Question is: how can we make this Island even better?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by LordLongLicious, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. LordLongLicious

    LordLongLicious Do you fear death?

    I am aware that the staff is working to give is (hopefully) a great update just like recently happened on Rocktropia (if not even better).

    We also have this cosy space on the web, where we can discuss topics related to Next Island.

    One of the reasons I ended up sticking to NI (as some know it was not my original aim) were the fantastic people I met ingame who inspired me to build mee humble society that now thrives on itself, bearing the same spirit of friendship and brotherhood, I dare to say. :)

    So this thought just occured to me; how to make this even better than it already is on the sense of friendship and honesty, openness and maturity?

    And: is it even possible to make it even more open and player friendly?

    In all my years on the web thare was just once I ever met such a spirit of interaction, from the times before digital inclusion, when BBS was still the bomb.

    Any suggestions? I am willing to take my share of responsibiloity if there is any.
  2. I believe that NI will build a community with our help, we as a player need to support the new gammer that arrives on NI. TP runs, hunting info, tricks of this game, and most of all friendship. For me when i started in this game I spent many hours in forums to get a feel for game. This for me was eye openning with some great articles for the noob (me). A rule for me is if in dought try to help out. Many players loose heart and are shocked at the amout of peds some put into this game. Lots leave the game due to lack of peds and some just quit because of isolation due to no real friendship or support in game. Let us all reflect on what it was to start from scratch in game, no peds, on skills, no understanding, no tools no support.
  3. i need armor to drop on NI
    rutuba and hermes
    if that happens i can do transport fees on everything els

    and i need to STOP being DC'd everytime i blink
  5. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    The big thing is we need a market. In order for that to happen we need 1) blueprints to create a need for NI looted goods and 2) more players on the planet.

    Another thing is there are a few new players coming into NI. I saw one asking what crystals were worth. Another player said no one buys sell to the monkey(meaning auctioneer). Too bad for them no one will buy these things on auction and they will lose their fees. And further inspecting auction, all 10 pages of it, I see nothing more than resellers(one in particular) bidding on everything with a low starting bid in order to get stuff cheap since no one else will really be bidding on any of this stuff yet that does have a use on other planets.

    So we have a planet that is not operational yet past basic hunting and mining with little to no way of selling the goods that are more than tt food. And some predatory opportunists. This is a horrible position to be in for new players. They will wonder why it is so hard not realizing that on another planet there would be people to buy this stuff from them.

    I think one thing that would help is an informative campaign for all new players or those that appear new to EU on NI. To explain that there is not much one can do yet until more content is added. And direct them to what they can do in the meantime like gathering tp`s, sweating(thought there is no one really to buy it) for skills, basic skilling etc. And Inform them of how there are no bp`s yet so most stuff has no known value so far and the thing to do is save it until it`s worth is derived at. That and building community for the newer players sake. Otherwise a wait of a couple months and the frustration that can create for a new player that knows nothing of how the rest of EU works will do nothing but make them quit.

    For now until NI introduces more content an information campaign and engagement of the new players built on community based activism is the only thing we can do to help NI along.
  6. .Stagger

    .Stagger Space Pirate

    gotta agree with these 2 aspects said there,
    i was talking to softheart ingame about this topic, and it's true we need new blueprints in order to get attraction.
    people from calypso and rocktropia also love new items so import will be bigger.
    more players on 1 planet = market.
    and if next island just pops up on the internet often enough, we will also have a major attraction of newcomers.

    Thou back on topic, i think there already is a great community in entropia
    i also encourage people to help newcomers out since they are just a fish in a big pool of sharks.
  7. ahhh you do post on the forum :) How was your dreams? LOL
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