Will ND sell the bank next

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by RAZER, May 21, 2010.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    So Neverdie needs money for his company and the planets, will this mean he's going to sell his bank at Port Atlantis to? I mean if he sells CND, which makes him a lot of money, what will he do with a bank that doesn't make him so much money I think. Will he be selling all his stuff on Calypso and leave the planet for good?
  2. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    i dont think he could sell the bank, so why try, and set off the "NeverDie's selling everything..." train in the process.
  3. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    just a matter of intrest imho, hes "done" with the rock and moves to bigger things like someone selling old armor to get a bigger and better set.

    the bank still fits in so doubt we see any changes there.
  4. Is the bank license transferrable? I'm not sure what the terms of the deal were but it may not be 'legal' for him to sell it. I imagine he would have got rid of the bank before CND, given the opportunity (though as Ari suggested, I'm not convinced anyone would want to buy it anyway).
  5. He sells his asteroid because he is no longer spot #1 holder in the guiness book of world records since CP has been sold...
  6. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    No need to sell his bank, the license expires soon enough, then bank gone.

    Question is will he bid for the next license offering?
    Probably not as it comes in line with a conflict of interest again.

    It would be like Next Island David Post or CKI Cyrene Ceo or a FPC employee bidding for one.
    All are employees or employers/partners of the Entropia Universe.

    Conflict of interests in business are very serious and can be legally challenged by both partners and participants alike and "do not need" any solid proof for corruption as a basis for a full investigation by the courts.

    Any potential CoI the courts will rule against to have decomissioned by default.
    This is how it is and has always been in all countries with a legal system under legitament rule.

    CND is in the deep red for CoI, as is the bank so it is best he removes these off his shoulders
    "as a developer of the Entropia Universe", at his earliest convenience. ;)

    I am surprised that the commercial corruption watchdog in Sweden has not already jumped on MindArk over this - It is highly likely they are not aware of the current situation thus far.

    In any case, at least ND is taking the right path to remove the status quo of MindArk being flagged as a "potential" corrupt financial services business.
  7. The existing 5 bank licenses will NOT "expire", only the 2 year excusivity period ends - this 2 years period only guaranteed that there will be no ADDITIONAL bank licenses issued&sold by MA, it affects the existing banks only indirectly (by more potential competitors coming up)
  8. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    You learn something new every day.
    He would have the option to sell his license then if no expiry.
    It would be the next logical step to CND.

    ND is no longer a participant competitor,
    He is now a business partner, internal world competitor & EU employer with MA
  9. TheTaxman

    TheTaxman Cheater Hater

    indeed , neverdie made a choice to become a suit in the MA world , may his and Island girls avvy rest in peace , with respect . ND has done more for the game than any other . i respect his decision to run the show instead of trying to be just another gamer .
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