New Year's Next Island Celebration Global Competition!

Discussion in 'Next Island News & Information' started by Enzo, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Thank you Enzo, thank you to all of you.

    I spend most of my time on Next Island now and I enjoy it a lot. I mainly hunt all sorts of drakes and island sharks.

    I had luck this time. I wish you all good luck for the future.
  2. Congrats WangXiang:D
  3. Congrats! Time to deposit and buy a hut off someone.

  4. Congratz WangXiang.

    You do of course know that you'll have to give your passport to the authorities and take an oath never to leave the island now :) Just small aspects of the wonderful delivery ceremony ;)
  5. Congrats WangXiang and welcome to the Island :cheer:

    Where is your new place and when is the victory party? :)
  6. Good job WangXiang.
    Congrats on the comp. win!
  7. Hello Djinn, hello all,

    When I have more detailed information, I will post it on this forum :)
  8. Grats to the winner. Hope there is more fun events like this soon. Please let us know the lodge location when you get the deed.
  9. Congratulations WangXiang! :)

    Indeed, that was a great event ;)
  10. Gratz WangXiang!
  11. Thank you Lyta for your message. Thank you all.
  12. Next time incl crafting, maby ill join in. first and second (500 / 700+ ) ped already in:)

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