In Game: What did you do today? (one liners)

Discussion in 'Entropia Community' started by narfi, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Emptied my ped card into prizes and event creation fees.
    10 in game events over the next 5 days :)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. starting over is oh so fun.
  3. ran around on my land after buying a little more of it. This land is my land. This land is your land, from the wonderland to the abyss. This land is for you and me.
  4. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Showed my friend I am visiting Entropia. Surprised to see it works ok on a 3G connection and on my Thinkpad S440 laptop in the next res down from 1600x900 full screen with high settings, We wondered around Medusa's head some then flew NEE a bit in the vtol. Ran out of fuel while crossing the water haha then ended up on an island populated by merp (handy if you fancy a change from the ice LA on amethera while doing the merp grinds) bringing about a very swift demise. We then went back and flew over in the quad and landed on the economy tower. Had a look through a scope at the newer areas to the North and showed my friend the map and just how damn big Calypso was! We then went Twin to see the traders and took an adhoc valk ride out west to the mobs out there. Somehow got a mob train going so decided to explode the car for comedy relief.
  5. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Sounds like you had some fun Wistrel ... I've been skilling my Control Wizard in Neverwinter so that I can have her at Level 60 too ... I like playing the Wizard more than the Healer ... got her up to Level 42 and just 3 bars shy of 43, so creeping up there, but having a LOT of fun. Obie, an EU friend (Erik Auberg) and I did a 5-party dungeon by ourselves and had a blast.

    I haven't even updated the last version of EU yet, so have NO clue what's going on other than what I read .. I'm having too much fun otherwise. :biggrin:
  6. whip it! Whip it real good... started the second phase of the carabok mission on Ark last night. Trying to do it 100% with the good ol viper whip as much as possible (still using some ammo now and then when whip needs repair, etc.). I'm amazed at how many skill bonus timers I'm setting off doing this. Set off something like 3 of the 5 minute ones (or where they only 3-4 minutes?) in about 3 hours of hunting. Is this normal, or is some sort of event causing these suckers to show up in loot this often?
  7. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    You don't want to know what I did ingame today ... ;-)
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Me and my team have been getting about 1per hour or maybe a little more often than that even for the last week or two.
  9. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Been playing CSR Racing on my phone since last summer, been in the top 3% online each season since (which wins you new PRO cars)

    Usually first and last weekend of each season is double points, but ill be on vacation the end of this season/beginnin of next so been doing more mid season online races to make sure I still qualify for top 3%

    Currently sitting at top 2% for this season, want to get up around 285k pts which is my goal most seasons to ensure top 3% and the best prize.

    Haven't deposited into the game yet and still done this well so it is pretty well balanced for a free game imo.

    You an grind for in game money by winning offline races.
    There is an entry fee for entering online races as well as if you want to hire any pit crew etc...
    I usually grind for money during the week on my coffee breaks, then on double point weekends I race as much as I can and spend it all fast building up as many respect points as possible.


    (sorry broke my own rule for one liners :( )
  10. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Finished the Dynasty section of NBA2k14 on my phone, now I just have the Fantastic Journey section left.

    Killed a few scipular last night when I couldn't sleep, the team is managing the events while I am on vacation so haven't really kept up on that the last few days.
  11. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    FAPed a new player doing the starving atrax mission. Turned out he had played back in the old PE days so had a nice chat about what had changed ;)
  12. I did nothing it seems i just stare at plants and trees on the planets but just stand their doing nothing wasting server space without spending a pec.
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
    • Hussked Hussked x 1
  13. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    Jump to a random TP, run south - do some hunting and mining there.
  14. Started to hunt my Oro to find my mouse broke! :(
  15. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Bought a new mouse. Wife is away 2 months so will probably be hunting a LOT :) (as well as a ton of OT at work since she has the crexit cards with her o.0 ..... jking really she is wiser with cash than me)
  16. Ya really good one.. Short,sweet and informative post..
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  17. used the system interfaces for the first time in eons... sent a pm to my 'mentor' that we still need to team hunt since that's the only thing keeping me from graduating (guess it's been that way a few years, lol). Also deleted out my Partcipant content since I no longer own signs or the estates to put them in... (something else that's been sitting out there a few years waiting for me to do it but that I never got around to til now) a little over 60 peds from that. Spent 50 of em on an AUD.
  18. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Hunted some Atrax/Atrox on OLA39 before work
  19. Sweat baby sweat
  20. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    so we can both watch x files
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