The VCC Rally Series

Discussion in 'The VCC Rally Series' started by Chrome, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. The VCC Rally Series
    * *Valkyrie Cross Country* *

    The overwhelming response and positive feedback from the folks involved with the Port Atlantis VCC Rally has inspired me to create The VCC Rally Series. Each race in the VCC Rally Series will be a free and accessible community event for all.

    The VCC Rally Series will be held in convenient locations for all who wish to participate in or observe these events. All VCC Rally Series events will be in non-PVP areas, so there will be no worries of other individuals "interfering" with the race.

    Contestants may only use the Valkyrie MK1 vehicle for these events. The Valkyrie MK1 is relatively affordable compared to most other land vehicles, gets excellent gas mileage, and is also faster than most other land vehicles.

    Rallies will most likely be held every 6-8 weeks, with a similar format to the Port Atlantis VCC Rally:
    • Registration will be forum based
    • Registration is FREE :)
    • Maximum of 50 participants, with 10 additional listed on a stand-by basis the day of the event
    • Two official practice runs will be held at 17:00 and 21:00 MA on Saturday, the day before the event
    • Race will be on Sunday at 21:00 MA

    I am currently looking for sponsors and/or donations to help fund prizes. I will also need around ten volunteers to help officiate each VCC Rally. Please contact me if you are willing to help in any way...


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