2013-06-26 ***PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT IF YOU FIND SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY IN PLANET CALYPSO! IT MIGHT PROVIDE THE INFO YOU NEED BEFORE CONTACTING THE SUPPORT DEPARTMENT!*** Cyclops Depths All boss encounters now have shared loot. Added a series of countdown messages before the regular instance resets. Reduced the max player count per instance from 40 to 30. Added more decorative elements to the Thorifoid parts of the instance. Changed the light settings on bonfires to reduce the flickering effect. Increased the light radius of the bonfires. Decreased the time fuze of Pyromancer Chalte’s fireballs by 1s. Misc Changes Changed the name of the “Technician Sarchi” mission to “Crystals Are A Girl's Best Friend”. Changed the AI behaviour of the Mind Reaver, it should now always run towards its target. Increased the range of the Mind Reaver’s melee attacks. Decreased the radius of the Mind Reaver’s radial attack. Added a waypoint marker when you are going to return to the old hermit in the Vault Hunter mission chain. Changed the looks of “Alien Biogenic Gel”. The grassland south of Cape Corinth is particularly high this time of year; pefect grazing ground for the larger herbivores of Calypso. Bug Fixes Fixed the broken Omegaton ASG-12 Bucketful weapon. Fixed a problem with the particle effects on the Mind Reaver’s attack animations. Fixed a number of issues related to the entrance of “Walken’s Laboratory” Removed “Olle” the 800000 HP Thorifoid that was mistakenly added in the last release. Fixed an issue with the lodge outposts that causes the interior walls to become invisible. Fixed an issue causing new arrivals to be placed underneath the teleporter in Port Atlantis when skipping the tutorial in Thule. Known Issues An issue with the Big Game Hunting mission that spawns an additional Atrax Stalker with the Starving Atrax. We strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free patch. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. Continue reading...