MSM MSM Celebration Event - Memorable Moments

Discussion in 'MindStar Media' started by MindStar9, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Wild and wacky just doesn’t cover the full extent of the energy and spontaneous moments that made the MSM Celebration Event such a whirlwind of activity that kept our guests engaged. Our goal is always to up the fun factor, but also to warn in advance to expect the unexpected.

    The planned agenda went well – it was the unplanned moments that made for some strange experiences, and interesting commentary on-air over MindStar Radio while Syer and I were broadcasting the event. It all started with Part 1 of the event on Calypso at Anhithe’s Longu Land Area at the Shavante TP.

    I wasn’t hunting, but I wanted to be able to see what was happening from the air and was about to spawn the purple StarShip9 and take off, but Syer said – “Here, use my Lancer” – which was cool, because I hadn’t gotten mine back from Ed yet off the official avatar. The Lancer is awesome because it operates like a Slepnier, and the top is open.


    I hopped into the Lancer and took off so that I could catch everyone in action and see how it was going. As I traveled across parts of the LA, I could see huge clusters of Longu with no one giving them any attention, so I would put a /pos in chat to let everyone know where they were – I guess that’s ok if it’s going out to all. I didn’t see people instantly teleporting in, so they must have been otherwise engaged.

    At any rate, I was enjoying myself while cruising over the LA seeing how everyone was getting on, and found myself hovering over an area with two players battling it out inside a huge cluster of Longu looking quite impressive. All of a sudden, I found myself falling out of the sky, landing right next to a big-ass Longu, taking 43 damage from the fall, and the Lancer was nowhere in sight.

    I started running toward an open area with no mobs to get to a safe spot to try and spawn the StarShip9 because the terrain was too hilly and bumpy where I was, but I didn’t move fast enough because I caught the attention of that big-ass Longu. I continued running and healing, but we all know that healing is diminished while running, so I was still taking on damage. All of a sudden I hear shots close by and discovered that it was “Avatara Light” who came to my rescue, so thank you again.

    However, I’m beginning to think that Syer intentionally recalled the Lancer to create chaos for me – lol.

    The winners of the Longu event were – 1st Place: Mordrell Baas WHAT/Supremacy Reign – 2nd Place: Lars Mr Lars Sebra/Calypso Rescue Team – 3rd Place: Dark Zunami Angel/Raumschiff Titanic – and we extend our congratulations to all three for a job well done. It was an intense race to the end.

    After the LA event ended, it was time to move on to Part 2 of the activities. We created 4 separate teams for the Aakas instance runs, and those who would be traveling with us to Planet Arkadia. We took about a 10 minute break to allow everyone to dispose of their stackables before we took off.

    Once we had everyone summoned to Anhithe’s Yamato Mothership, we asked everyone to remain in the hangar area. They were being introduced to our pilot for the warp to Arkadia, who had a very specific agenda. I’m not sure what Eric Rambo’s agenda was, but he spawned his PitBull and Slepnier while our pilot had everyone line up to follow him to another destination.


    What everyone didn’t know, was Syer and I had put together a special scenario that was played out in-game, as well as over the air waves on MSR. Syer used a voice-altering app and played the roles of both the pilot and Arkadia Space Station personnel. However, the voice of the pilot sounded a lot like Darth Vader, but became quite evident that our mysterious pilot was not the sharpest blade in the drawer. He didn’t know what buttons were what, and kept asking some very strange questions of our guests.

    Once he sorted out navigating the interior of the MS without falling, and using some Earth-sounding horn to beep at someone in the way (his sound effects were strange), he led our guests to the Victory Room for a celebration. It wasn’t long before our wacky pilot decided that we should be prepared prior to warping just in case we encountered Pirates, because the communication with the Arkadia Space Station personnel also came with a warning that Pirates had been spotted.


    Our disturbed pilot managed to coordinate all Quad Wing Fighter Pilots equipped with weaponry to the MS hangar, and all others to a specific MS station for repair duty. After everyone was in place, our pilot managed to find the correct button and warp us to Arkadia, but by-passed the Space Station and docked us directly over the planet for easy access to avoid potential Pirate activity. At least he was able to think clearly enough to be mindful of everyone’s safety.


    (SoftHart’s Photo)

    Once everyone arrived on the planet at the Celeste Harbour main TP, our long-time friend “Lars Sebra” from the Calypso Rescue Team provided wormholes to transport everyone to the Aakas TP. When the 4 teams were assembled, led my Anhithe, Syer, Beechbum and myself, we descended into the depths of the ancient city to each run a Level 7 Key instance. The top point-getter for each team at the end of the instance won a prize.

    The winners of each Aakas Instance team were – (1) Juanita “Kendra” Wilde/Age of Enlightenment – (2) Meeth “Fang” Arden/Soldiers of Fortune – (3) Wildman/Alpha WildD3amons – (4) Lars Mr Lars Sebra/Calypso Rescue Team. Congratulations to the winners.


    After we completed the instance runs, we gathered everyone topside and Lars Sebra once again did wormholes to transport everyone back to the Celeste Harbour location. Granted, everyone had the TP, but wormholes are far more fun.


    (SoftHart’s Photo)

    After everyone was back at Celeste Harbour, it was now time to begin Part 3 of our event. Those who remained with us during all of our MSM Celebration activities received a Herman CAP-101 TT weapon. We revived our “Total Chaos” PvP challenge that required all to use only the TT weapon, no amps, no armor, and definitely no healing. Once someone was killed inside the Arkadia IFN PvP ring, they were out and could not go back into the ring. Last person standing won a 50 PED reward.


    There’s only one way to share this.

    There were 3 rounds of “Total Chaos” – Fang from Soldiers of Fortune won one, and Beechbum from Irken Invaders won the other two. I think Wildman from Alpha Wild D3amons wasn’t too happy about that, so he decided to take out his revenge by engaging everyone in some good ol’ “Ring Toss” action. This is something we all did years ago prior to VU 10 before the ragdoll effect was gone, but I think Softy launched a major campaign (which I joined) to bring it back, because it’s some of the best fun many have had.

    This activity produced some very interesting outcomes, which you will see more of in a bit, but suffice it to say that Wildman’s rocket launcher had enough of a punch to launch people right out of the ring, over the cliff behind, and directly into the river – I think Moonie was one of those who got a nice swim out of it. Again, there’s only one way to share this.

    Obviously, a lot of people are gluttons for punishment, but I should talk. Going back to the “Total Chaos” events, it is customary that I get into the ring after a round has completed to pay the winner their prize money, but while they are putting away their PED, I also take out my weapon and take them out. I was doing so with Beechbum, and all was going well, but – apparently Wildman didn’t like that he lost the round, and proceeded to launch my ass outta the ring.

    Here’s where the interesting part comes in – it was a total surprise to me, and my first reaction was to say, “Who the @#$% blew me up” – but what I didn’t realize was – that little comical statement was broadcast live across the radio airwaves on MSR. I had accidentally pressed the “Lock Talk” button instead of pressing the regular button to talk on-air and then release. Syer was broadcasting live with me and promptly said – “Ladies and Gentlemen, we will get back with you momentarily” – but once you ring the bell, you can’t unring it. Gotta love the bloopers, and I figured that one day I would get caught.

    Oh and, I just have to ask – would you get caught dead looking like this – apparently SoftHart would because these are her photos, and she managed to capture one of Syer looking like he was practicing some sort of air ballet, and Calli trying to outdo Softy, but we all know from past experience that there’s no way anyone can come close to Softy’s Circ du Soliel acrobatics.







    After the ring events which were incredibly fun, some of us joined Anhithe aboard the Yamato MS for some space mob hunting. It was a fun time as well, but yours truly is still in training regarding growing some space legs, so of course my ass got lost in space, and got a bit dizzy from maneuvering positions to find the Yamato. I was all over the place and finally decided that I best find the ship and take my Quad back to the hangar. Everyone was taking turns using the ship’s gunner seats to shoot at mobs and had fun.

    On a closing note – the MSM staff (Syer, Anhithe, Calli, MS9) would like to thank everyone for joining us in celebrating not only the launch of MindStar Media, but for us to say thank you to many who have exhibited patience and support during development. We aren’t finished yet by any means, and MSM will continue to grow and develop into a more substantial Entropia Universe news service. We will continue to support MindArk and the Planet Partners to promote the Planets, and the universe as a whole.

    Stay tuned for announcements about future events.

    Article banner created by @Syer
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