Planet Calypso News: Priority CDF Alert

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Brig. General Yevgeny de Souza, Commander of CDF Ground Forces, hereby alerts all colonists that recent reports of disruptions to the teleporter network have been confirmed by CDF military engineers. The circumstances leading to the disruptions appear identical to those associated with hostile robot infiltrations experienced on Calypso in the past. Higher than usual robot activity in recent weeks also supports this indication.

    The initial breach appears to have taken place at the Ashi teleporter, where local CDF and colonist militia forces have been battling Steel Bird aerial robots for the past fortnight. Hundreds of robots are now pouring through the compromised teleporter and decimating colonist settlements in the region. The CDF urgently requests that all active members of the colonial militia report immediately to Ashi and assist in containing the situation. All other civilians are strongly encouraged to evacuate the area until the robot threat has been defeated.

    One theory being investigated by CDF Intelligence is that the robot reconnaissance forces were somehow assisted in this infiltration by the mysterious insurgents known as the Wastelanders. Colonist militia forces are authorised to use any force necessary to apprehend or eliminate any Wastelander traitors encountered.

    In hopes of preventing future infiltrations, CDF robotologists are particularly interested in obtaining robot technology for analysis, and are offering valuable rewards to colonists who can recover any of the following components from neutralised robots:
    • Exceptional Robot Optical Lens
    • Exceptional Robot Hypercharger
    • Exceptional Robot Contraction Unit
    • Rare Robot Secret Transmitter
    • Robot Power Transformer
    • Robot Speech Emulation Unit
    • Robot Nanomodulator
    • Robot Dynocyclic Relay
    • Robot Magnetomic Throttle

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