Surfing at CND

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by Burgerman, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    " Youâ??d seem â??em wearing their baggies
    Huarache sandals too
    A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
    Surfinâ?? Club NeverDie "

    Last time I visited Klod's shop at CND resort, I noticed his stock has expanded to include SURFBOARDS. :-)
    They look very nice, beautiful smooth boards ready to take on the biggest waves. So far I think all of the domes at CND are without any water features, so I think these surfboards obviously hint at a new dome feature - water domes with Indoor Wave Generators. :-)

    How kewl is that? And grats to Klod for being right up-to-date with the latest products and trends. I hope you can visit his store next time you are at CND. :-)

  2. shhh they where supposed to be a secret:) Hehe well just cause Im so friendly and all I will take u out for a ride later this week Burger. Lets beat the wawes of Dapspletors in 17.
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