Planet Calypso News: New pricing of Land Area development updated

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. To support business development for land area entrepreneurs, we have
    modified the pricing structure of land area developments.

    We now offer attractive package prices for service centers and
    terminals. As an example, the package price for a four-terminal service
    center is 80,000 PED.

    The prices for stand-alone terminals have also been reduced.

    For full details and prices, please see “Opportunities” and “Land Areas” on the website.

    Kind regards,

    The Calypso Development Team

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  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    This is the new list taken from the said section on

  3. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    • +20 item points – 2,000 PED

    Land Areas

    Location of Teleporters & Service centers
    • Custom location to your specification - 75,000 PED
    Purchased teleporters and service centers are placed near the Land Area fertilizer station by default. The above option offers the ability to customise the location of new or existing teleporters and service centers.
    • Frontline Battle Teleporter - 75,000 PED
    • City Spire Teleporter - 75,000 PED
    • Calypso Tri-Teleporter - 75,000 PED
    • Custom Teleporter Name - 10,000 PED
    By default, Teleporters inherit the Land Area name.
    Service Center Packages (Choose between three different service center styles)
    • Genesis Star Dropship (Choice of 6 terminals) - 150,000 PED (Includes Auctioneer, Technician & Manufacturing Machine)
    • Frontier Drop Vehicle (Choice of 4 terminals) - 80,000 PED
    • Forward Support Pod (Choice of 2 terminals) - 40,000 PED
    Service center add-ons
    • Trade terminal – 15,000 PED
    • Repair terminal – 15,000 PED
    • Revival terminal – 15,000 PED
    • Society terminal – 15,000 PED
    • Storage terminal – 15,000 PED
    • Manufacturing machine – 15,000 PED
    • Auctioneer – 25,000 PED
    • Tailored Chat Message for HOF/Global on Land Area. For example: John Smithy Smith killed a creature (Atrox Guardian) worth 100 PED at the Hunters Paradise land area. 5,000 PED for one year or 20,000 PED for five years.
    • Live streaming with music of your choice - 10,000 PED
    Custom Development
    • Contact Calypso Development Team

    Shopping Malls
    • Live streaming with music of your choice – 25,000 PED
    • Custom Name – 10,000 PED
    • Exterior Texture Renovation – 25,000 PED

    • +20 item points – 2,000 PED

    EDIT: Lol, damn, admin was faster. Once.

    EDIT2: But my one looks better.
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    They updated price for the 4 package deal to 80k from 75k
  5. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Updated in my posts. ;)

    It's an interesting development in general.

    Basically there are 2 groups with partially conflicting interests:

    1. Land 'Owners' receiving income for taxed land
    2. Calypso Land Deed 'Owners' receiving more income from non-taxed land

    Almost everything MA/AR Universe do in favour of one of those groups is actually to the disadvantage of the other group.

    Lowering prices for land improvements potentially making taxed land more attractive for sure doesn't have much impact. But think of the release of more AAA estates (TI, Medusa class).
  6. Source =
    [h=2]New pricing of Land Area development updated[/h] To support business development for land area entrepreneurs, we have
    modified the pricing structure of land area developments.

    We now offer attractive package prices for service centers and
    terminals. As an example, the package price for a four-terminal service
    center is 80,000 PED.

    The prices for stand-alone terminals have also been reduced.

    For full details and prices, please see the Opportunities page on the website.

    Kind regards,

    The Calypso Development Team
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Can't find "Sweat Camp in front of your castle" on the list, am I blind?
    • Like Like x 1
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