Global Player of the month September

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by itto, Sep 1, 2006.

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  1. Official competition thread
    Become Player of the month - September

    Post your ATH, HOF & Globals here
    Win 250 PEDs
    Read the rules here

    Good luck to you all
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  2. first post reserved for score keeping

    Suncatch .......97p
    JR .................97p

    Remember to double check your points from time to time
    I'm only human :pulp:

    Highest score ever: Bunny.................177p (May -06)
  3. 65 PED Armax

    I didn't have Fraps open like I thought so I did not get the loot window with the armax skull in it but no worries.

    Would be a 5 pointer under the old system. I need to go over the rules again.

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  4. Global

    Here is mine

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  5. Boosted ur ped card a bit?:P

    Ok Im gonna post unamped cnd globals then, easy since I dont use amp very often.

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  6. really like your credit suzi lol
  7. Another Armax Bull Mature (11pts)

    They have been good to me today. :yahoo:

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  8. Thingy

    I found this

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  9. And then...

    I found this too :)

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  10. 2nd from moi

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  11. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    12 pt. Plentiful Oil

    Yeaaaa I am on the board LOL This Armax old bull tried to get it but I showed him :clapping:

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  12. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    7 pt. Garcen Grease

    A little global of garcens. Nothing chasing me this time. LOL I guess it was not big enough to fight over. :pulp:

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  13. Whoops I did it again


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  14. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Another 7pts. Please

    This one was a surprise for up to this point the mining was very bad.:clapping:

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  15. Trilomite rules! :-)

    Yeah, I'm on board too :-)

    83 ped and items :-)

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  16. 11pts

    Note the ammount of ammo left. Was heading back to Rei's Defense and killing only Matures as they were looting the best for me that hunt. :ok:

    Oops, I had to make the picture pretty small to get it down to 95K but now I see the limit is raised to 145k. Cant go back now, but will remember that for the future.

    Actually, I will make a better picture.

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  17. A couple of globals from me:)

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  18. this was a small hof, but still a hof

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  19. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    17 pt. Significant

    I love those colored lights LOL This is the way to end a mining run.

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  20. jam jam jam

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