NSFW tag?

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by NotAdmin, Dec 11, 2018.

Should we create a NSFW tag?

Poll closed Dec 25, 2018.
  1. Yes, and I am happy you asked

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, and go away, you cretin

    1 vote(s)
  3. I am teapot

    1 vote(s)
  1. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    A recent discussion made me think that perhaps it might be useful adding an NSFW tag. We currently have the ability to add a SPOILER tag, which will conveniently hide text until a button is clicked. It works like this:

    This is secret

    Seeing that might not cover everything, would it make sense creating an almost identical button that will hide NSFW stuff?

    It's not because we are censoring anything, but some of us surf this site from work, while eating, or when little eyes or ears might be near, and so certain content might not be entirely desirable to be displayed by default. A tag like this would perhaps be a great way to ensure we'd be able to have you post certain more risky content, wile ensuring it's not just "in your face" by default.

    Mind you, this is not us at EP saying one thing or the other, but merely an attempt to allow for the best of both worlds (both freedom of speech, as well as adding a convenient manner to keep you safe from Human Resources, or questions from youngins you might not be ready to answer at this stage).
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  2. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Given there has only ever been one time something was posted without it being obvious I'd say don't bother. Any other time people have written NSFW (and I can think of only once I saw someone do that anyhow). So all good.

    But nice to ask but indeed no need.
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