Tetania's Grunion Run l FREE Entry

Discussion in 'BIG Industries events' started by Meculus, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. BIG Industries Proudly Presents:

    A multi-headed grind and fight event!!!


    Tetania's-by-the-Sea OLA19 has been overrun by Neconu!!
    Clear the area while earning the gear you to need protect yourself during the monthly
    "Wing Man" event.



    Achieve different items grinding through the Neconu at OLA19 and fulfilling the required tiers to unlock the gear you need to compete in the "Wing Man" Event where you will bring a partner to interfere by any means necessary with your competitors in a 2k PED 1 hour Highest single loot event at the end of the month!! Amps, weapons, and faps will be awarded as you achieve different divisions mowing through the mass of Neconu on OLA19.


    February 26th 00:00 - March 26th 23:59

    Click HERE for schedule and more detailed information for "Wing Man"


    Event will take place within the boarders of OLA19


    All globals must take place within the boarders of OLA19 to be counted in this event

    TP located at: 35227, 26854
    4 Neconu DNA ranging from Young to Old
    Taxes @ 3.75%


    The prizes below will be awarded for achieving the specified amounts of Neconu Globals

    Division 1 (20 Globals): 2x Shear XR70(L)
    Division 2 (40 Globals): GeoTrek LP 485 Apis(L) + ticket
    Division 3 (60 Globals): GeoTrek LP 485 Apis(L) + Vivo UR125(L) + ticket

    All items will be full TT value

    Prizes will be readily available just prior to the "Wing Man" event, or thereafter if you cannot make it.

    These tools will assist you in wreaking havoc on your opponents during the Final Guardian Event Where you can win 2K PED!! (tickets available to non-qualifiers for 100 ped)


    Globals will be tracked by www.entropiatracker.com. Simply create an account there if you do not have one already, then register >>>HERE<<< for the event!!

    Registration for the "Wing Man" event will be available through the in game event system, or a ticket will be available for you by an event official the 30 minutes prior to the event once you have achieved the appropriate division to receive it :)


  2. Top 5 Leader board

    The above leader board does not represent all participants, please visit the following link to see the standing of all participants: EVENT FULL PARTICIPANT STANDING
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