Mindark Financial Report 2017

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by Tass, Jun 3, 2018.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator


    So who can translate interesting parts, from Swedish and from Financialian?

    Sales (deposits) seem to be down ~10% compared to 2016.

    Besides loot 2.0 nothing actually happened.

    Do I read that right, that Compet costs sum up to ~1.44 Million USD till end of 2017? The cost for PCF sum up to 21k+ till end of 2017?

    Some Google translate of the not so financial stuff:


    Important events during the fiscal year

    MindArk continued in 2017 to invest in the development and marketing of Entropia Universe.
    In parallel, the company has also continued with the development of ComPet Game, a brand new game for mobile phone, tablet and PC.

    Entropia Universe - Loot 2.0

    In 2017, MindArk released a series of updates to Entropia Universe, which we have briefly called Loot 2.0. With the updates, MindArk has aimed at fundamentally changing how looted
    hunting is calculated and distributed to achieve more flexible, balanced and rewarding system. The change has gradually led to this profound development of Entropia Universe and has significantly improved payroll repayment for the large amount of players (over 95%). Now that this foundation is created, opportunities will be opened to improve the experience for more Entropians who get more entertainment for the same cost, leading to a bigger total sales and profits for MindArk.

    ComPet Game

    After the launch in late 2016, data and experiences were collected from customers. With that knowledge, the company chose to make a greater contribution to development and the package of ComPet in order to relaunch the product in 2018.

    Entropia Pocket

    In late 2016, MindArk released the mobile app Entropia Pocket. A free mobile application like
    integrates a 2FA (two-factor authentication solution) to provide enhanced security for all participants in Entropia Universe. Entropia Pocket is a complement to the previously offered
    two-factor authentication solution "Gold Card" and the idea is to terminate this solution in the long run replace the "Gold Card" solution.

    By 2017, the app has been supplemented with a targeted newsflow that is relevant to our customers. Entropia Pocket also helps with learning the game, this through instructional films. During In the last quarter of 2016, the company saw a cautious transition from the existing "Gold Card" solution, in order to see a robust growth of users by 2017. Customers have now got both confidence in solution and see the benefits of getting targeted messages and relevant information as soon as it is done

    Social VR Experience Supported for Mobile Devices

    In 2017, MindArk has developed Business VR which is a B2B solution for virtual meetings,
    seminar and more. In May 2017, the company received its first contribution from Vinnova, Sweden innovation authority to produce this product. In total, 1.9 MSEK will be paid out to
    company for 1 year time. MindArks unique experience and knowledge from Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs) have come true when the company developed Business VR, when we worked thousands of players online at the same time in a game environment for many years we have been able to utilize it knowledge and build on a B2B solution with many contemporary users in a virtual environment.

    The solution developed during the spring has been in operation in the project since the end of May. With help The company has thus been able to have meetings and communication between geographically scattered sites but in the same virtual location. Now we are working relationships with partners there Specific uses can be described and further put into use in the virtual environment that is now available front for desktop (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and MacOS) as well as for mobile devices (Google DayDream and Samsung Gear VR 2017).

    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Google translate:
    The income did not reach the company's budget targets. The reason why the budget was not reached depends largely on Part of the fact that active customers have not used their funds to the extent budgeted. The company is working intensive to make the beginner experience more understandable so that users are more likely to come start spending money (spend money). Another reason is the difficulty of finding the right one customers, that is, just that type of player who appreciates Entropia Universe's complexity and also the possibilities of the game.

  3. [QUOTE="Tass, post: 131782, member: 282] Another reason is the difficulty of finding the right one customers, that is, just that type of player who appreciates Entropia Universe's complexity and also the possibilities of the game.


    Lol pass the blame to the stupid gamers who fail to appreciate the wonderful possibilities that EU offers.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Hear hear, a gigantic re-launch of Compet is going to happen in 2018. x'D

    This is getting repetitive. Waste of time to post about it, when it will NOT be re-launched in 2018.

    Ill be here for you.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Lol pass the blame to the stupid gamers who fail to appreciate the wonderful possibilities that EU offers.[/QUOTE]

    Indeed. How dare people want to be entertained for their money. CLICKFESTORDIEDAMNIT!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    • Like Like x 1
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