I'm interested in getting my society involved

Discussion in 'Adopt a Newbie Foundation' started by Zelgato, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. I wanted to help out with the adopt a newbie foundation. I wanted to know how to get my society involved in this. We are called Interstellar Trade Corp. or just ITC. I hope to hear back from you soon

    Zelgais Greyworth
  2. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Thanks for your interest, and I'm sure one of the individuals involved with this foundation will be along soon to give you all the information needed to get started. This is really a good organization, and ... welcome to Entropia Planets. :)

  3. Eh he well thanks for the warm welcome. I just hope to be able to contribute to helping out new players get their feet on this new world ^.^
  4. Dalas

    Dalas ANF Master & "Death Limited" Healer

    Woo! Hey Zelgato!

    Indeed, welcome to Entropia Planets!

    The way to get your soc involved will be first to visit my Society List thread here: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/forums/adopt-newbie/1176-*adopt-newbie*-society-list.html and post the relevant information about your soc there. After that, we can set up a personal meeting and just have a chat so I can get to know you a bit :)

    That's really it for now! I look forward to hearing more from you soon.

    Dalas :afro:
  5. I've posted the information you reqeusted ^.^ if you have anymore questions let me know. As well as for the most part of this week i'm on most the day but contact me when you're ready to meet me. I look forward to it.
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