MSM SFE - Who's Who - EU Business

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space


    Developing a business in a Real Cash Economy (RCE) inside a virtual world requires more than just setting up shop on a piece of real estate. Planning is key, as well as developing a business model that has the potential for creating value as a product and/or service to those with a foreseeable need.

    Southern Fortress Engineering continues to add to their already respectable longevity as a successful entrepreneurial business inside the Entropia Universe, providing an armor crafting service that spans multiple planets. I had an opportunity to chat with SFE’s CEO and Logistics staff for an inside look at the SFE operation and ask key questions about the beginning, the present, and the future of their business.

    The following recorded interview gives great insight into the evolution of Southern Fortress Engineering, with key advice to those who are thinking about starting a business within Entropia Universe, or those who might already be trying to make their mark. The interview is lengthier than what is usually offered, but the depth of information is worth the listen.

    To learn more, and to subscribe to their monthly price list newsletter, visit the SFE website.

    Southern Fortress Engineering

    Article banner created by Jim @EwoK Morris from Southern Fortress Engineering
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2013
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