Someone please remind me...

Discussion in 'The Black Hole' started by Tom thebuzz Christensen, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Frustrating!!!
    Someone PLEASE remind me NOT to log in during the entire next year migration...

    Loot sux and MA wipe my ass with sandpaper...
    (I only hunted 250 longtooths and the rest of the mobs I kill is standard break even mobs for me - ie. Sumima, Scipulors and Hogglos).

    I think most of the ppl I know suffer... Then some person wins all the loot saved up for ages. :lam:

    I do NOT understand how MindArk can justify letting the loot pool save up for 3-5 days before a gigantic payout, meaning 99.9999% of the users suffer and 0.0001% benefits from the bullshit...

    Honestly??? Im so sick of this bullshit :puke: from MindArk and I wish we could rebel :viking: somehow...

    "Contentment is the key to happiness."

    I have been playing Project Entropia and Entropia Universe now for well over 5 years. Yep you did read that right.. FIVE years..

    My first global was an 78 PED Biffoid south of Ithaca where also spiders and troxies was roaming.

    An Biffoid was then evolved into an Maffoid, then added a few splatters of regeneration super powers and some more ugly looks than they were before.

    I was born in a world where the highest possible HOF was around 1,000 - 1,500 PED max. (But daily average was maybe 300-500 PED HOF max) Hunting ATH MAX were a 7,000 Atrox Old I think.

    I haven't been with this game since before it turned gold.. Im sorry I didnt.. I didn't join until 2005...

    My current skills (which I earned in hunting myself and didnt chip in) are here... Entropedia: Avatar: Tom thebuzz Christensen

    What I'm trying to say with everything above is that I'm just a newbie that lost a USD $100 deposit, but a seasoned player that has gone totally feed up with MindArk's bullshit.

    I basically don't care about loosing $100 - thats peanuts really... I've lost maybe around $5,000 since EntropiaUniverse gone into CE2 age. (I should pay for a new platform that I didn't want???) :argue:

    Those $5,000 lost comes from my items (that I sell slowly and steadily) to afford playing this game...

    Well why didn't I leave already? I know a big huge blend of very nice persons in this game and I don't want to leave those... I don't see myself like some of the other people I saw leave the game after some down times...

    I can't see how MindArk or Planet Calypso (another piece of the same junk cake) do not realize this:

    Example 1:
    Player 1 - 1,000 - loses 1 - 400PED in ONE hunt (for 3 hrs duration)
    These combined losses mount to a total of 20,000 PED which are then paid out in ONE huge hof to a lucky player.. He will either pull those peds outta game, or he will slowly and steady lose them again.

    Example 2:
    Player 1 - 1,000 - loses 1 - 400PED in TEN hunts (30 hours duration)
    These combined losses mount to a total of 200,000 PED which are then paid out in 1 x 120,000 HOF and 4 HOFS of 20,000 PED.

    Sum of all this
    Well we are still 1,000 Players that are gambling to win a ticket, but with the two above examples which lasts for 33 hours, we have 6 HAPPY people and 994 people that is SICK of the system.

    Thats a satifaction percantage of 0.60 %...
    And 99.40% that are PISSED at the game...

    MindArk please open your
    blonde eyes for once...!

    • Like Like x 1
  2. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    Many many more share your view m8, im one.
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    PM sent.

    sorry for being a smart-alick

  4. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    Tom my Facebook pal, I feel ya big time. Mindark counts on greed and exitement as a factor and that the communtiy never will orgenize and stand together to protest with effectiveness. Just like mafiosi casino bosses and they dont give a crap. Theres always someone who deposits with the hope of hitting it big, MA counts on this and it is a certain assurity for them. Albeit a false created hope. We are talking about a bunch of swedes driven by neurotic greed ofc.

    There is a way to fight back so a swedish robbersgang can feel it where it hurts, money! If it is possible that the entire community protest together through boycotting the game. No deposits or game activity by no-one sure would make them feel it. It should be done for a period of 3 months. Now how to convince the rich ones who dont care about wasting their cash to have fun? Or an entire community of addicted gamers high on false hope of hitting a ath?

    Now that is a flippin mamoth challenge.

    Take the cars, another little trick to keep players active ingame and ocupied with inconciquencialities. Keep em distracted and they will throw their money at us, mmmmmm:(

    I depo a little and play it away in a few days mining and crafting. Then I go into a bearslumber for a month or so. I pace myself and it sure isnt viable to be realy active in this game anymore. Latelly I am back at buying game DVDs from shops to play out on my pc when I am in the mood to play. EU used to be a fantastic game a few years ago, but greed ruined it forever.
  5. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    Make that a behemoth or 2.
  6. I had a 95% loss on a 100ped hunt, on feffoids.
    Not very happy but whatever, It's a game.
  7. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    Yep my point exactly. And emphasis added throughout. It is rather clever and keniving how them Gothenburgers figured it all out covering all contingencies to asure them a steady cash flow huh?:D I can relate to Tom and how he feels, so too can many old entropians.

    A sobering thought tho is no amount of neurotic cash hording will help them when the planet goes chaotic. What are they gonna do when there is no place to spend all their saved up worthless cash?
  8. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    Yep thats the attatude of gamers Mindark counts on absolutelly. The only real winners is them who take all the money to the bank at the end of the day. Or at least they might think so lol. A streetrobber in a tux, is still a thief by heart.

    but doesnt fpc/ma advertize it as more than just a game. A Nongame so to speak? At this point it gets confusing. or are you, just like so many patient players holding onto false hope, just justifying your losses with, " But hey, its just a game." ??? MA/FPC uses a lot of psychological mindgames on humans with efect.

    TY for proving a little fact to the community here. EU has a powerfull hold on peops.
  9. narfi

    narfi Lost

    All joking aside. I have really enjoyed this game for the last 2.5 years that I have played. It is sad to see people not enjoying themselves, but I wont get into the rhetoric on possible changes, that topic has been been rehashed in too many threads on too many forums already.

    One thought though,

    "Contentment is the key to happiness."
  10. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    What sane human being is content with being robbed blind? Tricked into loving a great game only to realize later that implimented changes are there to suck you dry? Which gamer likes it that one game ruins the gaming experience due to raw greed?
  11. "Contentment is the key to happiness."

    I have been playing Project Entropia and Entropia Universe now for well over 5 years. Yep you did read that right.. FIVE years..

    My first global was an 78 PED Biffoid south of Ithaca where also spiders and troxies was roaming.

    An Biffoid was then evolved into an Maffoid, then added a few splatters of regeneration super powers and some more ugly looks than they were before.

    I was born in a world where the highest possible HOF was around 1,000 - 1,500 PED max. (But daily average was maybe 300-500 PED HOF max) Hunting ATH MAX were a 7,000 Atrox Old I think.

    I haven't been with this game since before it turned gold.. Im sorry I didnt.. I didn't join until 2005...

    My current skills (which I earned in hunting myself and didnt chip in) are here... Entropedia: Avatar: Tom thebuzz Christensen

    What I'm trying to say with everything above is that I'm just a newbie that lost a USD $100 deposit, but a seasoned player that has gone totally feed up with MindArk's bullshit.

    I basically don't care about loosing $100 - thats peanuts really... I've lost maybe around $5,000 since EntropiaUniverse gone into CE2 age. (I should pay for a new platform that I didn't want???) :argue:

    Those $5,000 lost comes from my items (that I sell slowly and steadily) to afford playing this game...

    Well why didn't I leave already? I know a big huge blend of very nice persons in this game and I don't want to leave those... I don't see myself like some of the other people I saw leave the game after some down times...

    I can't see how MindArk or Planet Calypso (another piece of the same junk cake) do not realize this:

    Example 1:
    Player 1 - 1,000 - loses 1 - 400PED in ONE hunt (for 3 hrs duration)
    These combined losses mount to a total of 20,000 PED which are then paid out in ONE huge hof to a lucky player.. He will either pull those peds outta game, or he will slowly and steady lose them again.

    Example 2:
    Player 1 - 1,000 - loses 1 - 400PED in TEN hunts (30 hours duration)
    These combined losses mount to a total of 200,000 PED which are then paid out in 1 x 120,000 HOF and 4 HOFS of 20,000 PED.

    Sum of all this
    Well we are still 1,000 Players that are gambling to win a ticket, but with the two above examples which lasts for 33 hours, we have 6 HAPPY people and 994 people that is SICK of the system.

    Thats a satifaction percantage of 0.60 %...
    And 99.40% that are PISSED at the game...

    MindArk please open your
    blonde eyes for once...!

  12. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Am I insane for being content?
    Am I insane for enjoying a fun game?
    Are only the insane allowed joy?

    I truly don't understand your misery, but I do feel for you :(
    If you do not enjoy loosing money there are so many truly fun and enjoyable things to do in the game at a much cheaper level. But if it frustrates you as much as it seems to, why do you play?

    I hope you can find your contentment and joy :)

  13. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Pretty much the reason I left, loot distribution is officially screwed in EU. :viking:
    And expense to play is just out there for so many.
  14. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    You cant expect a collonist using serious gear to downgrade to a nooblevel. Seriously wheres the fun in that or contentment? I dont see someone like Star going on a fannatic sweatrun for weeks on end. And thats just an example. I worked hard skilling to be the prospector I am. My (L) finder is enhanced up to lvl X and enhancers cost money, so too do amps and probes. I love mining, how should I become content and have fun running after ambus at neas for sweat thats also difficult to sell?

    Narfi how cant you not understand our missery? Have you ever progressed beyond sweating mobs? Have you experienced serious financial loss due to a game addiction? have you so much money IRL that you cant be narfed about losing 10 K USD here and there? I myself know entropia for a long time and there was a time the hosts gave us a fun game worth our depos. I dont mind losing the money I depo, just that it used to go a long way before. The game sure is a great game, the problem lies with the hosts and how greed causes them to screw the game up for many who have gotten addicted to it over a period of many years. And we the game junkies havent the power or say in implimentations forced upon us. And worst of all Mindark knows that we the community are incapable of orgenizing properly to protest so they keep crapping on us with forced implimentations and crappy lootpool tweaks. Money corrupts, too much money corrupts absolutelly. Mindark seems to lack the abillity to win hearts and minds.

    ignorance is the road to contentment. Ignorance may be bliss to you but not to all of us. Happyness is when our peds go a long way so we as genuine gamers can game on and be happy at what we do. MA/FPC knows that most of the moneys won by us goes right back into the game for decay, gear, ammo, etc. It is only the very rich peddilionaires with, shops, land areas, space stations,planets and a few traders who remove money from the game.
  15. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    well i used to play highish level and did infact come to a point where i have sold all my gear at a big loss to keep playing, now i roam in shogun, and bought of my last ped a hummer jeep thingy with my fun is atm trying to balance on places where it shouldnt go or driving it to those pesky teleporters ppl bought on their lands to get my tp list filled.

    As for hunting even shooting snabs and exas with opalo results in a loss way to high for the level, i just stopped hunting/mining/crafting alltogether exept when im asked in team and even then i refuse to use bigger as my mk3 and shogun.

    u could say im buggered to get to my goal of maxing weapons as i could never afford it, evenmore so whats the use of doing that anyway if u cant get there by playing hard grinding.

    hey i know grinding is a form of addiction but i did that out of free will on this game couse i love it, i dumped way to many other games that just got boring.

    :poke:Do not read this its a black hole posting and i stil love this game but cant denie feeling.:D
  16. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    LOL just tted my enmat gear away so I can keep goin a bit with ore gear and 1 104 amp. yeah youre not the only one doing it just to play and have fun. Hope I can find a hof to keep me gaming for another few days or so. Too bad EU has become like it is now, it is realy sad and no-one enjoys pulling at the short end of things.
  17. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Using star as an example goes against your own argument. He has done the math and figured out how to play profitably at his level. Anyone trying to do the same activities as him with less skills is going to help pay his RL bills.

    We as colonists need to be wise and understand what we are capable of and play within those boundaries. If we don't then we will pay the consequences.

    I am not rich, nor am I stupid enough to put 10k+ usd into a video game.
    I have not sweated in over a year except to encourage or socialize with my recruits.
    Recently I have been killing 2k+hp dragons on Rocktropia.
    My gear is gremlin, jag(L), 6As, 3As, 5Bs & 4Cs.
    I use the cheapest dmg/pec (L) guns I can find and use the biggest affordable amps on them to make them even more eco.
    OF-105, MF-104 & tt extractors.
    I predominantly use the vivoT1 & heal chip, with a square fap for emergencies because I cant afford an uber eco fap.

    I don't camp any mob that requires me to heal during the fight because its mathematically stupid.
    I have not hunted longtooth/eomon because its mathematically stupid on my time and ped budget.
    I have not crafted because its mathematically stupid.
    I have not used enhancers because its mathematically stupid.
    I have not amped until recently mining because its mathematically stupid.
    I have not camped mobs without markup because its mathematically stupid.
    I have not used any weapons that averaged less than 2.8dmg/pec because its mathamaticly stupid. (except ul bicak kek for skilling because the shortblade skills were worth it to me and I had an opportunity to borrow it)

    ***I have done some or all of these to a minimum when I wanted to gamble, but have only used ped I was willing to throw away doing it.

    All the information has been published by countless helpful players to play this game with reasonable losses.

    It is an addiction to gambling that causes people to go against any of these common sense rules and it is the people that are not willing to do the research and change with the times that pay for those that are.

    None of this is new, you should know all of this and yet you complain day after day, week after week. If it was just your own misery I would probably not have posted, but why should you discourage new players who may be willing to play intelligently because you aren't?

    I tried to gently show you my thoughts on it and you insult me?
    Do the research, analyze your spending and gaming activities. Why does your ped vanish too fast? It is because people like me are willing to do the same activity cheaper than you are, and I will not apologize for being willing to do the research needed to play intelligently.

    The game has changed, and the longer you have been in it, the harder it is for older players to change with it. Its not the same game, but can still be played for a reasonable price if you can get over your addiction and stop gambling and start actually playing.

    I have gotten riled up, and I apologize. I wont keep this going because I can see we both are set in our beliefs.

    I honestly do hope you can find happiness either in the game or in Real Life (which is more important anyways)

    gl and have fun :)

  18. MistressArwen

    MistressArwen Smile, makes someones day

    OK u got me, i are stupid. You may also have pointed out half of calypso as stupid but thaTS ok.
  19. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Please take what I said in the best light. It seems quite harsh, but I honestly have no intention of insulting you or anyone else who plays the game.

    MA has given us plenty of options to spend ped "stupidly" and it can be hard finding the right way to "intelligently" cycle, skill, and play. But I truly think that it is possible even though it is an ever changing possibility.

    :) :)s make it all better right?

    hopefully no hard feelings,

  20. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    I like your approach, narfi. Optimism definitly is a good trait.

    There seems to be a large group of people, though, who, despite using all the eco gear and who are careful not to fal into the PED-traps, still somehow end up getting real crap loot for large amounts of time on end.

    I'm one of them, and the recent 2k uber does not come near the amount of PED I ended up loosing, even with an eco setup, hunting eco mobs, etc. Despite people's claims that everybody will get a 85-90% return rate, I have seen too many hunts where that was nowhere near the case, and I really do hope that MindArk will somehow change their system to ensure that such feelings are just not experienced.

    People constantly claim that one ought to keep the long-term in mind, but fact of the matter is that when I play, I'm looking to be entertained. Entertainment is like seeing a movie. A short hit of something. Hunting for three hours, and at the end realising those three hours of a crap experience cost me 40 USD just leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and will be the best way to ensure that my long-term plans of depositing and/or investing will be drastically revised.

    It *has* to be possible to balance things out properly so that even those who do not have the luxury of spending many consequtive hours hunting for the one big loot that offsets their losses, have a chance of walking away feeling entertained, rather than ripped off if Lootius did not grant them with something extraordinary.

    Longteeth have been rather kind to me recently, with the uber, and a nice global this morning, but when doing a hunt on them together with LYkke earlier, we both made a significant loss, which just will ensure we end up loggin out at some point, rather than keep cycling PEDs (and thus decay money flowing into MindArks pocketses).

    Just my 2 pec. Nice to know that it does work out for some people, though. I'll try to keep trying different things until I find something that consistently will allow me to break even or profit. Hints or tips are always welcome :)

    (I know Longteeth are not eco mobs. Yet, using eco gear, and simple chance calculations I guestimate that I do manage to nibble off a bigger chunk of globalling money than I am spending. The migration simply totally messed up the balance as it normally exists, and I smelled an opportunity in it. The markup on most loot stinks, but the sizes of some of the globals on them would be sufficient to pay for an entire hunt for me).
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