Next Island Website Updated!

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Stave, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Stave

    Stave Guest

  2. I must say I have seen better looking websites...
  3. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Yes and next island is also looking more and more like a calypso with time travel, maybe it could end up being better as its designed by a different developer and run by someone else?
    lol :P
  4. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    i wouldnt hold out much hope of it being significantly different to calypso. the "developer" is really little more than a design studio and first line support.
  5. Well I hope they can design things a bit more clever than MA/FPC. Maybe a more low cost approach to the whole thing...
  6. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Yeah, designed by Neverdie Studios i believe, Who's the Planet Partner for it?

    One very interesting part of Next Island that im looking forward to is CND Island, was in the guide book on the old Neverdie Studio Website
  7. Stave

    Stave Guest

  8. Wed

    Wed The one and only...

    Nice, ty for the info, and nice to see u can login with exsitsting EU account :clap:
  9. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Yes, im loking forward to this planet, even if it is very similar to Calypso...
  10. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    far more interested in the CKI planet.
  11. Stave

    Stave Guest

    Yes, cant wait to see their preview website.

    idk personally atm the planet im most interested in is Rocktropia.
  12. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Next Island's website can be seen here:

    Also, there are still a lot of things missing - and obviously, when you 'sign up' for it, you just get an EU account ;)
  13. Stave

    Stave Guest

    no i ment the CKI website, :)
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