Newbie = Sign up for the *Adopt a Newbie* list

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Lykke TheNun, Jan 8, 2010.

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  1. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Thanks to Ruth, Gunny and sokol for your applications! You are now on the list :)

    Be sure to check the forum regulary for pm's. Maybe you got a soc ;)

  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    In game name: Lan Malkier Mandragoran
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: London, United Kingdom
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 26 (Birthday 18 September)

    Join date: 8th March 2010
    Agility: 5 - At time of App - I will be doing some sweating today.

    Mining: 1

    Hunting: ? I do not see this stat in game. I have done a little bit of hunting just to see if I could kill the mobs

    Crafting: ? As above, I do not see this stat in game? I have not crafted anything in game yet.

    Trading: ? Again, no stat in game? I have traded some items I got from hunting but not very much.

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Friendly, Quick to learn.

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    A good community feeling that welcomes new people like myself. I have not played much yet but so far everyone seems very friendly and happy to help.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Information mainly, what to do, where to go etc. I do not look for free handouts of items, just help to know what is good and not.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    I also read on forums for information. I like to discuss things with people I know though so if I am in a Soc and other people can discuss things with me such as "what to do next" and where to go.


    Thank you RainbowGoblin :) You're on the list
  3. In game name: Christopher "General" Lutz
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: PA USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 23

    Join date: 3-12-10
    Agility: 10
    ***I have only been playing for a few days but i've been ill so i've had some time to work skills.***

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): I'm a long time MMO player and i understand what makes the virtual world go round. I understand the Do's and Dont's of polite virtual society .

    What do you seek for in the community/society: I am looking for a group of people to establish a rapport with. I want to have a group of people to trade with to hunt with and to discuss certain aspects of the game with.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I don't need anything but time and companionship from a Society. I don't mind depositing so i'm certainly not looking for a handout.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I will be available and cooperate in any events scheduled.
  4. In game name: Buckaroo Cardamine Marduka
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: California, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 45

    Join date: March 17, 2010
    Agility: 0

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 0
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: 0

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Helpful.
    What do you seek for in the community/society: chatting, gaming, hunting team/party

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: hunting tips

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I'll turn around and help other newcomers once I get some experiences.

    Thanks in advance.
  5. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Thanks to both Gen.Lutz and Banzai for your applications. You are both on the list :)

    Stay tuned on the forum - hopefully soon you will recieve a contract

  6. In game name: Tanis Pandorum Radium
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: France
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 24

    Join date: 17 or 18 march 2010 (depend of which timezone you are from XD )
    Agility: 1

    Mining: dirt under the nails count? got that from sweating and getting beaten up
    Hunting: im the prey so far:cry:
    Crafting: no town blew up yet: i didnt try yet :biggrin:
    Trading: still trying to sweat to get cash to get for now: trading's still on theory :o

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): too stupid to know when to quit? yes its a quality when you need bait while everyone run off XD
    What do you seek for in the community/society: fame fortune hot g... no? ok fine. just looking for people tot alk to, get tips and have a better feel of the game than just 24/7 sweating

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: human interaction. kind of boring to be alone all the time, and help to get some gear and cash is allways an extra... and i sure hope that new player kit doesnt include a shirt with a target in the back

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: help out whenever online and in the ways i can, being a clown whenever possible, and...and...and trying to find where i left my brain probably... oh yes i am french so also fluent in english and french. if someone needs translation of some kind.

    1 day later update.

    couple things changed i felt where worth mentioning so i'm updating. first i got 1 more in agility so should be at 2 if i read right, if not anyone knows a good eye shop?
    :biggrin: . secondly a friend of mine that left the game about a year or 2 ago gave me her old stuff:loveshower:, so i'm ok with basic guns for the starter kit, no need to ruin yourselves ;) and i got some blueprints to craft things as well (the black thing coughing smoke will be me :biggrin: )
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    In game name: Enroth Tugg Ursafur
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: California, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 24 yrs

    Join date: March 17th? 2010.
    Agility: 1

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 1
    Trading: 1

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Fun, Fast Learner

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    Friends, people who i can look forward to seeing every time i log on.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    Learning to play. I am a fast learner but the beginning is so open ended in this game.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Spend time as well as learning as much as i can from online guides

    ---------- Post added at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 ----------

    Thanks to Tanis and Tugg :)

    You're on the list and I hope to return to you both soon.

    Stay tuned on this forum :)

  8. hey thx for everything but it seems that i found a soc on my own so thx again for everything and cya in the game
  9. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey :)
    Gratz on finding a soc - and thanks for notifying us :)

    Good luck
  10. Opo


    In game name: Orintellus Opo Portman
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Canada
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 20

    Join date: March 21, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 1
    Trading: 1

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Fun, Social, Sarcastic.

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    Get to know people, maybe make a few friends.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I would like to learn more about mining maybe, and/or hunting, market values and other important game information.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I'm going to try and give this game a fair chance(sweating is all fun and good, but it gets boring when it's all there is to do). And I'll try to be on my best behavior :P.
  11. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Opo
    Thanks for your application. You're now on the list for adoption :)

    Remember to tjeck out this forum regulary! Hopefully soon I can offer you a society.

  12. In game name: zukomo zukomo michles
    In game gender:Male

    Real life location:lake worth, florida
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:19

    Join date:3/20/10
    Agility:6 ( i think)


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    i like having fun and im a nice guy
    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    I seek a good relationship of helping with information and lots of friends.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: just a little extra info not rlly sure

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    logging on as much as i can
  13. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Zukomo :) You too are on the list! Welcome!
  14. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    Adopt a Newbie Application
    In game name: Silver "Silverbott" Gearin
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: North Carolina
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 15

    Join date: March 20 2010


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Persistant, Hard Working, Dedicated

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Helpful and friendly

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    General In-Game Experiance and maybe some business ethics

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Time and Hard Work

    Hey Silver :)
    Welcome to EP and to ANF. You are now on the list for adoption, so stay tuned on the forum for further info.

  15. Arcarian

    Arcarian Forever Newbie!

    In game name: Mercurial Arcarian Firewater
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Soon To Be Texas
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 24

    Join date: March 22, 2010
    Agility: 1

    Mining: Newbie
    Hunting: Newbie
    Crafting: Newbie
    Trading: Newbie

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Kinda Crazy, Easily amused, Fast-ish Learner
    What do you seek for in the community/society: Place to hang out that doesn't mind the fact that I occasionally let my mind swing through the gutter before coming back up for intelligent conversation.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Advice once in a while, someone to point me in the right direction of things I can actually kill and just a place where I can hang out and be my wacky self.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: Point me to a good guide that is up to date in regards to the game and I'll read up... Otherwise, I can do really cool magic tricks! Wanna see my Health disappear? :P
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Arcarian :) Welcome to ANF (And to EU and EP;)
    You're now on the list - so remember to stay tuned on the forum for further info.

  17. In game name: Christopher Business Turk
    In game gender:Male

    Real life location:Texas
    Real life gender:Male
    Real life age:16

    Join date:3/20/10 or 3/21/10 can't quite remember which I believe it is the former.


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    I am very persistent, friendly, I can be fun if I want.
    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    a group to work with and a way to learn the game

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I want to understand how the game works, and how to best succeed.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Most anything that is necessary.
  18. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Agent :) Thank you for your application. You are now on the list for adoption!


    Newbies are being adopted all the time - one day it might be you!

  19. In game name: Danno PrestoDanno Benny
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: United States, Oregon
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 44

    Join date: 3/24/2010
    Agility: 7

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: 0

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Not sure what you're looking for, if it's data the game reports or what... Real life me, logical, problem solver, amateur programmer (mostly to solve a problem I find). Like SciFi, read books (or ebooks).

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Not sure, help learning the game, friends, activities buddies and how to work the eco system so that I don't need to put in a lot of real cash.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Seems liek the same answer as above.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: Not sure what I can contribute... Should I drop by and repair your computer or code a wsh script for ya? :P
  20. In game name: Peter Observer Candu
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: BC Canada
    Real life gender: Male

    Real life age: 35

    Join date: about 1 march 2010
    Agility: 13

    Mining: Interested to learn
    Hunting: Not to interested, but willing to experiment
    Crafting: Very interested
    Trading: Very interested

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Stamina, trustworthy, my word is my bond, social

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    Mutual support, information, future partners and friends

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    I am keen to learn about the ins and outs of the game so I can get serious about it

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Dont have any depo money, but am willing to put in a lot of time and effort, to learn and progress
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