Huon MASSACRE @ Sanctuary Cove

Discussion in 'Sanctuary Cove' started by Hawkwing, Nov 25, 2013.

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  1. Huon Massacre Header.png
    Welcome to Huon MASSACRE @ Sanctuary Cove
    ...a hunting event that stacks on top of IFN CHALLENGE BOUNTY,
    so your Huon globals earn you payments in both events simultaneously.

    Huon Massacre repeats each calendar month, and is based on how many Huon globals you can achieve in each month (MA time, which is UTC).

    YOU GET PAID TO GLOBAL and the more you global, the more you get paid per global!
    This event runs for the first time in December 2013.

    SC text seperator forum.jpg


    Your payment each month is based on your total number of globals on all maturities of Huon in that calendar month, according to the following tiers.

    MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. Once you enter a new tier, the higher rate will be payable on ALL Huon globals that month, not just the Huon globals in that tier.

    # Globals in calendar monthBase Payment (per global)VIP Payment (per global)
    50 - 990 ped5 ped
    100 - 1495 ped10 ped
    150 - 19910 ped15 ped
    200 +15 ped20 ped

    Example 1
    The difference made by VIP status
    121 regular globals will earn you [5*121] = 605 ped.
    The same number of VIP globals will earn you [10*121] = 1,210 ped!

    Example 2
    The difference made by getting into the next tier
    199 VIP globals will earn you [15*199] = 2,985 ped.
    Getting one more global, 200 VIP globals, will earn you [20*200] = 4,000 ped!

    SC text seperator forum.jpg


    Complete the IFN CHALLENGE BOUNTY for Huon (which earns you 2,000 ped!) and you will become a Huon VIP automatically, for the rest of time!

    Your Huon VIP status will begin from the start of the calendar month after you complete the IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon.

    SC text seperator forum.jpg


    Well, it is.

    All you have to do is go hunting, then meet in game every now and then to claim what is owed to you!

    So head out there and get those swirlies flying!

    1. Please be running the Entropia Tracker software, available at, to help ensure your globals are captured by EntropiaLife.​
    2. You do not need to track your progress as Entropia Life will be doing this. If your global does not appear on Entropia Life, please report this to Entropia Life.​
    3. Prize money will be paid in game at the Sanctuary Cove Teleporter periodically, at times that will be announce as far in advance as can be managed.​
    4. Don't worry if you can't make it to a prize collection - a running tally of what is owed to you will be kept, so when we meet, you will receive everything we owe you.​
    5. A "Huon global" in this competition is considered to be any loot from a Huon registering a value higher than 50 PED and recognised by Entropia Life, including HoF (Hall of Fame) and ATH (All Time High). In other words, a Huon loot of over 50 PED TT value.​
    6. When you complete the IFN Challenge Huon - Stage 5, you will receive an Achievement. You must have Achievements set to public so that your status can be confirmed when you meet with a representative of SC to claim your payment.​
    Sanctuary Cove Forum Footer.png
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    1. How do you define that IFN Challenge 12K was completed? A - When you complete the IFN Challenge Huon - Stage 5, you will receive an Achievement. You must have Achievements set to public so that your status can be confirmed when you meet with a representative of SC to claim your payment.
    2. I like my privacy, will I have to show my Achievements each time? A - No. The first time you meet an SC Rep, they will record your avatars full name so that you won't have to worry about it in the future.
    3. Can teams participate in this if they set a name to be recognised with EL ? A - Not at this stage. There certainly are plans for a team event, they are just a little harder to put into practise. There will be various other options along the way as we get each one developed, along with additional events as well in the months to come, so stay tuned! For the time being, these events are setup for individuals only.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  3. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    Great initiative by estate owner ... give my regards. :thumbsup:
  4. [​IMG]
    Greetings Arkadians and visiting Entropians!

    Today marks the start of Huon MASSACRE for the month of December, so get your gear out and start culling the herds!

    Times and dates will be published when prizes may be collected, this is likely to be in the first week of next month (January), at the Sanctuary Cove teleporter.

    Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  5. [​IMG]
    Weekly update:

    So far this week (to Dec 7th) there have been a total of 953 hunting globals registered on Sanctuary Cove.
    How many of them are yours?

    All you need to remember is, for each global* you score on Sanctuary Cove, you get paid!

    Still want more? Well, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    After all is said and done, there's just one question you have to ask yourself:

    GOT PED?

    And, if the answer is NO, then why not take a trip to Sanctuary Cove?

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  6. [​IMG]
    Weekly update:

    So far this week (to Dec 16th) there have been a total of 1,438 hunting globals registered on Sanctuary Cove. Last week there were 953!
    How many of them are yours?

    Remember, for each global* you score on Sanctuary Cove, you get paid!

    Still want more? Complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    There's just one question you have to ask yourself:

    GOT PED?

    If the answer is NO, then why not take a trip to Sanctuary Cove?

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  7. [​IMG]

    Happy New Year!
    With the end of 2013 comes the end of December, the first completed month of the Huon MASSACRE! There were a total of 2098 globals on Huon during December, with a total of FIVE people qualifying for the Huon MASSACRE prize!

    Congratulations to:

    Bundy Rum Bear

    Honey Kitten Little
    ruskea kheet kheeter
    Snake Slither Hellfire
    Stewart Dunk Wesley

    I will endevour to catch these five people in game ASAP to hand them their prizes! Meanwhile, today marks the first day of Huon MASSACRE for the new month.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  8. [​IMG]

    January draws to a close, the second month of the Huon MASSACRE event. There were a total of 3669 hunting globals on Sanctuary Cove during January which was a huge effort. This month, FOUR people qualified for the Huon MASSACRE prize, include TWO VIPs!

    Well done to:

    Bundy Rum Bear
    Jonny Clyro Vedder
    Magenta Tassels Redgrave
    Snake Slither Hellfire

    I will endevour to catch these four people in game ASAP to hand them their prizes! Meanwhile, today marks the first day of Huon MASSACRE for the new month.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  9. [​IMG]

    February was always going to be a challenge, being a couple of days shorter than other months, but there were still some committed hunters who managed to secure a prize for the Huon MASSACRE event. There were a total of 3905 globals on Sanctuary Cove during February which was a huge effort. This month, ONE person qualified for the Huon MASSACRE prize, who was a VIP!

    Well done to:

    Bundy Rum Bear

    I will endevour to catch Bundy in game ASAP to hand over his prizes! Meanwhile, the Huon MASSACRE for the new month is already well underway.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  10. [​IMG]


    March has well and truly concluded and I must apologise to you all for taking so long to publish the results. Unfortunately I have not had internet access for the last week, a case of real life getting in the way. However, I am back now and have the chance to let you all know the dedicated winners of the Huon MASSACRE prize for March. There were THREE people who qualified for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month.

    Well done to:

    Adrelina Tasior'ek Unknown
    Daniel DAN Jagiello
    Michael Phoenix Moore

    I will endevour to catch these three people in game ASAP to hand them their prizes! Meanwhile, we are well into the Huon MASSACRE for the new month.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.

    Unfortunately, I can't seem to find Michael Phoenix Moore in the player register to send a friend request. Phoenix, could you please send me a friend request? It will make getting your prize to you easier!
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  11. [​IMG]

    And April winds to a close, those of us in the southern hemisphere are starting to rub up against the cold and those in the northern hemisphere looking forward to summer I bet. Fortunately, hunting Huons is an event for all seasons and this month the dedicated winners of the Huon MASSACRE for April did exceptionally well, racking up some really super impressive numbers of globals. There were THREE people who qualified for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, two of whom are VIPs.

    Well done to:

    dutch fluske mooren
    Snake Slither Hellfire
    Michael Phoenix Moore

    I will endevour to catch these three people in game ASAP to hand them their prizes! Meanwhile, we are well into the Huon MASSACRE for the new month.

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  12. [​IMG]

    Another excellent month of hunting at Sanctuary Cove. During June there were TWO people who qualified for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, BOTH of them VIPs.

    Well done to:

    Adrelina Tasior'ek Unknown
    Snake Slither Hellfire

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  13. Hello Everyone,

    My apologies, I am have been in the process of moving house over the last week and a bit and have not had internet (or half my stuff that I need) and it is not an experience I am eager to rush to repeat anytime soon!

    I will go my best to get online for a while on Sunday, but will mostly be online more from Monday.

    Apologies again for the inconvenience.

  14. [​IMG]

    And apologies to the prize winners this month for being so late. I have been moving house. I hate moving house. Enough said on that topic.

    On happier news though, there were FOUR people who won prizes for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, ONE of whom was a VIP.

    Well done to:

    Arthur Arthur Aspback
    georgie cheese smoker
    Naama Naamios Kala
    Snake Slither Hellfire

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  15. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    I'll be helping Hawkwing give out prizes again this month so if you are unable to catch him, you can contact me and I can make a time to login and sort you out on his behalf.

    <---- See here for my avatar name [​IMG]
  16. [​IMG]

    House all moved and internet connected, you don't realise how much you miss high speed internet until you don't have it!

    On important news though, there were SEVEN people who won prizes for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, FOUR of whom are VIPs.

    Well done to:

    Bundy Rum Bear
    georgie cheese smoker
    Gregory MayDay Jam
    Magenta Tassels Redgrave
    ruskea kheet kheeter
    Skai Blondie Boa
    Snake Slither Hellfire

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  17. Huon Massacre Header.png


    Welcome to Summer for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, time to hit the beaches, long hours of daylight and don't forget the sunscreen! Or if you are Northern Hemisphere, rug up against the cold and put the kettle on! But here on Arkadia, the weather is always awesome, perfect for hunting and mining all the time.

    On important news though, there were FIVE people who won prizes for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, TWO of whom are VIPs.

    Well done to:

    Bill Billyboy Carson
    Bundy Rum Bear
    ruskea kheet kheeter
    Skai Blondie Boa
    Vitus Tus Berg

    A special mention for Skai Blondi Boa, who qualified for a prize for both Huon MASSACRE and Kadra MASSACRE in the same month! Well done!

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  18. Hi,

    I will log in at 1100 MA time Friday and again 0030 MA time Saturday for anyone available to collect prizes.

    People I have not been able to catch yet for Kadra MASSACRE prizes are:

    Bill Billyboy Carson
    Bundy Rum Bear
    ruskea kheet kheeter
    Gregory MayDay Jam

    Hope to see you then!

  19. [​IMG]

    Happy New Year fellow Arkadians! December was a great month for hunting and many thanks to everyone who contributed to making Sanctuary Cove a fantastic place to hunt, party, trade, craft or just hang out in 2014.

    For the final month of 2014, there were FIVE people who won prizes for the Huon MASSACRE prize this month, THREE of whom are VIPs.

    Well done to:

    Bundy Rum Bear
    Chase chasmlb kirchner
    georgie cheese smoker
    Raven Lunchbox Palehorse
    xXx MrUnderCover xXx

    A special mention for Bundy Rum Bear and georgie cheese smoker, who both qualified for a prize for both Huon MASSACRE and Kadra MASSACRE in the same month! Well done!

    Also, neither Snape nor myself have been able to catch the following people for previous months' prizes. If you guys are still out there, please PM us in game or on the forum to arrange a time to meet!

    Bill Billyboy Carson
    ruskea kheet kheeter

    Don't forget, to qualify for VIP status, complete your IFN Challenge Bounty for Huon and qualify for the VIP rate!

    * Please read the rules and FAQs at the top of the thread for additional information.​
  20. EwoK

    EwoK Southern Fortress Engineering

    Hi Guys,

    Just to let you all know that Hawkwing is having some Gold Card issues and is currently unable to login. Hopefully this will all be cleared up with assistance from MA Support by the end of the month.

    Stay tuned and one of us will let you know when he knows more.

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