Newbie = Sign up for the *Adopt a Newbie* list

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Lykke TheNun, Jan 8, 2010.

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  1. Hello everyone!

    Just started the game yesterday. I am as newbie as you can get :)

    Here is my app:

    In game name: Barbie Star Love
    In game gender: Female

    Real life location: Florida, USA
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 39

    Join date: 5/1/10
    Agility: 1
    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 0
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: 0

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    Mature, fun, respectful, team-player, considerate and committed

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    Make friends with other people who are also mature and fun, explore the game together and help each other.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    Knowledge of the game and finding ways to have fun with a group of people.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Share my knowledge, my skills, and my time with anything the society requires that enhances the experience of its members

    Thank you for the opportunity!
  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Barbie :)
    Also welcome to you! You're on the list for adoption. Keep an eye here for a possible contract in future :)

    Good luck
  3. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    And welcome to Sarasimo, who is also on the list now :yay:


    In game name: Stark Ouraqt Borg
    In game gender: Female

    Real life location: UK
    Real life gender: Female
    Real life age: 18

    Join date: 1st May
    Agility: 2

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: absent
    Crafting: absent
    Trading: absent

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Determined to advance in the game

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Guidance, make friends and hopefully enhance the whole experience of the game

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: Getting to know things which would otherwise take a lot more time to discover on your own.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I'm a friendly player, a quick learner, very determined to progress. I put quite some time in the game.
  4. In game name: Danny Slick Kay
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 28 (will be 29 in 7 days)

    Join date: Don't remember the exact date. It was apporximately two and a half to three weeks today (May 3rd 2010) but didn't start playing the game until about a week ago.

    Agility: 2


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): friendly and outgoing, extremely loyal, polite, patient and trustworth. Team player.

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Simply to learn the ins and outs of the game. Also looking to meet people that I can work with and support in the future.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: To gather as much information about gameplay as possilbe as to ensure that I become a proficient player. Advice about potential paths to take and where they might lead.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I will be attentive and ask a lot of questions but also support the society that adopts me and help them in any way that I can.
  5. Hey there :)
    I'm called Nahgil and was born like at 11:00. In another life long long time ago (maybe a year or even more) I started a life in Entropia Universe but i didn't live so long, seems that it was a colony too big and complicated for me, i didn't have a mentor or somebody else who could show me this amazing planet.Well now i am reborn! Again trying to go my way, again frustrated that it is to hard for me to learn everything by myself, so i was already leaving after like half an hour and then i saw this "ad" in the launcher. While i was looking for my skills, somebody talked to me and showed me a little but seems that he is not that experienced what i am searching. So i walked a little bit around with him, and started to gather a little bit of Sweat. To be honest I am at skill 24 now (i think its level 3) but I would call myself a newbie, i just know now how to gather Sweat :). Now i am here, ready to give Entropia Universe and myself a new chance.

    In game name:
    Dan Nahgil Yzarc
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Berlin, Germany
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 21

    Join date: 04 May 2010 around 11 or 12 in the morning

    Agility: 1

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 1
    Trading: 1

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):

    Okay, so, i'll try to describe myself. I am 21 years old, so i have a lot of humour and freshness, but I am also mature. So you can make fun with (and of) me (I am little selfcritical, or better sayed i can laugh of my self when its funny) and also talk about more serious things (if my english lets me). You can discuss with me about nearly everything, also referring to Entropia-external stuff like if exists God or not :P (here again, if my english permits it, its not so bad but not perfect). I am communicative and respect everybody from the beginning until he/she shows me obviously his/her disrespect.

    Wow, i forgot about the keywords thing.. okay, then for everybody who wants it shorter:

    lot of humour, mature, youthful freshness, quick learning, friendly, loyal, calm, communicative, respectful

    What do you seek for in the community/society:

    Well, i'm looking for friendly and patient people, who can teach me, how to survive in this huge world. As you said, not only the game features are important, mostly the people have the higher priority.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:

    I dont expect that much, no items or whatever, only a little bit of help, so i can get better and easier started and don't die every three meters just because i wanted to explore a place. Or maybe a guide for not losing myself in this world surrounded by more confusing citys, possibilitys or something other.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:

    I am willed to help the society where i can, however i can, of course without being scammed, utilized or whatever. So i will do same what i "expect" (its a bold word, but you know what i mean).

    P.s.: Sometimes i really talk much, i think my post is a little bit... "detailed", but i thought its easier then to get a first impression of me :)
  6. In game name: Elise Alg Viltfara
    In game gender: Female

    Real life location: USA, WA.
    Real life gender: Transgender
    Real life age: 24

    Join date: 2010/05/03
    Agility: 2.4

    Mining: Unworked
    Hunting: Unworked
    Crafting: Unworked
    Trading: Unworked

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): I'm a polite, well spoken individual. I don't mind repetitive tasks as long as I have nice conversation to keep me company.
    What do you seek for in the community/society: Friends I can talk to and play with. I joined an MMO so I could play and talk with other people; If I wanted to solo, I would play a single player game, not this.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I just want some intelligent people whom I can hang around and talk.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I'm social around those I like and I love helping people. I'm very team oriented and a fast learner.

    Miscellaneous: I work a night shift and sleep later in the day so I'm usually on in the mornings for my area for those days which I am on. GMT 15:00-20:00. The exception to this rule is my days off which are Sunday, Monday, and possibly Tuesday.
  7. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Dan, Danny and Elise :)
    Welcome to you all to both EU, EP and ANF.

    You are now on the list, so keep an eye on the forum for a possible contract.

    I wish you luck :)
  8. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    Welcome, Yoshimitsu :) You're now on the list for adoption!
    Good luck


    In game name: Yoshimitsu Yosh Shine
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: England!
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 19

    Join date: 28/4/2010
    Agility: 1

    Mining: 1
    Hunting: 1
    Crafting: 1
    Trading: 1

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Reliable, I don't mind working hard to achieve objectives.

    What do you seek for in the community/society: Making new friends. Have a good laugh. Helping other players if i can be of use

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: I'm hoping for someone to share there experience in the game to help me along as i have just started

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I will work hard, i can always help other players if they need my help. I'm a fast learner and i love to talk.


    We need more societies for Adoption :yay:
  9. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!


    In game name: Mary "KP" KP-X00-00-00-00-01
    In game gender: female

    Real life location: wisconsin, united states
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 21

    Join date: may 6 2010
    Agility: N/A


    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality):
    people tell me i'm nice, i like helping others (gotta remember this mmo has real money, i tend to give money away when i have it on other mmos+^_^+).

    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    people willing to help me out beyond showing me where to sweat.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get:
    i suppose anything's better then nothing, if someone offers their help, as small as it might be, i'll take it.

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    i'm a noob, i have nothing to contribute except myself, my personality, and my ambitions.


    Hey *Yesterdaysnoob* Mary
    Welcome to EU, EP and ANF :) You're now on the list for adoption.

    If you are not on the forums regulary you can set the possibility for an email notification everytime you recieve a pm on EP. You do this in your UserCP options.

    Good luck :)
  10. I found a soc outside the ANFso you can erase my name form the list

    Elroy exewon srewaul
  11. hello representativs of the foundation !

    In game name: Jan Lon Lon-Tar
    In game gender: male

    Real life location: Sweden
    Real life gender: male
    Real life age: 64

    Join date: few months ago, but started play 3 days ago
    Agility: 3

    Mining: :bduh:
    Hunting: :bduh:
    Crafting: :bduh:

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): freindly, curious, helpful
    What do you seek for in the community/society: meeting friendly people, discovering the world of game with them

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: short cut to understand the game and become a better player

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: learn, learn & learn

    Thank you in advance for considering my aplication.
  12. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Elroy - Huge gratz on your soc :yay: I wish you the best in future. Do not hesitating asking on EntropiaPlanets, if you have any questions etc.


    And "Kribrowi" Jan - welcome to EP and to ANF. I hope we can help you with a new home soon. Keep an eye on your in box for contracts :D

  14. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Yes, I'm sorry - It normally takes a couple of days before I see it. Something I see it faster - it depends. I'm not scrolling the forum all day long (despite what some might think :D ) ...

    Anyway, again - welcome :) Be patience when it comes to a contract though - we need more socs :umn:
  15. een


    In game name: een
    In game gender: male

    Real life location: England
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 20

    Join date: 11/5/10
    Agility: low

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: low
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: ?

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): easy going, hard working and fun :)
    What do you seek for in the community/society:
    Help and information when i request it, and a friendly chatty atmosphere

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society:
    Information and a group of friends to skill/mission with

    What are your own contributions to make this happen:
    Log in regularly :) and once i know more about the game, would be willing to help other newbies out too.
  16. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey een :) Welcome to the ANF programe! You are now on the list for adoption! I hope to be able to sent you a contract soon - keep an eye !!!!


    :) Ty
  17. een


    Sweeet, Looking forward to it :)
  18. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Don't worry Like... I mean Luke-eh... I mean...Argh, Kamelåså!

    I'm on it ;)
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Great :thumbup: then I don't have to spank you! :nana:
  20. In game name: Teddy KidCorona Barcelo
    In game gender: Male

    Real life location: Las Vegas
    Real life gender: Male
    Real life age: 20

    Join date: May 17 2010
    Agility: 1

    Mining: 0
    Hunting: 0
    Crafting: 0
    Trading: 0

    Personal advantages (keywords about your personality): Im very outgoing, I love to have a good time, I am a Leo if that helps anyone =) and right now I feel like I'm answering a dating shows questionnaire lol
    What do you seek for in the community/society: a cool group of people to hang out with and talk to and maybe help me understand what to do in the game a little better.

    What kind of help are you hoping to get by joining a society: simple noob questions like "where do I go for this" or "where should I farm / sell this"

    What are your own contributions to make this happen: I am always a helpful person so whenever I can help it will be done society or not =)

    On a side note, Thanx for reading about me and I hope to join you guys soon.
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