What type of gamer are you?

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by Tass, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]


    lulz ;-)

    Have fun!
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  2. What kind of gamer am i: one im late for i spend to much time playing games from getting up to going bed.
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  3. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    i did the test and not really surprisingly I was mostly explorer , a good bit socializer, a wee bit achiever and 0% killer :D
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  4. I answered all 30 questions so I have more patience than I thought, which is good for me ;) I got this:

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  5. narfi

    narfi Lost

    • Like Like x 1
  6. Zya


    Results as requested:
    S: 73% E: 67% A: 60% K: 0%
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  7. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    E: 80% S: 73% A: 40% K: 7%

    Explorer Socializers are the glue of the online world. Not only do they like to delve in to find all the cool stuff, but they also enjoy sharing that knowledge with others. Explorer socializers power the wikis, maps, forums and theory craft sites of the gamer world.
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    I thought I would do this test again and see how it compares last time I took it. However, I got stuck with first question. Suppose you don't really agree with any of given choices then what? This is where these kind of tests fall down I think because your thinking or rather how you are supposed to think is already prescribed and doesn't allow for true diversity that there is in real life.

    Usually on these type of tests I think the result I get is probably spurious.
  9. [​IMG]

    0% killer ;-)


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