Weapon Comparison Prototype

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by narfi, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. narfi

    narfi Lost

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  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Something we have been working on.
    Professions don't do anything yet (no equations in place for non maxed weapons)
    Only Damage enhancers are accounted for. (no adjustments for accuracy, eco, or skill)
    Needs to be 'prettied up' a bit so that it looks nicer and is easier to read.

    We would love you guys to let us know what you would like added, or changed as we finish it.
    Thank you
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

  4. dalewj

    dalewj StoryTeller/Nerd/Gamer

    my only thought is that if you toggle the enhancers in 1 spot they should all toggle. but guessing that is not possible. but nice job!
  5. narfi

    narfi Lost

    you mean if i toggle 3 dmg enhancers on combo One they should also toggle on combo two, three and four?

    That would prevent you from being able to compare different setups which is a large part of what this is for.

    Perhaps I misunderstand what you mean though?
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Is there a link I can try it out... not sure I totally follow the screenshot
  7. dalewj

    dalewj StoryTeller/Nerd/Gamer

    narfi. what I was saying is that if I select in one part of the screen that I collapsed something I would like them all to collapse. (a collapse all, expand all option)
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost

    It isn't a screenshot :) it is live right there in the post.... click on it and enter what you want :)

    Ah I see what you mean, let me talk to Tass and see if that is possible or not.
  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    oh shit! so it is!!

    <-- stupid
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    All enhancers sections are now collapsed by default (actually that should have been the case from the beginning but there was a little bug).
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  11. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Bumping this up again :)
    Looking for more feedback on looks, feel, and functionality :)
  12. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    Only show the amps that are possible to select after you have selected a weapon.
    i.e. only show laser amps for a laser weapon.

    Only show as many combos as I selected in the result page.
    i.e. if I only created one combo then there is no need to show one filled in combo and three empty combos.
  13. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Minor changes are in.

    The above improvement is among them.

    That should be possible somehow. While thinking about it I was wondering whether it would be good to have some general selector, something like a radio button at top to choose between BLP/Laser/Melee or whatever, so for example you select "Melee" and the Weapon/Amp fields only show Melee Weapons/Amps.

    And something related to this that's always puzzling me is the categorization for weapons in general. What "categories" are really required and how to name them?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    I added some stats to my rifle, http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/Item:Xent_Tech_Light_Rifle_X2
    Now I get this message which isn't correct:

    Xent Tech Light Rifle X2 and Omegaton A102 are not compatible, please verify and update the wiki if this is incorrect.

    I will try to reload... It didn't help.
    I guess its because I added Laser as the type to the rifle? It doesn't look like its specified for the amp? But I don't know how to edit that one...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
  15. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Yep, that's problem. But the major question is what "properties" to specify for Weapons and Amps that are then used for compatibility checking? Or even further what "properties" to specify for Weapons/Amps in general? By what "properties" can weapons be distinguished? How to name them clearly?
  16. Amber Knightley

    Amber Knightley I see dead people.

    In the same way we do it over at Entropedia.
    You need to add another property to weapons, which amp type it can take. It is under the Misc. Info at Entropedia. i.e. "Amplifier:BLP Amp"
  17. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Well, that's the obvious technical solution to what is actual an ontology issue. So would be nice to solve it on an ontology level, which might not be possible because MindArk's designers don't care much about properly naming, defining, and categorizing items. But let's see.

    In the meantime there was an update to the dropdown fields. They are more dynamic in general, and in addition when there are more than 100 entries they switch to AJAX mode with entries being loaded dynamically which increases performance a little bit compared to generally loading all possible entries right from the start.
  18. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Sorry not a lot to offer but I just tried it and was really impressed! That is pretty darn funcional! Love the compare report!
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