Letter from MindArk's CEO, Q1 2024

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EntropiaPlanets, Feb 6, 2024.

  1. TUE, FEB 06, 2024 08:00 CET

    Dear Shareholders,

    As the new year unfolds, it's an opportune time to reflect on our journey and look ahead to the possibilities that 2024 brings. Something that is close on the horizon is the upcoming Q4 report, which will detail MindArk’s performance following the strategic changes we embarked upon in 2023.

    Our engagement with Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be a key focus, drawing attention in the national media as it covers the significant technological advancements that the tech sector is experiencing now. MindArk was featured on SVT’s Rapport and Aktuellt at the beginning of January. The ongoing work we are doing underscores our commitment to leveraging technology for both operational efficiency as well as with time being able to provide an enhanced user experience within Entropia Universe.

    In parallel, our work with Unreal Engine progresses steadfastly according to the enhanced plan we've communicated in the Q3 report. This move is designed to lower risks with the game engine transition while continuously improving the experiences in Entropia Universe. The transition is more than just a technological upgrade, and doing the upgrade step by step ensures that we continue to provide and improve our universe for our users to explore in the meantime.

    We are also preparing to release a significant User Interface update in the coming weeks. This enhancement is designed to improve user interaction with our platform, both to improve performance and to achieve a cohesive design and a visual upgrade. We are confident it will be well-received by our community.

    Following last year’s implementation of new strategies and a redefined organisation, MindArk has entered into the new year more streamlined and efficient than ever before. We will now aim to expand our presence on the market and engage with investor communities both in the physical and digital in order to tell our story. These events will provide valuable opportunities for direct communication with existing and new potential shareholders.

    Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to the MindArk team for their adaptability and commitment to integrating AI into our processes. Our thanks also go to you, our shareholders, for your ongoing support, and to our user community for your continued engagement with Entropia Universe.

    We are optimistic about the year ahead and hope you are too!

    Best regards,

    Henrik Nel Jerkrot

    CEO, MindArk PE AB (publ)


    Tel: 031 607 260

    About MindArk

    MindArk PE AB (publ) (“the Company” or “MindArk”) develops and operates Entropia Universe, the world's first MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game) with a “Real-Cash-Economy”, and Entropia Platform. Entropia Universe is a virtual universe consisting of a number of planets with different themes and activities. The software is provided globally and free of charge with the possibility to spend money in the virtual universe for anyone with access to PC and the internet. Entropia Universe consists of a digital economy where resources, materials, land, and buildings are represented as digital assets with an underlying base value. Entropia Platform is the technology platform that powers Entropia Universe. The platform is shared with partners who develop their own unique game content for their planets in Entropia Universe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2024
  2. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Link to press release from MindArk:

    Copy paste of press release from first link above:

    Press release from Companies

    Published: 2024-02-06 08:00:00

    Mindark PE Aktiebolag: Letter from MindArk's CEO, Q1 2024

    Dear Shareholders,

    As the new year unfolds, it's an opportune time to reflect on our journey and look ahead to the possibilities that 2024 brings. Something that is close on the horizon is the upcoming Q4 report, which will detail MindArk’s performance following the strategic changes we embarked upon in 2023.

    Our engagement with Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be a key focus, drawing attention in the national media as it covers the significant technological advancements that the tech sector is experiencing now. MindArk was featured on SVT’s Rapport and Aktuellt at the beginning of January. The ongoing work we are doing underscores our commitment to leveraging technology for both operational efficiency as well as with time being able to provide an enhanced user experience within Entropia Universe.
    In parallel, our work with Unreal Engine progresses steadfastly according to the enhanced plan we've communicated in the Q3 report. This move is designed to lower risks with the game engine transition while continuously improving the experiences in Entropia Universe. The transition is more than just a technological upgrade, and doing the upgrade step by step ensures that we continue to provide and improve our universe for our users to explore in the meantime.
    We are also preparing to release a significant User Interface update in the coming weeks. This enhancement is designed to improve user interaction with our platform, both to improve performance and to achieve a cohesive design and a visual upgrade. We are confident it will be well-received by our community.
    Following last year’s implementation of new strategies and a redefined organisation, MindArk has entered into the new year more streamlined and efficient than ever before. We will now aim to expand our presence on the market and engage with investor communities both in the physical and digital in order to tell our story. These events will provide valuable opportunities for direct communication with existing and new potential shareholders.
    Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to the MindArk team for their adaptability and commitment to integrating AI into our processes. Our thanks also go to you, our shareholders, for your ongoing support, and to our user community for your continued engagement with Entropia Universe.
    We are optimistic about the year ahead and hope you are too!
    Best regards,
    Henrik Nel Jerkrot
    CEO, MindArk PE AB (publ)
    Tel: 031 607 260

    About MindArk
    MindArk PE AB (publ) (“the Company” or “MindArk”) develops and operates Entropia Universe, the world's first MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game) with a “Real-Cash-Economy”, and Entropia Platform. Entropia Universe is a virtual universe consisting of a number of planets with different themes and activities. The software is provided globally and free of charge with the possibility to spend money in the virtual universe for anyone with access to PC and the internet. Entropia Universe consists of a digital economy where resources, materials, land, and buildings are represented as digital assets with an underlying base value. Entropia Platform is the technology platform that powers Entropia Universe. The platform is shared with partners who develop their own unique game content for their planets in Entropia Universe.
  3. San


    • Like Like x 1
  4. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Can't play both of the reports. I suspect it only plays in Sweden...

    I'll try tomorrow.

    Thanks for sharing those though
  5. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Tried this morning and still no success.
  6. San


    I'm not sure if the videos are geofenced, but the link I gave is the Google Translate wrapper so you might need to break it out to the original url. I don't usually bother watching talking heads when they give a transcript or summary like that.

    Edit: I just tried it from the original url and couldn't play it in Chromium, but it worked in Firefox. It might be due to various adblock and privacy plugins I use.

    The first clip is in English evidently because of the interviewee's language, the second in Swedish:

    • Like Like x 1
  7. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

  8. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    I wonder why... when has anything they've ever done before been "well received" by the community. They've already had complains and a lot of concern voiced and it isn't even out yet.

    Will give the shareholders report the "AI treatment" in due course ;)
  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Aside.... why would anyone buy shares today at 3.6 when the price is 2.5 and steadily declining?

    I wonder...
  10. San


    It is argued over there that 2.5 comes pretty close to pure assets value, which means it should likely bottom out around there and signal a buying chance at almost no markup. I haven't seen that someone said they would pay more? Except one who invested already earlier and is comforting himself with affirmations. Not the problem of someone who might get interested today.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Thanks for these links san. The first one I can make sense of but second one may as well be a martian talking martianese :)
  13. San


    That's what the transcripts are for and why I put them in the first place ;)
  14. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    How do I look at the transcript for second video?
  15. San


    Pardon me? It's right there under the video, and readily Google-translated in my first reply above. Didn't anyone read it? It's not a 100% literal transcription, they edit them as a summary or short article, but I couldn't detect any omissions.
  16. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    oh you must mean the article. I didn't realise that was a transcript. It's usually not a transcript. My apologies...

    oh and I read it but didn't realise I'd read a transcript :)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

  18. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Sorry for the delay.

    Got round to doing the AI parody re-write. It was a bit naff at first then I read my email and saw they'd shifted the standard model onto a newer, cheaper version. I got it back to its former sarcastic glory by manually specifying it use the old model. Alas the old model will be retired in June so I'm good for just one more of these before needing to find a work around. Will hopefully just have to tweak a few words in the lead in prompt.

    Anyhow... enjoy ,-) (and MA don't ban my ass, it's a parody OK?)

    Dear Shareholders,

    As we start a new year, let's take a moment to pretend we're reflecting on our successful journey so far and pretend to be excited about what 2024 might bring. One thing that might actually be worth mentioning is our upcoming Q4 report, which will explain the consequences of the strategic changes we made last year. We're trying to make it seem like we're on the cutting edge of technology by babbling about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how the media has noticed us. Seriously, we were on some TV shows, which totally means we're important.

    We want to make it seem like we're doing a lot of important work with technology to improve our game, Entropia Universe. We're working tirelessly on Unreal Engine to make things slightly better. This transition is apparently more than just a technological upgrade, but we really just want to make it look like we're busy and making progress. We're also planning to release a User Interface update, which will hopefully distract everyone from the fact that we haven't really done anything groundbreaking in a while.

    We're bragging about our "streamlined and efficient" organization, even though we know it's complete bullshit. But hey, we're going to pretend that things are going great so we can expand our market presence and try to convince more people to invest in us. We're even going to hold events to make it seem like we care about our shareholders and want to communicate with them directly. But don't worry, it's all just for show.

    Lastly, we want to give a superficial shoutout to our team and pretend like they're doing something groundbreaking with AI, even though it's probably just a bunch of hype. We'll also continue pretending to appreciate our shareholders' support and our user community's engagement, even though we're just focused on making money.

    Basically, we're pretending to be optimistic about the future because that's what we're supposed to do.

    Best regards,
    Henrik Nel Jerkrot

    original: https://news.cision.com/mindark-pe-ab/r/letter-from-mindark-s-ceo--q1-2024,c3921938
    • Winner Winner x 3
  19. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Unfortunately I think we've seen an end to these letters what with the guy leaving. Ah well... all good things I guess... so no more parodies.
  20. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

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