2018-06-05 ***PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT IF YOU FIND SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY IN PLANET CALYPSO! IT MIGHT PROVIDE THE INFO YOU NEED BEFORE CONTACTING THE SUPPORT DEPARTMENT!*** Additions Added a new Summer Mayhem instance. Changes Moved the NPC “Karona” to the Port Atlantis Teleporter. Increased probability of success in "The Matrix" Instance. Changed the Gauntlets to require exactly 2 players. Fixes Corrected the appearance for the NPC “Jezebel Lexx”. Fixed a reward exploit in the Gauntlet missions. It is no longer possible to gain rewards without doing anything. Fixed the Shinkiba Fighting ring in Chug's Hideout. Fixed progression for the "Complete the Wave" Mission. Fixed an issue with Enigma Stage 1 instance. Fixed an issue with Enigma Stage 2 mission completion. Various optimizations. Source
WHAT WAS OPTIMISED????? The time it takes for you to write a "content" release? Seriously, I look at this and see the following: 1. An artist fixed up some models 2. Someone with access to the mission edit/creation tool fixed some missions 3. A frightening lack of programmers appearing to do anything I'm now wondering if now is the time to downsize my inventory. This is looking like the writing on the wall. When it goes, it goes not with a bang or a wallop, but with a small fizzle and empty chairs and tables, and the world will not remember Entropia, because Entropia really never told the world it was even here. Sad Wistrel
These are just the VU notes for Planet Calypso. The VU notes for Entropia indicate they've been focussing on the team experience and reception is quite positive so far.
Is everybody happy ? No... x'D http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/f...someone-else-you-must-let-it-fully-regenerate
Yea, saw that. The usual side effects, do one thing another one breaks. I'll judge by how soon it gets fixed. Looking forward to trying out teamplay again, if this works well it should help bringing some of the old spirit back.
And the event bugged yet again. Satisfied? http://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/f...d-and-calling-for-exploiters-ma-striked-again! Good thing is you can just stay clear of all this. I consider it a fun element of the game to be able to just enjoy the view from Emily's Lookout and smile at the folly of all those chasing trinkets on the other side of the universe and, while doing so in utter futility, feed the big Kicksey-winsey which keeps the lights on. Life is good when you search for its good parts. It's suffering when you forever seek out all that's wrong with it. Works in both RL and VL.
yeh I checked those notes after and realised. My bad I guess, I spoke too soon. I should test the new team stuff. Found some people to Fist with earlier in the week. We lost our shirts the first time of course but I'm up for trying again with Team loot 2.0 this time.