MSM WoF Promotional Movie

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    (Banner created by: Vergil "Syer" vonBraun)

    Make no mistake, fighting for your country is serious business inside the virtual environment of Entropia Universe, and the World of Firepower 2012 is fully engaged. It's a battle to the finish, and only the strong survive until there's one last country standing in all their glory to claim the coveted trophy.

    The country teams are assembled, and the lines have been drawn. Warriors are prepared to march into the field and show what they're worth. If you haven't been inspired yet, then you are dared by WoF's founder, Hurrikane, to watch the following video only once. This video was produced by Entropian Clam Jboy Jamphrie, also from the Gloryhound Irregulars whose creative talents have amazed us all over the years.

    World of Firepower (WoF) is an annual international Entropia Universe hunting event that was founded in 2007 by Oscar "Hurrikane" SkyQuake from the Gloryhound Irregulars society. WoF 2012 and information for previous years can be found here.

    Discussion of WoF Promotional Movie is taking place here.
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