Yahoo: Halo: Reach Breaks Halo 3 Xbox LIVE Record, Probably Sales Too (PC World)

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by EP-Newsbot, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. PC World - I dropped by Best Buy yesterday for a copy of Windows 7. Best Buy locks up its "real" versions of Windows 7, so the sales guy had to walk across the store to grab a copy from the Geek Squad.

  2. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Yahoo: Halo: Reach Breaks Halo 3 Xbox LIVE Record, Probably Sales Too (PC Wo

    i got mine on Tuesday as i had preordered it....still haven't opened it yet....managing to resist till the weekend and only after i've read my study notes through at least once for my exam on Tuesday coming. That will be my treat for the hard weeks worth of work.
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