NEXT ISLAND: ORIGINS - an EntropiaPlanets Exclusive

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by MindStar9, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    In the featured David Post (CEO) / Next Island interview for the EntropiaTimes magazine launched on Sep 12th, David shared where the vision of Next Island came from. On October 25, 2010 - Next Island released the Next Island: Origins prologue that “blends actual historical events with a compelling science fiction story and casual gameplay,” according to Erik Reynolds, Game Designer and founder, Battletested Entertainment.


    Visionary David Post’s childhood fantasy is now emerging into a full-scale Next Island experience. It begins with an introduction to the game that allows us to explore the culture of Elysium (circa 1983) – David’s original fantasy island where people had good intentions and wanted to avoid war. The story reveals that Elysium is a utopian island society inhabited by expatriate scientists, artists, and cultural leaders struggling to remain neutral while the USA and USSR threaten to exploit them for their technological advancement.

    David's story further reveals that this small island in the South Pacific was home to a settlement of the world’s most brilliant minds who were disillusioned by global politics and the constant shadow of nuclear war. These idealistic scientists remained in isolation in hopes of creating new technology that would solve the world’s problems. However, during their dedicated efforts, they stumble upon a great and unlimited power source and accidentally open a door to an alternate reality with terrible consequences.

    Erik Reynolds shares that “This game is a secret record of the events of 1983, smuggled out of Elysium in the form of a video game floppy disc, and somehow survived for 27 years in the undiscovered underbelly of the internet – only to choose 2010 to make its story known to the rest of the world.” Apparently, this game is based on one scientist’s secret confession, and the discovery was actually made by his son.


    According to David Post, CEO and founder of Next Island, “Mobile gaming platforms like iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad are a great way to reach our audience and have them participate in the story before the Virtual World is open,” and “Next Island: Origins is a great appetizer before players dive into Next Island and create their avatars.

    Erik explains that the 1980’s were a rich time for video games, and the Battletested Entertainment team leveraged this inspiration to give them a framework to tell this story in a stylized and fun way. Erik further explains that the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Next Island: Origins applications build upon the original story that was crafted by David Post. The prequel story explores the 1980’s Cold War era through retro text-based adventure themes, gripping sci-fi narrative, and modern interactive fiction gameplay.


    The gameplay style is text-based as mentioned earlier, with a “choose your own” adventure that includes minor puzzle-solving elements. According to Erik, users will see a still image (see examples below) that will depict the story as the text fills the bottom of the screen.

    [​IMG] --- [​IMG]

    Through the individual’s responses, they are taken down multiple branching storylines leading to three possible conclusions. This adventure will reveal the mysterious characters that forever changed the world.




    As a closing note, Erik offers an important message – that this mobile game establishes the story of how Next Island came to be, but it’s the players who will define where the story goes next.

    You can learn more about Erik Reynolds in his exclusive interview in the EntropiaTimes magazine launched on Sep 12th.

    Direct links to the game are listed below:

    iPhone: Next Island: Origins for iPhone and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store

    iPad: Next Island: Origins HD for iPad on the iTunes App Store

    Let us explore the Elysium storyline that was in the making for six years, and will ultimately lead Entropians into the world of Next Island on Dec 7th or 8th with the beta launch.


    Banner: Lykke
    Article: MindStar9
    EP Wiki: Tass and RAZER


    To David Post and Erik Reynolds for their continued open and interactive relationship with EntropiaPlanets. Thank you also for allowing EP the exclusive coverage prior to the upcoming Next Island press release. This community appreciates being kept in the know, and Next Island has certainly been exemplary in this respect. We wish you much success with your continued endeavors toward a full-on experience of this next virtual world to enter our Entropia Universe.
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