EntropiaPlanets.com - Entropia Universe forum, news, wiki, media, tools

News, forum, wiki, guides & tools for Planet Calypso, ROCKtropia, Next Island, Planet Arkadia, Planet Cyrene, Planet Toulan & Monria in MA's Entropia Universe.

ONLY 10 special edition quad-wing interceptors left

Entropia Universe auctions 15 spacecraft for a total of $75,000

Gothenburg, Sweden – January 14, 2015 /Entropia Universe/ – Entropia Universe AB, the largest Massively Multiplayer Online Real Cash Economy...
Well it is 2015 for all of you and most of you will be awake again, most likely with a hangover.
We at Entropia Planets would like to wish you all a very good 2015 !

Well it is almost that time of the year again where we all stuff our faces with way to much food and drinks, but hey it is fun, right?
We from Entropia Planets would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you will have a few nice days at the end of 2014
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