PostModerna: What a few trees will do for your scene

Discussion in 'PostModerna' started by EP-Newsbot, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. I did not get to do too much project work this weekend as I was at a church retreat with my daughter. It was a really great break. I volunteered along with many others from church to work the camp’s kitchen and serve the 200 or so Jr HS and Sr HS Students. [...]

  2. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Wow! looking really good! The trees, grass, and fern things really do make a huge difference. Your world (even if it just a small section still) really seems to be coming together.

    Im curious about the avatar though, is he a stock one from multiverse? He seems a little clunky compared to your world now. I realize there isnt much point in working on avatars when you may not be using this engine in the final product, Im just curious how it all works.

  3. Hiya narfi,

    How are you?

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Now with regard to the avatar, yes that is one of the 2 stock avatars that come with Multiverse (very basic). We will edit that some time in the near future. This is indeed small detail that can be worked out later (just as you mentioned). :) We are putting most of our efforts into the scenes and settings, etc.

    We do plan to revamp the avatars though and regardless of the direction we go. There is always the possibility of this project being outside the scope of Entropia and we want the avatars to look the way we want them to be portrayed.

    Multiverse has some good code for making the avatars editable and we will be looking into that further. We will not only explore avatar generation but also the character generation screens. The current plan is to have characters generated within the interior of the pod model.


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