MSM Unleash your inner artist and get creative..

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, May 2, 2013.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    If you own a shop on Planet Arkadia, or have considered purchasing one, the developers are going to give you an opportunity to get as creative as you want. Of course, the designs must be approved, but there’s plenty of wiggle room to customize not only the front, but both sides as well.

    Following are the details of how you can become a part of this artistry that will change the look and feel of Arkadia’s walk-ways, and show us how inventive you can be in advertising what awaits in your shops for potential customers.

    After reading over the details, and seeing the photos, it inspired a few questions on my part, so I eventually caught up with the developer (Dave Dobson, CEO) and got them answered. The information follows the custom shop details.

    Have you ever dreamed that your storefront was fully customized to reflect the personality of your business?

    Arkadia Studios is now making available an opportunity to do just that!

    Simply purchase a 50 item point upgrade (5000 PED’s) for your shop and Arkadia Studios will develop your storefront to your design.

    Terms and conditions:
    • Own a shop on Planet Arkadia
    • Buy 50 item points (5000 PEDs woth) in a single purchase
    How it works:
    • Once the transaction with an Arkadia official is confirmed, you can provide us with your design on the template (listed below) we’re providing, and unleash your creativity. You don’t need to be a brilliant artist, you can use crayons if you like (or you could ask the community for help) – our artists will translate your vision into a design that looks great in game. Once you have made your design, email it to
    • A mock up (front view and side views) will be done for you in 1 -2 weeks time.
    • Once you are comfortable with the design, a final confirmation will be made.
    • We allow 2 changes to be made before the final confirmation.
    • The design of your shop-front will be made available in-game in the next Planet Arkadia update.
    • If there’s a new owner of a shop, the signboard can be changed for a fee of 500 PEDs.
    • Removal of the customized shop-front will be done for free.
    • Designs are subject to the approval of Arkadia Studios.
    This is not a one time offer, Arkadia Studios is making this available on an on-going basis. We really look forward to seeing how creative our community can be.

    Templates for shop:

    Template — front view of shop
    Template — left side of shop

    Template — right side of shop

    Even though a few questions had been answered in the announcement thread at the Arkadia Forum, I was curious about a couple of things and caught up with Dave to see if he would share a bit more information.

    I noticed in the right side template view that there was a door both at the entrance of the shop and the apartments. I learned that there will indeed be doors, and they will be auto-open. Seems there will also be another door on the inside of the shop before entering the main area.

    With regard to shop customization, you can have anything you want, even neon signs if that floats your boat, and it applies to both the front of the shop, as well as both sides. However, it can’t block the view of the upstairs apartment, and it can’t extend into the street. I also learned that the customized shop loads from the other end of the street, and designed to be very efficient, so optimization of the city is very good.

    The optimization response interested me the most because everyone is usually concerned about lag, but it seems that having the shop front customized and eliminating the Gigantium and other signs, it will reduce the lag, so that’s good to hear.

    It will be fun to see just how creative shop owners get who make the choice to customize. It will be like walking “Artists Alley” in Quebec City, Canada – an incredible experience.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2013
  2. This is a good idea for shop owners that have the spare PEDs (and great site btw...), and a neat way for Arkadia to raise more revenue - I can also see their technical crew getting very creative with new materials and textures ;)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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