MA Marketing Fail

Discussion in 'MindArk' started by Shinobi, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    between spending on advertising verses a bank, i'd rather see them go for growth. i certainly dont think they should be making the Bank their priority.

    as for the cash, seems people read the accounts, notice things they dont like, but dont notice the fat profit. many similar sized and tech focused companies would love to be profitable. i dont think its a case of they cant afford it, rather it backs my point they have the cash but choose not to market strongly.
  2. I think the MindBank CEO has a contract with a clause bailing him out for X amount of cash if the bank dont start. He has also been collecting a salary for a year and been put on the MindArk Chairman Board so if the bank fails then it has been a complete waste of cash.

    Ofcourse I would like to see growth ingame in terms of ads but I also think MindArk should actually finish atleast 1 of the projects they try to create hype about
  3. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    I have to agree with you there. I don't think their bank is going to benefit the EU community at all.
  4. Especially right now, with the premier of "A vatar" the movie.:wise:
    Its, just that timing also plays a role. Good marketeers are up to speed with the current world Media in a Multinational Entertainment company, or aught to be.:disgust:

  5. One huge ad... They should do one gigantic ad... aim it for the halftime at Superbowl... that should be enough to drive in a lot of new participants... then back to business as normal.
  6. Costs more than what MindArk has in total funds:whip:
  7. Well....latelly I`ve been seeing a lot of the senior citizen Mr. T, pushing his WOW Mohawk Nades on the telly, in fact every night for weeks now. And this is driving me nuts. :whip:

    Tell me... does WOW have a larger comercial budget than Multinational Mindark PE?:rofl:

    I am sure the CEO of MA can come up with some plans at the Swedish Masons lodge umongst his other fraternity mates:)
  8. Its kind of unfair to compare Blizzard with MindArk.

    Blizzard makes about 1-1,2billion $ a year on WoW in subscription fee's. Add in a few expansions here n there for 10-35$ each and you will notice why Mr. T is promoting WoW instead of PE
  9. MA couldve made some agreement with the movie companies to run a MA ad before the start of the main show in conjunction wit hthe release of Avatar. Just an example tho.

    Whats hindering them from experimenting with at least one worldwide TV ad at the opening of the expanding Verse?? And after that...the mainstream media will look up MA. As I am typing this Mr. T on telly in the background...grrrrrr. Thats the 4th time this evening.
  10. MindArk does not have the funds to launch a big scale advertising campaign. I think it would also be very risky for them to spend more than necessary regarding the decline of players and interest of the game. MindArk and FPC has to add several new layers of quality and playability before its even worth promoting it
  11. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    It would be risky.. but doing nothing is risky as well, it practically
    guarantees zero growth.

  12. Ye I was tryin to make that point actually. TV ads is a risk without any guarantees.:thumbup:

    But taking no action indeed gurantees no growth at all.:spank:

    I do not believe that a Multinational does NOT have the funds for advertizing.
  13. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    although its the same strategy they have pursued for the last 5 +years, got them to here.

    i think you are using your own definition of "multinational" there. Shell, with offices and production in every oil prducing country is a multinational. HSBC with bank branches in every major city of the world is a multinational. Mindark, with a single office in Sweden that happens to be online so attracts people from all over the world, is not.
  14. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    I'm not sure where you stand on the topic..
    Are you saying you agree with their lack of advertising trends?
  15. Is "here" exactly where they want to be? You, not being employed by MA, cant acuratelly answer, this can you?

    Why does MA and Pro-MA peops refer to MA as a Multinational?
  16. MindArk wanted and thought their idea would be having millions of users by now. The reasons it doesnt is that it costs way to much to play and to maintain a good level of fun vs 12.99$ a month games with no "going broke and have to be offline for a week or 2" moments.

    I can see why MindArk calls themselves multinational since they have a support office in Mexico and some serverbuilding in Germany...but its still a tiny and almost absolutely unknown company in the gaming industry
  17. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    Wasn't the office in Mexico for the cyrengine change? I would be surprised if it's still open.
  18. aridash

    aridash large throbbing member

    i dont stand anywhere, im just pointing out their "do nothing" or very little has grown them to the profitable company they are today.

    actually, where i stand is that i believe they coudl and should do more in the marketing area, but i dont think the lack of marketing is a problem from MAs point if view, its intentional. marketing is so simple, apply occams razor and if they arent doing it, this is becuase they dont see the value of it or it doesnt fit their strategy. my conclusion is that the hardware platform probably doesnt support large numbers and their economic/revenue models is suited to trickling in numbers of paying punters over a long period rather than 6, 9, 12 motnths of subscriptsion before leaving. the planets fits this as MA moves to a pure technology company with the planets run by others that can market to there hearts (or budgets) content. if they get large numbers in, their name is against any problems, though i expect the platform is expected to be more resiliant (its not, in crowds at least).
  19. Entropia Universe Support and Operations AB has their head office in Gothenburg but the office in Villanueva Mexico is still operational I think. Quite sure it was mentioned in the latest financial PDF also
  20. Chopper

    Chopper Sanctuary

    MA may be hoping on getting some free publicity from the planet partners need to get their name out there, and their own customers.
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