Planet Calypso News: World of Firepower 2014

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. The Semi-Finals saw several surprises as favourites were eliminated, and record scores were achieved. Having won the title twice before and being no strangers to the Final, Team USA can be considered favourites each time they take the field. Nonetheless, they were unprepared for the sheer determination of DACH to secure a chance at a second title themselves, finding the gap between their scores reaching further than it was possible to close. DACH achieved the first of the weekend's two all-time highest WoF match scores with an impressive 1371, besting Team Sweden's Title-Winning 1284 in 2011. As the most recent winners of the WoF they have to the chance to be the first to claim two consecutive victories, something we're sure they'll be keen to do.

    Next, Team Great Britain took on Team Australia, who were underdogs as far as previous scores were concerned but still made Great Britain work for their victory. With a winning score of 647 Team Great Britain are the apparent underdogs in the Final itself but previous matches have shown they can achieve a competitive score. As Team England, they took the title in 2008 and in common with their fellow finalists would relish the chance to equal the record set by Team USA.

    Finally we saw Team Sweden take on previous finalists and reliable fighters Team France, who managed to score 1079 points, beating their previous highest score, the 2011 Final score of 1040. It wasn't enough to stop Sweden as they went on to reach a mind-boggling score of 1422, the highest score ever recorded in the history of the WoF. This makes Sweden the 1st and 3rd highest scorers ever, placing DACH in 2nd place. The fact they have achieved these scores while refusing any non-Swedish help makes it all the more impressive.

    The three of them are due to meet on April 11th at 19:00 and tackle the last Moblist of the tournament, where Araneatrox and Atrox are among several unlucky mobs to bear the brunt of their tenacious and organised armies. All are welcome at the Start/Finish point at 87910, 76450, 100 to park up your vehicles, and watch them all take off and then the judges exploding in trumpets and swirls as the globals roll in.

    Who will be the winners of a second WoF title?

    We'll have to wait and see.

  2. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    OHHHHH YESSS! Team Germany and later Team DACH was beaten by Team USA so often during the past WoFs! I have to admit that I am very happy and proud, especially about the score. I love my old buddies from Team DACH.
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