Mining Event: The Triple Glow Challenge - Up to 2k PEDs to be won!

Discussion in 'Entropian Events' started by Oleg, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. Entropian Events and Qetesh present

    An event for miners on 3 land areas
    1 July – 31 August

    Take the Triple Glow Challenge and win PEDs for your efforts! You only need to get three globals to win a prize, but for those of you with more endurance there are greater rewards.

    The Land Areas

    The competition takes place on three land areas, which are all free of mobs and therefore ideal for miners.

    OLA-41 East is east of New Switzerland TP. Please note that there are three sections to this land area – only the eastern area is included in the contest.


    Resources to be found here include Caldorite, Niksarium, Adomasite, Zinc, Blausariam, Erdorium, Alicenies, Ares, Garcen, Angelic and Oil.

    OLA-57 is one TP jump north from Z’s Little Farm. If you don’t have that teleporter, you can go south from New Switzerland but it’s a much longer trip.


    Resources to be found here include Redulite, Zanderium, Kanerium, Gazzurdite, Durulium, Belkar, Iron, Garcen, Cave Sap, Typonolic and Magerian.

    OLA-61 is a short run southwest of Shinook Jungle.


    Resources to be found here include Rugaritz, Redulite, Belkar, Gazzurdite, Durulium, Lysterium, Garcen and Cave Sap.

    How to Enter

    To take part, all you need to do is mine on the three LAs and post screenshots of your globals or HoFs here.

    Screenshots must include the global message, your co-ordinates (press P), the in-game time (press U) and a map showing your position within one of the LAs.

    Marathon Prizes

    The three miners with the most globals over the course of 2 months will win the Marathon Prizes.

    • 1st place: 500 PED
    • 2nd place: 300 PED
    • 3rd place: 200 PED

    Triple Glow Prizes

    Any miner who globals at least once on each of the three LAs will win a Triple Glow Prize of 50 PED.

    A maximum of 20 miners can win a Triple Glow Prize, and each player can only win one of them. When 20 people have won 50 PED, there will be no more Triple Glows, so don’t leave it too late!

    Your Triple Glow globals will of course count towards your total in the Marathon Prize contest.

    Other Rules

    1. The contest runs from 0000 UTC (MA time) on Thursday 1 July 2010 until 2359 UTC on Tuesday 31 August 2010.

    2. Screenshots must be posted here within 24 hours of the time shown in the chat window.

    3. To be valid, all screenshots must clearly show the global message, the location and the time in your chat window, and a map confirming your position inside one of the three land areas.

    4. Please do not edit your posts! If you have something to add, make a new post. Edited posts may be disallowed.

    5. Globals are only valid if scored within the boundaries of OLA-41 East, OLA-57 or OLA-61.

    6. The judge of this competition is Oleg Oleg McMullery. In the event of any dispute, Oleg’s decision is final.

    7. We reserve the right to disallow any entries in the case of suspected PhotoShopping or other foul play.


    NOTE: This competition is also open on another forum. Entries from both forums will be combined to make the final scores.
  2. Marathon Scores

    1. Mayana maya Riechert: 21
    2. Rhagnar Rhag Thormilium: 14
    3. John Joene Mckwak: 8
    4. Gloria GoNi Nicestyle: 5
    5. Petra Julmust Karlsson: 5
    6. Brilliam Mason Seafare: 5
    7. Jewel Bugg Fleming: 4
    8. Noodles NightOwl O'Shea: 3
    9. Reyka Reyka Frethander: 3
    10. James Sircus Wolf: 3
    11. Pan Sorok Bavaria: 3
    12. Cormac McCarthy Smith: 3
    13. Leland Qweros Gaunt: 2
    14. Aleksejus Liosha Beskrovnyj: 2
    15. Heero Shunkiro Death: 1
    16. Osgrr Osse Aiam: 1

    Triple Glow Winners

    1. Jewel Bugg Fleming
    2. Noodles NightOwl O'Shea
    3. Reyka Reyka Frethander
    4. James Sircus Wolf
    5. Petra Julmust Karlsson
    6. Rhagnar Rhag Thormilium
    7. John Joene Mckwak
    8. Gloria GoNi Nicestyle
    9. Mayana maya Riechert
    10. Pan Sorok Bavaria
    11. Brilliam Mason Seafare
    12. Cormac McCarthy Smith
  3. Noodles

    Noodles Pastafarian

    Thanks for the enjoyable event :)

    Triple Glow
    LA 41
    LA 57
    LA 61

    And a questionable one. Sorry to trouble you with making a decision. There's enough info present to indicate that this global is a good one (IMO), but I forgot to open the global spam. And then when I tried to scroll back and take another screenie with spam on, I screwed up the file save :alcohol:
    No worries, whatever you decide is fine with me :bowdown:.


  4. I've been away for a few days and just got home, I'll update this when I get caught up with everything, probably tomorrow :)
  5. Scores are updated in post 2.

    Sorry Noodles but I can't accept the controversial one, grats on winning the Triple Glow Prize though :)
  6. Not much action here but there's been some on EF, so check the latest scores in post 2 :)
  7. Scores updated, there are still 16 Triple Glow prizes to be won!
  8. Scores updated in post 2.

    Anyone who's managed to win a Triple Glow Prize can collect it from me after the Nea's Challenge event on Saturday. I'll be at Nea's TP at about 2230 - you might have to give me a few minutes while I deal with the end of the other event so if I'm not there then stick around a few minutes and I'll show up :)
  9. Scores updated again.

    Triple Glow winners have another chance to collect their prize tonight after the Atrox Valley Sunday event - I'll be at Akmuul shortly after 2230.
  10. Scores updated!
  11. Scores updated.

    I'll be Akmuul at about 2230 tonight after Atrox Valley Sunday so anyone who needs to collect a Triple Glow Prize can meet me there.
  12. Scores updated, we still have 11 Triple Glow prizes to be won as well as the Marathon prizes.
  13. Scores updated!
  14. Scores updated - there are still 8 Triple Glow prizes to be won!
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