Do we have to have every tweet be viewed as news? There's a huge difference between a press release, a newswire, and someone tweeting that they just blew their nose. *rant mode off* Thanks
Peter just found a few news to put into the feed - first time it grabs everything - then it 'cools' down :D "Planet Newsbot" .. hmmmmmm
I configured the RSS feed to pick up new stuff from the official channels, with a maximum amount of articles at a time. The very first time the bot picks it up, it will grab them until that amount, and after that, things will quiet down. I'm only using the official Twitter accounts of the planet partners, precisely because I expect those to be professionally handled, as opposed to a dev tweeting he is now waiting for a red light ;)
LOL Lykke! VF, thanks for the info! I was afraid that the signal to noise ratio was about to go through the floor.