I'm lame.

Discussion in 'Greetings, Hello, Goodbye' started by Arcarian, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Arcarian

    Arcarian Forever Newbie!

    I totally forgot to get around and say hello to everyone. Sorry about that but I've been a bit busy with packing. The full name is Mercurial Arcarian Firewater, but feel free to call me Merc or Arc. I started out on EU about a week ago or so and must admit that while sweating makes my eyes fall out, so boring, it helps feed my ammo addiction. Hopefully my hunts will start going better and I'll get better things to sell to make up for my ammo.

    Anyways, just saying hello to everyone and hope to see ya around. You can generally find me at the Sweat Camp, although I'm trying to find my way out to Neas.
  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hey Arc :) Welcome to EP :headbang:
  3. Hi :)

    This post was obviously too short.
  4. Hi welcome here :wave:
  5. I like your positive look towards the game.
    The game can be very unforgiving at times, VERY..

    So It's nice to hear somone not letting their chin down :D
  6. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Yo Lame-o! Already met you and I believe you are a long-termer in the making!

    Keep it up man :)
  7. Roni

    Roni bartender

    Hi & welcome. Ill wave when I see ye at swamp :)
  8. Arcarian

    Arcarian Forever Newbie!

    Well, I must admit that while its been a lot of fun, there really are a lot of... challenged people in this game. Like those who expect this game to play like WoW. I am very sad that my computer is packed and that I'm stuck with my laptop at the moment. Don't go having too much fun without me. Also, I am very happy that I got my first Global a few days ago. Wasn't much, only 87 PED, but still, was very nice. I'll be looking forward to getting that swirl of light more often.
  9. Blackjack

    Blackjack Who? Me?!!!

    Gratz on your first swirlie, and welcome to Entropia!

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