Warp Transports & Quad Shuttles

Discussion in 'Trading & services' started by Geo, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Geo


    Pick up or Drop off anywhere in the Universe.
    All Planets 25ped and any Space Station 15ped.
    Anytime or Scheduled Warp transports available on Motherships Kronan and Normandie.
    PM me or add me ingame.
  2. I'd like to think I can get a custom warpflight to anywhere I like for 25PED , but realistically that's not gonna happen is it? Well, not unless I've got 3 friends want to go same place, same time, and ship doesn't need to make a special warpflight to collect me. This thread is misleading, IMO, and lacks vital info. eg your in-game ava name?

    Here's Normandie's schedule . Maybe you can supply similar info re Kronan?

    Also if you represent Kronan, you could perhaps suggest that they call at NI at some different time/day than Mandie (if she calls here at all) so that the two don't compete for custom, but provide a more comprehensive service between them ? There are very few customers on NI, but they badly need regular transport. Two Motherships competing would just put themselves out of business fast, and leave NI stranded

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