Rules concerning Entropia based art

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by nexus7, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. What is Mind Ark's official stance on Entropia based pictorial artwork, given that any such work or works is or would be based on in-game 'content' that is copyright by Mind Ark? Does the artist have full rites to Entropia based artwork or only partial rights?
    Also, I've 'heard' here and there that participants can advertise Entropia based artwork in-game (I don't know if this is actually correct) via participant generated content, but again (and if this is allowed) who would have the copyright, the participant or Mind Ark? Can participants advertise Entropia based art without consulting Mind Ark in any way?
  2. Come on, someone... This isn't a trick question or anything, I'm just genuinely curious as to what the situation with Entropia based art is.
  3. I'd say it's entirely dependent on the copyright laws in Sweden, as the player agreement seems to say that it will be local laws that govern that agreement.

    Beyond that EU laws would probably be the ultimate authority.

    If you could therfore prove that you wer the original creator of content then MA would have no rights other than the agreement made between player and MA to host the images, and display them within the EU framework.

    Just as if your ISP ripped your original images from their servers, and somehow profited by it, you would be quite at rights to claim your copyright and royalties.

    If however some other random person did the same, then MA would bear no responsiblity whatsoever.

    As for MA's 'official' stance - beyonf reading the text for PC then you would have to ask them how protected your content is.

    Simple answer? If you're worried then digimark your images, burn them to a CD, put it in a sealed envelope and then post it to yourself, never opening it when it arrives.

    'Exhibit A your honour -if you would care to open that sealed envelope and insert the cd you will find those images predate the defendants claims'

  4. Gee Phunkstra, you work for the CIA? LOL :D
  5. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Hmmmm undercover cop. Hmmmm or maybe worse yet a lawyer OHHHH NOOOOO not a lawyer hehehe.
    Now before I get any feedback, I really have nothing against lawyers.
  6. Damn I must have had a light-headed phase LOL
  7. Many thanks everyone - sorry if I was impatiant... There's some good replies here and kind of what I wanted to know. I like the tip on sending the cd to yourself, never though of that. On the other things, well I was sort of thinking it's a bit like rl, although I'm no expert on Swedish law. In UK or US for instance, if you take a photo of something, you automatically have the copyright (if memeory serves me here) even though the 'something' is owned by someone else - unless it's yours, so I'm thinking the same would be true in Entropia...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2007
  8. I'd saw probably not. You're quite right about RL photo's - this is a fact exploited by (worth a look!) with great effect.

    Ingame though, you will find imagery taken from a screenshot will remain the IP of mindark. You may be able to argue a case if the shot excluded any imagery other than the Participant Content (i.e. no billboard frames, scenery, avatars etc), but all of the other ingame content will fall under their legal protection.

    Again... :twocents:
  9. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Yup yup I think I am right. Phunksta is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is really a LAWYER. 8)
  10. Blah! splutter! spit spit!
    *nasty taste in mouth*
  11. Ok - I'm getting confused here now. In rl if I take a photo of the 'City of London' for instance, which is actually privately owned, and then turn it into a picture postcard (for instance), I do not need (official) the written permission of who ever owns the 'City of London.' Therefore although everything in EU is I suppose owned by MA, one would not be breaking their terms and conditions if a screenshot was taken and then turned into pictorial art, on the basis that there would be a degree of uniqueness - the likelyhood of two ppl in EU taking exactly the same screenshot is virtually impossible...
    But, however, if I am wrong here and MA does infact ultimately own the intelectual property (IP) rights, then what of so-called entropia based art/artwork that has regularly been advertised on EU's adboards (and participants have done this), or (and I don't mean anything by this) many EU community sites that use EU based artwork/imagry? Do the advertisers/sites/artists concerned get formal permission from MA? Otherwise there's a contradiction or two here, if anyone gets me. Sorry for long reply.
  12. Confusion - I would have thought so!
    Intellectual property, and specifically copyright is a hugely ambiguous, confusing and complex set of law. Then factor in the multiple countries and sets of laws and their differences.

    The principle you describe is not applicable in EU because the whole concept is wholly owned, right up to the frame by frame image displayed on your monitor.

    PC, right up until the point it is displayed through the EU 'system' will remain the IP of the uploader. They own the 'original' file and therefore work.

    Imagine a billboard in real life. If your advert was displayed on the billboard then the advert itself belongs to you. The paper, board and indeed the wall it is attached to do not.

    The billboard owner still cannot reproduce the advert for their own ends, maybe by extracting part of the image and selling it. They even need your initial permission to print your advert on your behalf.

    The 'photo' thing is where is gets confusing. Yes in real life you can take a photo and that is an 'original' artwork belonging to the photographer - that does not apply to taking screenshots from the output of a game program - even IF that game is displaying content that you are the original owner of!
  13. `I accept all that, but the fact is that nearly every EU community site I've ever come accross has artwork/imagry based on what you will find in EU, and people in EU have been advertising EU based art (in addition to those who advertise or display non-EU based art). So in these cases, are the people concerned getting official permission from MA?
  14. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    I believe that in the end it is MA's problem. If the company doesn't want you to post screenshots of EU it will inform you so. There is no need to worry till that happens, am I wrong? I'm sure the company will warn you first then do sth about it.
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  15. You're right of course - everyone that does without permission is effectively breaking their copyright.
    But, like most companies they (justifiably) won't act on it, because the community act as a free marketing channel, increasing awareness of their product and driving up it's value.

    If you copied the coca cola (tm) logo, then put it up all over the place, they're unlikely to crack down on you because you're giving them free advertising.

    Take to coca cola(r) logo and tweak it to be caco cola, and use it to promote your own soft drink, and they will come down like a ton of bricks.

    And of course, there is the wonder of disclaimers, 'All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. You will find one on EuC and most other community sites.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    mmmmmmmmm caco cola :D :pulp: :p
    • Like Like x 2
  17. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Is that your final answer?
  18. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Well... we aren't going to let you get away with butting in like this, Talkerbot!!

    Meckel, Loch, and me. :Sniper::mad: :Sniper:
    • Like Like x 2
  19. Right, I suppose that covers EU community sites as I agree it's free promotion for MA, but I can distinctly remember a few months back someone putting an ad up for Entropia based art, so either some sort of agreement was made with MA, or the advertiser was trusting to luck. As to caco-cola, well that's funny, reminds me of a brand back in the 80's (I'm an old player) called Coola Cola, and that is true...:coffee:
  20. I see what your saying - it really is a case of mixing MA's art and their own. I can't see that happening without agreement.

    Hey, ultimately if you wanna do good stuff for the game IMHO their agreement would be forthcoming - for I guess the same reason they like community sites.

    It sounds like you're intending to do some really good stuff- look forward to seeing it :)
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