Join us on the Normandie

Discussion in 'Trading & services' started by John Black Knight, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Join us on the Normandie ! Crew and Passenger offer !

    The Normandie a brand new aniara class mothership has left the shipyard and is ready to take up her tasks in moving goods
    and people through the universe while at the same time being an operational base for fighters in deep space.


    The following jobs will be avaiable:
    17-23MA time:
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Hangar
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Propulsion
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Reactor
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Command Centre
    Repaircrew assistent
    Mothership front gunner
    Mothership gunner 1
    Mothership gunner 2
    Fighters Topgun (Squadron Commander)
    Fighter 1
    Fighter 2
    Fighter assistent
    Scout and preparation officer
    Space Shuttle Service provided through Hangar Owners (up & down)

    23-5MA time:
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Hangar
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Propulsion
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Reactor
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Command Centre
    Mothership front gunner
    Mothership gunner 1
    Mothership gunner 2
    Fighters Topgun (Squadron Commander)
    Fighter 1
    Fighter 2
    Scout and preparation officer
    Space Shuttle Service provided through Hangar Owners (up & down)

    5-11MA time:
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Hangar
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Propulsion
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Reactor
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Command Centre
    Mothership front gunner
    Mothership gunner 1
    Mothership gunner 2
    Fighters Topgun (Squadron Commander)
    Fighter 1
    Fighter 2
    Scout and preparation officer
    Space Shuttle Service provided through Hangar Owners (up & down)

    11-17MA time:
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Hangar
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Propulsion
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Reactor
    Lead Repaircrew Officer Command Centre
    Mothership front gunner
    Mothership gunner 1
    Mothership gunner 2
    Fighter Topgun (Squadron Commander)
    Fighter 1
    Fighter 2
    Scout and preparation officer
    Space Shuttle Service provided through Hangar Owners (up & down)

    If the flight rotation is started for the above listed timeframes is depending on the number of interested customers listet for this timeframe.

    Jobdescriptions & income:
    Captain (1-2% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    You are the boss, giving the commands making sure everyone is ready and doing his job. Your task is to make your crew work as one. You will have all the rights to join in on any task on the ship.
    You have to make sure the flight schedules are kept so that the Normandie will reach her waypoints in time.
    You have to sync with Scout and preparation officer to make sure space<->planetside transports are covered when the Normandie reaches her target.

    Pilot (0.5-1% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Your job is to keep the schedules and reach the waypoints accoring to the flight plan. In case of an attack you have to turn the Normandie in the right angles so your gunners can hit the incomming targets and to turn away damaged sections from the attackers as much as possible.
    You are in consistent dialoge with your CO-Pilot, Gunners and fighters.

    CO-Pilot (0.8-1.6% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    You are the eye the one person who has the lives of the whole ship in his/her hands. Your job is to watch space and detect any incomming targets as soon as possible.
    You will be calling the fighters out and give captain, pilot and topgun all the information they need to protect the ship.
    You will be calling the targets for the mothership gunners and work closely together with Topgun.

    Lead Repaircrew Officer (0.5-1% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Your job is to keep your section alive. You need to be 100% ready and quick at all times. Your job will be to increase and manage your team on each flight.
    Your team will consist out of customers, so be nice helpful and try to make them aware on how important it is for them to be ready.
    Try to increase your skills as much as possible to soon be able to use the best repairtools avaiable, be ready to chip in if needed.
    As long as you are not lvl25 vehicle engineer you will be payed in vehicle engineer skill chips.
    You have to sync with the other Repaircrew officers to even out the teams were needed and you need to make sure your team knows its way around in case they need to run for another section to help.

    Mothership gunner (0.5-1% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    You have the largest firepower at your hands, listen to 'the eye' (CO-Pilot) when targets get called and be quick diminishing them. Your weapons cost 1 Ped per shot, you need to be able to sustain the ammunition needed and to have very few missed shots.
    You are paying the bill for ammo, but you also get the chance to loot your targets.

    Topgun (Squadron Commander) (0.7-1.4% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Jobrequirement is a fully functional quadwing. Your job will be to protect the Normandie and command her fighter squadron in close contact with 'the eye' (CO-Pilot).
    When the Normandie is going to leave the bluezone of a planet or spacestation you will be out patrouling the area around her.
    When the Normandie is aproaching the bluezone of a planet or spacestation you will be out securing space in front of her.
    When the Normandie is in Deep Space you will be in the hangar ready to take of within seconds, as soon as the eye is calling.
    You will be calling the targets for your fighter squadron considering the the info provided by 'the eye' (CO-Pilot).

    Fighter (0.5-1% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Jobrequirement is a fully functional sleipnir mk2 and upwards. Your job will be to protect the Normandie and follow the commands of the Topgun.
    When the Normandie is going to leave the bluezone of a planet or spacestation you will be out patrouling the area around her.
    When the Normandie is aproaching the bluezone of a planet or spacestation you will be out securing space in front of her.
    When the Normandie is in Deep Space you will be in the hangar ready to take of within seconds, as soon as the eye is calling.
    You will aim and fire on the targets called by the Topgun.

    Scout and preparation officer (0.5-1% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Jobrequirement is a fully functional quadwing. Your job will be to scout the space lane in front of the Normandie and notify the Captain and the eye about your findings.
    You have to avoid combat whereever possible. Your job is to reach the target destination very much in advance of the Normandie and get in contact with our external service
    providers for shuttle service preparation as well as with our customers on the respective planet to announce the arrival of the Normandie and help them getting prepared for their travel.

    Space Shuttle Service provided through Hangar Owners/UL thruster owners (up & down) (5-10% of monthly operating profit on the customers of your listed 6h timeframe - see above)
    Jobrequirement Hangar owner and/or owner of an unlimited thruster. You will be shuttleing passengers of the Normandie up & down free of charge. You are either a local service provider
    on the respective planet (in which case the share on the monthly operating profit has to be smaller) or you will travel together with the Normandie and provide shuttle service at every
    destination she reaches in this case your share on the operating profit will be higher.

    Steward/Stewardess (no monthly payment,optional , for VIP customers only)
    Your job will be to make the travel enjoyable to the Normandies VIP customers.
    Either guiding them through the ship and showing them all the sections or dancing for them in the Lounge.
    Your income will be tips only.
    Depending on the number of VIP customers this may change.

    Repaircrew/fighter assistent: The Normandie is offering unpayed repaircrew/fighter jobs where you can get trained up and practise the skills you need.
    Your respective officer will feedback your captain about your progress and the captain will update myself. This is a good way to progress towards the
    payed jobs or if you want to take a job on another Mothership we will inform its owner about your skills.
    Assistent fighters still retain the right to loot shot targets.

    Each of the listed jobs has a minimum basic payment and a bonus payment included. The first listed percentage above is the minimum payment, the second is the maximum including bonus payment.
    The bonus payment will depend on customer satisfaction. Every customer will be able to give feedback on the transport service provided directly to myself.
    There will be an average satisfaction rating soon.

    Conditions for customers:
    There will be three ways of transport the Normandie will provide:
    one time customer transport:
    This will be avaiable during my online times, i can add you to the guest list and you can travel with the Normandie to the destination of your choice according to the existing flight plan.
    One time transport fee will be 20 Ped.
    the regular customer transport:
    This will be aviable at all times, within the listet timeframes above.
    The Normandie will follow its flight plan and every regular customer can travel with her whenever he/she wants at no additional costs.
    There will be a monthly fee of 100 Ped for this service.
    the VIP customer transport:
    This will be aviable at all times, within the listet timeframes above.
    The Normandie will follow its flight plan and every regular customer can travel with her whenever he/she wants at no additional costs.
    There will be a monthly fee of 200 Ped for this service. VIP customers wont be assigned to any tasks on the Normandie and can roam the ship freely, accompanied by a steward/stewardess if they wish.

    You will pay directly to myself, noone else of the Normandies crew will ask you for money.
    As a non VIP customer we expect you to carry a repairtool and small stack of welding wires on board at all times.

    The Normandie's flight plan (not yet active) (subject to change according to the needs of our customers):
    17 MA time: Planet Calypso
    18 MA time: Planet Rocktropia
    19 MA time: Planet Calypso
    20 MA time: Planet Arkadia
    21 MA time: Planet Calypso
    22 MA time: Planet Next Island
    23 MA time: Planet Calypso
    24 MA time: Planet Rocktropia
    01 MA time: Planet Calypso
    02 MA time: Planet Arkadia
    03 MA time: Planet Calypso
    04 MA time: Planet Next Island
    05 MA time: Planet Calypso
    06 MA time: Planet Rocktropia
    07 MA time: Planet Calypso
    08 MA time: Planet Arkadia
    09 MA time: Planet Calypso
    10 MA time: Planet Next Island
    11 MA time: Planet Calypso
    12 MA time: Planet Rocktropia
    13 MA time: Planet Calypso
    14 MA time: Planet Arkadia
    15 MA time: Planet Calypso
    16 MA time: Planet Next Island

    There will be preannounced event timeframes at which the Normandie will leave her current schedule.
    Such events could be an official space hunting event, mercenary jobs, deep space mining expeditions, special high value transports on secret safelanes with beefed up mercenary support.

    For FOMA and crystal palace we will either provide an additional shuttle service (quadwing/privateer) or include them in the existing flight plan on our customers request.
    The flight plan is currently listed for all timeframes, but will only be scheduled accoding to the timeframes requested by our customers.

    All the above listet conditions are subject to change.

    Preregistration (without payment) for customers is now open
  2. The Normandie is preparing its first passenger flight to Next Island. Boarding is from 20-20.30 MA today in twin peaks on calypso.
    The backflight to calypso will be tomorrow with boarding again from 20-20.30 MA on next island.
    One way ticket price for Next Island -> Calypso Spacestation will be 15 Peds (calypso TP fee excluded).
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