Nanotechnology in food

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by nexus7, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Ok, this is completely off-topic. Earlier I visited the Food Standards Agency (FSA) website to look up something when I discovered this:
    Nanotechnology and food
    In their widest sense, nanotechnology and nanomaterials are a natural part of food processing and conventional foods, because the characteristic properties of many foods rely on nanometre sized components (such as nanoemulsions and foams). However, recent technological developments lead the way for manufactured nanoparticles to be added to food. These could be finely divided forms of existing ingredients, or completely novel chemical structures.

    The actual link where I found this info is here >
    The part that got my attention was this - 'However, recent technological developments lead the way for manufactured nanoparticles to be added to food.' This is clearly past-tense, meaning that nanoparticles is in our food already. I wonder how many ppl new about this. I didn't have a clue...
  2. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Explains my dislike of fast foods... Although I'm sure it's in most processed foods. Growing your own is the only way to be sure you didn't swallow a mind control ........... EAT AT McDoNalDs!! :umn:
  3. Don't have a garden atm so can't grow my own, but I wonder how many ppl knew it was in processed foods, which I rarely use.
  4. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Little to no one would be my guess. :cautious:
  5. I bet. It's scary to think that ppl could have hundreds of thousands of nanoparticles whizzing around inside them.
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