I'm looking for a better screen recorder

Discussion in 'Life, the Universe and Everything' started by nexus7, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. How do some EU partcipants manage to get such good quality screen recordings, at least going by the numerous clips I've seen on YouTube and others?
    I've tried FRAPS and another one called TAKSI but imho the resulting video captures/recordings are very jerky and patchy, so what do some people use then?
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  2. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    I did not even know that some EU partcipants manage to get such good quality screen recordings going by the clips he or she saw on YouTube and others do. I'm not sure if I would like to try FRAPS and another one called TAKSI but imho the resulting video cpturesrecordings jerky and patchy so what do some peole use then are . What's it like?
  3. FRAPS seems to work fine for me, at least on my new machine, on my old machine it was jerky etc. I suspect it needs more resources than you have available for it.
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  4. Yeah you really need quite a lot of go in your pc for these to work well. 2 cpu lots of spare ram and ideally a secondary hard disk for the video target files
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  5. Sorry for late reply. Fraps is ok for anything that's offline ( a game, etc), it's only when I record EU or anything else online with high graphics content that I get problems. I've got 2 gigs of ram, but only a single core cpu, an AMD that's a P4 equivallent. Could the additional drive be an external USB one or would it have to be internal? Thanks everyone:)
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  6. If usb then best v2, but it's mainly so the game, os and recorder aren't all thrashing the same disk heads. If single core cpu you're going to struggle, choose the format that needs the least cpu time. Another alternative is to use the tv out on one machine and record into another running the screen grab.
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  7. I thought there might be some system overload going on - looks like I've got my work cut out
    here:rolleyes: Many thanks:)
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  8. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Whatever gave you that idea?
  9. What gave me that idea? The game, os, and recorder sharing the same drive... Any ideas talkerbot?
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