Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calypso

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Original Message:
    Medusa's Head Info Page:

    Welcome to the Medusa's Head islands Auction on Planet Calypso

    Located between the Eudoria and Amethera continents, this island group is conveniently segmented into eight distinct land areas which can be administered individually by the owner. Each land area is complete with its own hunting lodge, fertilizer station, and revival terminal.
    The islands are inhabited by a number of indigenous species, and fish will be found in the surrounding waters. As part of the purchase two special species DNA will be provided for the owner to breed. The estate's minerals and enmatters will also make it an attractive destination for miners. The owner will have full rights to set individual tax levels on each of the land areas, generating daily revenue from visiting hunters and miners.
    The main island is divided into three large land areas, with each of the other five areas spread over the remaining islands. The main island also contains a large historic dwelling complex. Once the last bastion of human resistance during the first Robot War, and later a smugglers hideaway, the cliff-face complex has been fully renovated and now offers shopping and residential areas, a jetty for water borne visitors, landing pads for aircraft, a hangar, a direct teleporter to other locations on Calypso, as well as revival, storage, trade and society terminals.
    The property will be available for viewing from December 7, with the official auction beginning on December 13 and lasting until January 3.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Medusa’s Head Offer Details
    · Land area: circa 35 square kilometers.
    · 8 land areas total. 3 on main island. 5 spread over remaining islands including water areas.
    · Individual tax levels may be set by owner for each land area.
    · Land areas include hunting lodge, fertilizer station, and revival terminals per default.
    · Land areas include minerals and enmatters.
    · 2 special species DNAs for breeding: Scipulor and Sumima.These DNA spawn locations may be changed once by the owner. The DNA cannot be resold.
    · Indigenous species. The spawn locations of these species may be changed once by the owner, and spawns may be removed but not added to.
    · Main complex includes individual deeds for 24 rent-free shops and 24 rent-free apartments.
    · Sales tax from shops goes to Medusa’s Head estate deed holder.
    · Teleporter available in main complex.
    · Revival, trade, storage and society terminals available in main complex.
    · A hangar will be built in main complex when hangar system is reintroduced to platform.
    · 2 unique iron challenges will also be provided on the estate.

    Bidding on the Medusa’s Head Property
    To bid on the property you will need an Entropia Universe avatar account which can be created here , and sufficient PED currency on your account. The various deposit alternatives are available here.
    Once you’ve created your avatar and passed through the Calypso Gateway orientation area, you’ll need to visit an Auctioneer NPC which can be found in most settlements on Calypso. Right click and operate the Auctioneer NPC to open the auction interface. Navigate to the Estate category and double-click the ‘Medusa’s Head Deed’ from the listings. Your avatar is now ready to place a bid using the interface. N.B. The 'Medusa's Head Deed' will be added to the auction on December 13.

    Withdrawal Fee Waiver
    For parties solely interested in bidding for Medusa’s Head, a special waiver of the 1% withdrawal fee will be available. To take advantage of this waiver:

    · Your deposit must be larger than USD 50,000 and arrive before the auction ends on Jan 3.
    · You must send an email to stating your avatar name, deposit amount, and date of deposit in order for us to verify your participation in the auction.

    Link: Medusa's Head Info Page
    Post by FPC Community Manager Hanne:

    Regarding the size of the land. If you pick 3 of the large LandArea's on Amethera, and 5 of the small LandArea's, that's comparable in size.

    This is the Map of Medusa:


    this is a map of Medusa with the LandArea's overlapping:
    From these you should get a good idea of how much water is involved.

    • These will be the natural spawns of the islands: Gokibusagi, Prancer, Allophyl, Berycled, Snarg, Estophyl, Itumatrox, Caudatergus, Cornundacauda, Hiyuru, Tripudion. In addition, some puny's will also spawn outside the residential area. These are the spawns that is not available to control via the DNA, but the land-manager will be able to have them removed.
    (A mistake was made when we first went out with the information about Medusa, it was said that these spawns could be moved once; however that is not correct. They can only be removed. The info-page have been updated.)
    There will also be fish in the waters around the islands, such as Calypsocods, Razortooths and Rippersnappers. In most cases they won't be covered by the Land Area.
    • Hunting Lodge is what you know as the Shed, however it is redesigned to fit with the Medusa Theme.
    • We have no plans of removing or touching any existing spawns of any of these mobs.
    • Regarding any future development, the proprietor of the estate will have contact with FPC staff.

    There's some points which will make more sense at our next Content Release, which is now scheduled for Wednesday the 8th December as the release now have unfortunately been pushed back one day.
    There's five days available for anyone who's interested in acquiring the deed to be able to hands-on experience the area before December 13th, when the auction is planned to start.
    Further Info:

    Medusa's Head Wiki
  2. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Looks nice :O

  3. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    I hope they wont force a fee on the TP as they done to "some other places" tho... :/
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    force a fee? how when where? more details please
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    interesting, wonder who will buy this one. Not Deathifier I think, he's investing in Arkadia, not ND of course, think Buzz has enough money spend in game, the guy who bought CND (Foma is it?) probably not. So maybe Star will give it another go? or did I miss anyone obvious here?

    [edit] and why the hell isn't there anything about this on the PCF?? I mean come on !! [edit/]
  6. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    FPC: There's a new area, you can buy it for 100,000s of dollars.

    Once again I'm absolutely stunned how elaborated and detailed you manage to weave any changes in the already awesome Calypso storyline. Thanks! I'm totally... immersed!
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    need I say more:
  8. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Looks good :) Grats FPC on dreaming up something nice finally :)
  9. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Or what you call it when they remove the hangars and force a much higher fee on us to use those places?

    But Hanne already answered it on PCF, there wont be any fee to use it so now it's all much more enjoyable for me
  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    "This sight of Medusa's head makes the spectator stiff with terror, turns him to stone. Observe that we have here once again the same origin from the castration complex and the same transformation of affect! In the original situation it offers consolation to the spectator: he is still in possession of a penis, and the stiffening reassures him of the fact."

    wikipedia: Medusa's Head

  11. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Minimum bid of $50,000

    I don't think my piggy bank is that big.
  12. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    is it up already??

    the 50k$ was just the amount you had to deposit to be able to withdraw with some special deal if you didn't win was what I read from it. but yeah those 50k wont probably make it far lol
  13. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    This Land Area is located on Calypso. Pilots are getting paid for off-world travel. I do not understand how the fee question even arose. Someone must not have read the article FPC posted about their new LA for Sale, as I had no wonderment about there being a fee to teleport there. Anyway Hanne responded to the question, just wondered how that question even came up based on what I read. Fees are for pilots and pilots fly off-planet....
  14. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Was me, and I can say nothing would surprise me, as I see more and more crap that's not holding up to how it "used" to be...
    simple example when will the "event" stop? it's been going on for almost 6months if not more now...
  15. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    Further info: Medusa's Head Wiki
  16. Calypso News - MA: Medusa's Head Virtual Property to be Auctioned on Planet Calyp

    TP to Treasure Island is free.. so I would expect the same for Medusa's Head.
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