Rune Belgarion Haugen
  2. Bigfoot Tomten Painkiller
  3. Jimmy Xpl0jd Volten
  4. Jorgen LightStar Eriksson
  5. Larry Larethania Larrelito
  6. Lars Mr Lars Sebra
  7. Amara Amara Taroon
  8. Aurora Linzey Zamperath

United States.gif
Team USA

  1. Sir Azzah Neu (Captain)
  2. Co-Captian: Ogulak Da Basher
  3. Blue Corvette Velvet
  4. Sir Mighty Max
  5. Quell Que Star
  6. Daniel Danimal Diep
  7. Perfect Dmatrix Bimbo
  8. Raven Lunchbox Palehorse
  9. Casay Casay Onyx
  10. Scott DoctorH Joel
  11. Sir Lance Lancelot
  12. Grymith Salty QQ

Czech Republic.gif
Team Czech

  1. Sephiroth De Strife
  2. Lu Ludra Lud
  3. Pecka ecka Martinek
  4. Tomas T79x Hope
  5. Lukas 4ealien Czech Rep
  6. Filip Wixe Lehnert

Team BeNeLux

  1. Petrus PM Molinos
  2. slupor slupor slupor
  3. Nono Arno Sapiens
  4. Sunny Ayenta Bear
  5. Killer Killah Bee

Team Italy

  1. Ron Ronny Kovich (Captain)
  2. Michael geatz Platzgummer
  3. Tess rave Aube
  4. Gerardo Jey Fox
  5. Demetra Dea Olimpia
  6. Grom Widowmaker Hellscream
  7. Avrelius
  8. Francesca Nexa Demonia
  9. Catullo Robullo Esposito
  10. Catullo Catnap Esposito
  11. Bass Rockabilly Master
  12. Redone Duncan McCloud

Team Canada

  1. Savanna Savanna Blaise
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

Team Poland

  1. Player 01
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

South Africa.gif
Team Africa

  1. Player 01
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

Team Wales

  1. Spike
  2. Rockchick
  3. Ghana
  4. Toecutter
  5. Ki
  6. Sierra
  7. Zamarin
  8. Nioniel
  9. fattyboy43

Team Romania

  1. Player 01
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

Team Guinea

  1. Player 01
  2. Player 02
  3. Player 03
  4. Player 04
  5. Player 05
  6. Player 06
  7. Player 07
  8. Player 08
  9. Player 09
  10. Player 10
  11. Player 11
  12. Player 12

Team Finland

  1. Susan Sacred Dawn
  2. Gem Jeny Lake
  3. Jan van Darra
  4. ippo minerguyfin finitto
  5. Crys Cail Behemon
  6. Brastem Sendaran Funkaros
  7. Steve Punisher Graham
  8. Aphex Lieska Twin

Team Eudoria

  1. Warden Coz Coz
  2. Dew-Drop Iconoclast (Captain)
  3. Charley moondog 1969
  4. Matty Rooster Gee
  5. Clam J Boy Jamphrie
  6. Miguel Garco Gracio
  7. Whining Skeptic Aboard
  8. Red Thoth Crowley
  9. April Raven Phoenix
  10. Erkle dilly Dillyston

Team Amethera

  1. Alexandra Alex Cooper
  2. Klodvig Klod Malkord

Click HERE to edit the teams.


Result for Stage One

  1. Team USA: 274 - 485
  2. Team GUINEA: 470
  3. Team GREAT BRITAIN: 173 - 429
  4. Team SWEDEN 301 - 426
  5. Team DACH: 403
  6. Team FRANCE 272
  7. Team FINLAND: 83 - 234
  8. Team ITALY: 183
  9. Team AUSTRALIA: 175
  10. Team AMETHERA: 146
  11. Team ROMANIA: 137
  12. Team EUDORIA: 114 - 127
  13. Team WALES: 54 - 110
  14. Team BeNeLux: 78 - 93
  15. Team AFRICA: 28 - 74
  16. Team CZECH: 28 - 74
  17. Team POLAND: 8

The scores from Heat Two are shown in bold. Highest scores are kept.

Creature Lists[edit]

Moblist Stage One


  • Steelbird Elite (ANY): 10 Points
  • Legionaire (ANY): 9 Points
  • Warrior Elite (ANY): 8 Points
  • Drone Co-Ordinator (ANY): 7 Points
  • Steelbird (ANY): 6 Points
  • Warrior (ANY): 5 Points


  • Eviscerator (ANY): 4 Points
  • Defender (ANY): 3 Points
  • Drone (ANY): 2 Points
  • Attacker (ANY): 1 Point

Spider Bomber (ANY): BONUS MOB 25 Points

The Eviscerator : WHOLE TEAM TROPHY BONUS 40 Points

Moblist Stage Two


  • Mulaak 'F: Raider and Above: 10 points
  • Scaboreas: Any Maturity: 9 points
  • Phasm: Provider and Above: 8 points
  • Trooper: Any Generation: 7 points
  • Mulaak 'F: Outcast, Bandit, Guard: 6 points
  • Phasm: Young, Mature, Old: 5 points


  • Muluk-Hir: Any Maturity: 4 points
  • Mulmun: Any Maturity: 3 points
  • Droka: Any Generation: 2 points
  • Nexnecis: Any Maturity: 1 point

Big Bulk: Any Generation: 25 points

Vanguard: Any Type: 40 points

The Trophy Bonus is not intended to compensate for the extra time and ammo needed to kill these bigger mobs, only as a chance of consolation should one attack the team. Any further globals after the first, for each Nation (Main or Support or Both) will not score any points.


Stage One

  • Heat One: October 18 and 19
  • Heat Two: October 25 and 26

Teams only have to hunt ONCE during this time to get their Stage One score. Those who have not finalized a time for this coming weekend will be able to hunt the next weekend instead. ALSO; those who are hunting on the 18th/19th and are unhappy with their score may RE-TAKE the hunt on the second weekend and use the higher of their two scores as their Stage One score. The combined scores from Stage One and Two will give the Qualifying Totals for progression. Each team conducts a 3-hour hunt against the Moblist.

Time slots

  • 14:00
  • 19:00
  • 00:00 (Midnight/Sunday Morning) on Saturdays

  • 07:00
  • 12:00 (Midday) on Sundays

Stage Two

  • Heat One: November 8 and 9
  • Heat Two: November 15 and 16

Teams only have to hunt ONCE during this time to get their Stage One score. Those who have not finalized a time for this coming weekend will be able to hunt the next weekend instead. ALSO; those who are hunting in Heat One and are unhappy with their score may RE-TAKE the hunt on the second weekend and use the higher of their two scores as their Stage One score. The combined scores from Stage One and Two will give the Qualifying Totals for progression. Each team conducts a 3-hour hunt against the Moblist.

Time slots

  • 14:00
  • 19:00
  • 00:00 (Midnight/Sunday Morning) on Saturdays

  • 07:00
  • 12:00 (Midday) on Sundays


There are three ways things could happen. To summarize;

  • If more than 24 teams sign, the top 24 will progress to Stage 3 and form 6 groups of 4 teams, each having 3 matches against the others in their group. The top 12 will progress to Stage 4.
  • If more than 18 teams sign, the first group Stage will consist of 6 groups of 3 each having 2 matches (against the others in their group) in a 2-weeks-on, 1-week-off format. The top 12 will progress to Stage 4.
  • If less then 18 teams sign, the top 12 of the 17-18 team will progress and the first Group Stage will be removed from the tournament, making Stage 4 into the new Stage 3.



Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
