Immersive Sweat Gathing Also Works.

Discussion in 'Blogs' started by I-o-I, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. It's either a new way to sweat gather, or the way it was meant to be done in the first place for experienced gathers.
    If your short on ammunition and can't swhunt or lack enough players to form a sweat circle; there is another option. Albeit more challenging and potentially dangerous, but at least makes for a more exciting time for those who find sweat gathering dull.
    What you need to start is a large group of creatures, preferably within range of your collection device.
    A nearby sentry gun to deal raging and hopefully dry mobs. Or friend who can dish out enough damage to kill.
    Your goal is to move from one sweat target to the next without raising their aggression.
    You can end up moving through entire fields of creatures and not get attacked much or at all.
    I've collected sweat from groups of creatures this way without being attacked.
    Obviously the better you are at gathering the less tries you need to accomplish.
    You can still get attacked from angry creatures. It could be that some are spawned with a short fuse. As you can drain others until they are dry by using the technique above. Which usually requires cycling through a few targets before coming back to draw from them.
    But you will notice that if one kills you and then again and again if you keep interaction with it, it gets a higher rage description each time.
    I don't know how long it takes for them to calm down from it. I know they do.
    There seems to be a genuine set of conditions that come into play.
    It's not entirely random as some think. "The games a casino!", well last I checked you can't skill up against slot machines or roulette tables.

    If it takes you along time to even use your device, then you shouldn't try this too soon.
    Every attempt counts against you, whether you make a connection between your tool and the creature or not.
    You try once then move to the next one unto you've cycled through all your options.
    After you die from one, you can try another shot at the risk of aggravating it more.
    It's chances of raging are much higher than a fresh target or one you've cycled a few times. Even with successful gains.

    If you want to do it with high end mobs that carry lots of sweat, you can purposely annoy them and get in their face until they chase you.
    When you get enough, bring them closer to where you hope to respawn. Then after they kill you head back when you've recovered.
    And either cycle sweat them or have them all chase you until they're are where you wanted them.
    This method isn't as immerse as heading out and just cycle sweating as you go.
    And also raises the mobs aggression making them more likely to attack sooner than they otherwise would.
    All in all, its a lot more adventurous than to just sit and sweat while a mob pounds away at you.
    Doing that is still more beneficial for increasing your defensive skills. I find sweat cycling more interesting.
    One method for low level mobs you can AFK from and come back and hunt. The other has more fun factor.
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