haven't played in 2 weeks...

Discussion in 'Greetings, Hello, Goodbye' started by RAZER, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Like the title says I haven't played in 2 weeks now and to be honest I kinda like it. With all the crap going on the end of last year, with planets that are not finished, new islands that basically suck, loot still sucks and nothing new to do on Calypso I noticed that I just logged in to log in and most of the time didn't do anything or watched a movie while standing somewhere doing nothing. So at the beginning of this year I kinda just stopped logging in. Have been trying another game (Twinity - Virtual World with Avatars, free 3D Chat and Real Cities to meet new people and flirt.) which was fun for a while, but is getting boring already.

    To a soc mate I said that I would be back when either Cyrene or Arkadia will launch and I get the feeling that is what I will do.

    I have had periods in game where I was a bit bored, but usually something happened that got me back, but now that doesn't seem to happen.

    Don't worry I'm not quitting and I will be coming here to bother you with stuff and I might even come online a bit, but don't expect me to much.
  2. Lavawalker

    Lavawalker RETIRED

    Sounds like the boat I was in a year ago.

    Nothing new, but hang in there if you enjoy the game.

    As a part time activity you may want to give Afterworld a go, it can be a bit boring to start with but once you level up a bit it is a lot of fun.

    Lots of people online there now, join a good society and enjoy the interaction of others ;)

    Other than that, not playing Entropia, you save a ton of money :D
  3. What he said really and it is also what I am doing to a huge extend.

    However I am still looking for some new F2P game to kill some time in and learn from the Game Design... but couldn't find anything interestning yet..... I just realized that I never got to the level cap in any "level" based MMO apart from GW maybe lol ... I think I need to change that in a good one... got any recommendations? :D
  4. Nobatti

    Nobatti Guest

    Have you tried DDO or Atlantica? Those consumed a bunch of time for me in the three months before vu10 ( the last major loot downturn). Maybe time for me to go back for a while.
  5. ok thx I will try atlantica online for a few hours... that seems to be a rather unique game concept these days.
  6. khaos

    khaos DnB'addict

    Same here at the moment.

    As for game recommendations; I currently play lotro and WoW on a private server. Both free :)
    Been also looking at star wars the old republic, a beta should be there soon.
    If you like games where you don't have to spend a lot of time at, Minecraft is an option as well :)
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